Exactly, after games Rex doesn't say 'hey look at us who can beat us?' He says we're thankful/fortunate for the win and we'll keep working towards our ultimate goal. Obviously not in those words exactly but he's just being himself.
Which of course makes him so different than Bradshaw, Jacobs, and Eli. Oh wait.... And of course isn't this just Greene's 2nd fumble?
Can someone who is an actual Jet fan and NOT a Francesa ass kisser call the damn show and ask Fatty when the Jets have beaten their chests after these wins? And said "we're awesome" in regards to these wins?
Yes, he says "we will take it" and "I am not going to apologize for winning" not..."HEY WE ARE LOOKING GREAT NOW!"
I think whalecessa is confusing Greene with Mr. League leader in fumbles...ahmad bradshaw. But fahmbels ah nawt as see-ree-is when ah clasee giahant does it
I would love to call into the show but I'm way too rational to ever get put in the air. It's guys like "JetsKickAss" that probably call into this fucking show
Yeah wasn't doubting it, I had to get away from the game for a lil while to help my dad do something on the computer I guess I missed it.
I am glad some people torture themselves and listen to the asshat and write in this thread. I haven't listed in almost a year, but this thread keeps me informed. Oh and I want Harris to end Woodhead. I hate that little shit.
I don't know the exact rule other than the old four men in a line stuff is out. But they did have two groups of two holding hands running up the middle and the flag was thrown.
Not gonna lie tho, Woodhead has been really impressive for the Pats. It's frustrating but it's tru, he fits perfectly into the scrappy white guy role that Troy Brown perfected for years.