I'm going on Sunday with 3 Browns fans...I've got to say after the way they've been playing I'm not as confident as I was after week 3. That said, I'm still confident the Jets are going to win. The browns aren't that good and the Jets have been winning despite not playing their best football. The same arguments will come up (as they always do with these homos.) The browns have a better history than the Jets, the browns are a more storied franchise...and so on. Let's be honest. The RAVENS have a great long term history (going back to the 50's and 60's.)The browns are an expansion team. They came into the league in 1999 and they've made the playoffs ONCE (they fucking hate hearing that!) I also love coming back to the fact that the entire town is loaded with some of the worst franchises in pro sports. I know the beers will be flowing, so things may get ugly at the stadium... What are some other GREAT slights against the browns?
I still believe the way the NFL handled the Browns franchise should be the model for all of pro sports. If only they would apply it retroactively and give the Ravens the old Baltimore Colts history. MLB needs to revoke all LA and SF baseball history prior to 1958, the NBA franchise in New Orleans should be the Jazz, etc. The Browns are the only franchise with a more tenuous grasp on past greatness than the Jets. Their last league title predates the AFL. Their greatest teams were with Martyball. The thread premise reminds me of the line from Monty Python, "I can't think of anything worse to call them than Belgians." These people are Cleveland fans? Why attempt to grind them further into the dust?
My advise would be to conduct yourself with class. I happen to be a piece of shit Browns fan(real class act, name calling) and try to act like a person first and a fan second but if you think for one minute your going to go into CBS and start hurling verbal insults I would have another thought. If you do brother I hope like hell you got real wings to go with being a Jets fan cause your likely to need them. If you go to the game and act with class the Brown fans will act in kind. In fact I would recommend that you go to the muni lot and have fun at the tailgate. Generally speaking the tailgaters will welcome fans from other teams with open arms. There is just one rule, DON"T BE RUDE". A little friendly banter, no problem, if it goes beyond that remember your out manned and out numbered. Have fun I think if you go and don't act the fool you'll have the time of your life, and likely leave a Browns fan.................:wink: BTTB
Dude, don't get your brown panties in a bunch. He's looking for trash talk with his friends. If he plans on being an obnoxious asshole towards total strangers, he'll get whatever is coming to him, no different than anywhere else.
Ammo? Are you serious? When I was at the Lions game I barely heard any kind of smack talk. Fans of shitty franchises know not to talk smack. You'll be fine.
A real show of class on your part. If I was a Jets fan I would be ashamed right about now. Fans are fans the only difference is the uniform they root for. But let me give you a bit of my own history OK. I was born and raised in upstate NY. I moved around a bit and ended up in Cleveland in the late 70’s. Prior to moving there I was a Giants fan. But I just couldn’t get over how much that town absolutely loved their football team. Everywhere you went there were signs Go Browns and then one Sunday I had to go to the store, and while walking to the store I could hear the Browns fans inside their homes screaming at the top of their lungs at their TV sets (seems stupid right?), and the streets where totally empty, I mean no cars no people, nothing, everyone was either at the game or watching on the TV. Hell my girl friend at the time who was born and raised in Cleveland mom used to watch the games and if you ever met her there is no way you would ever think she would EVER watch a football game, way to proper a lady for football. I was hooked from that point forward. I watched the fans in Cleveland invade Hopkins airport in the middle of the night after the Browns finally made the playoffs after 10 years of trying. That wasn’t so remarkable, but the fact that there were thousands that stood in 20+ degree bellow zero weather was. So the passion that Browns fans have for their team is something I have never seen, not in NY certainly, and not in any of the other towns I have lived in, NYC being one of those places. Trust me there is no more passionate fan then a Browns fan. That is the reason the Browns were able to keep their name, because they refused to let go of anything they loved so much. It’s impossible to put into words the feeling this town has for its football team. So when you go to a game remember your talking to a fan that likely was born a Browns fan. Hell both my girls were wrapped in Browns Blankets the day they were born, there girls and their only 3, but ask them who their favorite team is? That’s how it is in Cleveland. Maybe folks are right there just isn’t anything else to get excited about when it comes to Cleveland, that doesn’t change the passion for the Browns. So like I said go to the game be respectful, Browns fans are people too, misguided perhaps but passionately misguided. We love our football team. Respect that, and you’ll find plenty of friendly folks to have a great time with. BTTB
I have much respect for Browns fans. Anyone who sticks with a horrible team that long has much more in common with us Jets fans than anyone who roots for the Cowboys, Steelers, Patriots, Colts or any other trendy bandwagon team.
I like the odds. BTW, your out-manned and out-numbered here, so stop with whining , its a Jets board.
I assure you no Jet fan is ashamed right now of my comments. Does this make you a more passionate fan than me?
Ageed, we have way more incommon then you might think. We are long suffering for sure, but our passion remains. That says it all IMO BTTB
Didn't you just give us your boring history in an attempt to prove that your dawg mask wearing fans were more passionate about your team than we are of ours? Now we have more in common?
It depends if your talking about a real fan that is respectful of others while being passionate about their own team. Yeah I fugure I got it all over you brother........... BTTB