I thought it was hilarious in a campy sort of way. If Liam Neeson were a black dude, that would have been the best blacksploitation movie ever :lol:
Hahahaha...I had a similar conversation with one of my friends that thought the movie was awesome. I think we talked about Liam Neeson being replaced by one of the Wayans brothers and/or Charlie Murphy.
French Arabs? Wow, they were really thinking out of the box in the villain department. The only way that could be more unimaginative was if they were French Arab Nazi Zombie Bankers.
It's all over the internet. Just google it, you'll find something. FTR: I thought Hardy was going to be either Black Mask or Dr. Hugo Strange from the beginning.
Keep it coming fellas. So funny! That rumor has been around, as have many. I thought maybe since he posted it he had some new news or something. Why can't you guys just be cool? I don't see the joy in always being assholes.
Look how angry he is. He probably sat down to get his picture taken and said to himself: "...I have a fucking bowlcut."