jets uni should replace black with gold, like army. dark green or kelly green match up much better with gold. the white is retained as trim color.
I think the Jets with the black looks bad ass. I don't buy for a second they're "fake". Too much effort went into them for that. It's a Nike/NFL trial balloon. Release it as a "leak" or a "fake" and gauge public reaction.
Those are fucking horrible. I really hope the resume of whoever made this is being passed around Nike's headquarters as a replacement for tissues during the cold season.
I'm just going to say it, I am in love with the Patriots one it's just super cool and original to me but that's just me, the Dolphins one is just straight gay though
I dont understand what the heck you guys are talking about! Not ONE, NOT ONE of those jerseys even looks kinda cool. They are all down right horrible, and would seriously push me away from the NFL if this was done. God I hope this isnt even being considered by the Jets. Those uniforms are HORRIBLE!!!
i hate the patriots but i like whole american flag uni... but i like our color scheme i dont what it to be changed but if it were i do like the new ones and woody is the type of guy to go with what sells and i would put money on those selling for us... I don't think nike can control what teams wear they would just produce the jerseys... maybe teams would wear those once or twice a season like we do the titans unis
Holy shit they're fake. They came from a graphics design board. They have psd templates of many things and users post what they did. Jfaulk posted these months ago on twitter from their original board. They are fake. You actually think Nike or 1 designer designs every NFL jersey? The team owner decides, just like when we changed up styles/logos Reebok didn't redesign the whole NFL.
All those designs are putrid. Most of them do not even make sense. The Lions logo is facing the wrong direction, half of the Titans logo was cut off on the helmet, the Chiefs would never get rid of their red helmet, etc. Nike will supply the uniforms in 2012. Nike will not redesign anything unless a particular team wants to redesign their look.
can a moderator edit the title? maybe make it say this is not true and only a sketch from photo shop. maybe then all the people who dont read the entire post wont keep thinking this is happening.
You're wrong. Look at all the Nike Combat Uni shit in college. Nike designed and created them. Every manufacturor(spelled wrong, fuck off) designs their unis.
I agree that they're pretty awful, but a uniform "would seriously push [you] away from the NFL"? Really? You're that emotionally invested in the clothes they wear that a bad uniform choice would affect your love for the game?
Why does everyone keep comparing these to Oregon's uniforms? Oregon's uniforms are at least twice as good as ANY of these ones. These are all just atrocious.