Actually your uncle will be going against Obamacare and the law if he doesn't purchase health insurance. There are ways to address your uncle's situation and many others like it. Socialized medicine is just not the right answer.
On a side note, don't miss Glenn Beck as he tears uber liberal George Soros to pieces during his remaining shows this week. And before you say he's biased keep in mind Soros was invited to come on the show and provide his own insights but to this point has refused. The show is on Fox News 2 PM PST.
And you think that going on Glenn Becks show is a good way for anyone to get their viewpoint across without having it twisted around? C'mon man! Beck will find you a link between mother teresa and hitler if it served his agenda.
You've contributed nothing of substance to this conversation. You are basically a troll. You toss out one liners to try and stir things up. Don't post anything that shows an once on knowledge on the topic. And then have the audacity to criticize others. You got me. One of the major reasons I haven't posted on this site and still won't after this discussion ends is because of people like you.
He might be. Is there any evidence that Beck isn't Hitler? Why am I the only asking this question?! Does Glenn Beck have something to hide?
^ Whether you like Obama or not, this just shows how fucking out of their mind stupid people were, and usually are, when it comes to elections.