Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    The problem is that we see a lot of that and people freak out if we pass the ball even when the box is loaded. Schotty deserves plenty of criticism but people here will complain about him no matter what he does. If he throws on 8 or 9 in the box he's throwing too much, if he runs into 8 or 9 in the box he's an idiot for doing so.

    Most of the complains I've read about him on here have been shallow. What I mean by that is that people generally aren't considering the defensive formations we've been seeing and what Schotty is trying to attack. They see the offense struggle, look at the number of runs/passes and the opponents defensive rankings and cry.
  2. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    He had been doing 1 and 2 more lately and all I saw was complaining about how the Jets weren't sticking to ground and pound. They stuck with ground and pound throughout the game yesterday and now we didn't pass the ball enough. That's where I have my issue with the repeated bashing around here. It's easy to bash when your gonna pull a captain hindsight and just say they should have done the opposite of what they did.
  3. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I should clarify more that I don't have an issue with criticizing Schotty or the offense. I was yelling at the T.V. for most of the game yesterday for Greene to get more carries. I think it was a mistake to keep pounding LT when he wasn't very effective for most of the game.

    What I do have an issue with is seeing many of the same people criticizing him for doing things they said he should do a week ago. I don't exactly keep tabs on who says what but I know there has to be at least a few guys who were bashing him for passing too much last week and are now bashing him for what the gameplan was yesterday when it's what they had been screaming for all week.
  4. NYJ90

    NYJ90 Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Only problem I have is on 3rd down when receivers run routes no where near the 1st down yard line. Sanchez would connect with receivers but like on 3 yard passes with 8 yards for a first. Maybe just good defense but the only one who should be 3 yards up the field on a 3rd and 8 should be the RB.... that was my only peeve watching yesterday.
  5. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    This sums up most of the complaints perfectly. I get the feeling that the opposing team can throw 10 in the box & if Sanchez throws a pass & receiver drops it then .... OMG FIRE STUPID SCHOTTY!!!! Ground & Pound & run the ball no matter what!!

    Then if he constantly calls runs & it gets stuffed ... OMG we're so predictable!

    Just looking at # of pass vs. # of runs & not bothering to consider the defensive formations in front of the Jets Offense is not brilliant game analysis.
    #365 ajax, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  6. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the Lions were a team we were supposed to be able to run all over?? I could swear I heard a lot of that leading up to the game... given that, it shouldn't be a surprised that we forced the run a lot. That is what you do... keep pounding and before long the damn breaks and you start gashing them. Of course, if they do a good job of stopping you all game you eventually have to adjust.
  7. RapZiLLa54

    RapZiLLa54 New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I liked the gameplan but Schotty still let Sanchez pass 39 times while we ran 25 times with a healthy 4 YPC.

    I still don't like that balance but it made more sense in this game since we were down 10 in the 4th so I understand it.

    I still have a lot of problems with the formations we call, they don't really challenge a defense at times.

    I still absolutely hate when we motion a FB or a TE out of the formation to the WR position and then run it up the gut. WTF is the point of that. Or the best one yesterday was Ben Hartock motioning out wide and we do a straight up passing play with only Cotch and Keller are threats..... And then Cotch and Keller run routers IN THE SAME AREA. Schotty really needs to go, he is definately holding us back.

    2 minute drill Qb calls the plays and we looked great, I don't believe that is a coincidence.
  8. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Jets should have been able to run the ball but they couldn't... just like the GB game. The Jets took two different approaches to the problem and neither one worked. Sometimes you just need to tip your cap and realize the other team has coaches and players that are getting paid to do their jobs as well.

    Blaming Schotty for everything with no context for that blame is just a way for people to express their frustration without thinking about it too much.
  9. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I don't believe Sanchez was calling the plays but I didn't check out any PC's yesterday so I could be wrong about that.
  10. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Jets should've been able to run the ball vs Green Bay and they should've been able to run the ball vs Detroit. The reason we couldn't is because we don't stretch the field and I'm not just talking deep ball. It's the intermediate passing game as well. Go back and watch the first half of the game. Besides the Braylon td when else did we go with anything longer than 5 maybe 6 yards? Not very often.

    If all the plays are designed 5 yard curls, slants and outs then there is no reason for the db's and linebackers to play a little deeper. They will come in and close the window on those quick hits to the wr and that also results in when we do happen to call running plays they are already in good run stopping position as well. We need to stretch the field and make them respect all of it. Not just the first 5 yards from scrimmage.
  11. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    The Lions' defensive stats are somewhat misleading. They have an attack based D line that is designed to penetrate. Going into yesterday's game, they were 6th in the NFL in tackles for losses. They tend to put 8 in the box. So why the inflated numbers in their rush D stats? because when an RB can get to the second level, it often goes for long gains.

    That defense can dish out a lot of 3 and outs if you run on them, but they will eventually give up a 40 or 50 yard run.

    Thier offense is capable of quick strikes too, especially with Stafford in. That combination has given most of their opponents fits, they hang around in every game. Detroit has finally turned the corner towards becoming a good team, but Stafford... guy can't take a hit. Shoulders made of Waterford Crystal.
  12. Deathstroke

    Deathstroke Active Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    I'm beginning to notice Sanchez's throwing patterns

    Pass to Holmes for the first
    Pass to Keller for big yardage plays
    Pass to Edwards for the Touchdown

    BTW Sanchez to Keller is pure money, those two will be a strong tandem for years to come ala Manning to Clark
  13. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I think schotty deserves some criticism. He doesn't adjust well. You can't get shut out at home like that last week against a defense that's nothing special. You have to make an adjustment in that game we weren't playing the 86 bears and we have too many weapons for that to happen. Same thing can be said for the ravens game although that was a better defense and our offense had a lot of new parts at that point.

    That said whenever I am don on him he seems to pull a great game out of nowhere where there are 5 or 6 plays where your like that was a great call. I also think the best thing for Sanchez right now is continuity so Schotty and him just have to keep getting better.
  14. xXxYankeesRulexXx

    xXxYankeesRulexXx New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    I'm sorry but Schottenheimer is the problem. This is the NFL, teams look at film all week, and Schottenheimer is looking way too predictable. I mean wtf... I know exactly when the offense is going to call a run play, and i don't know shit about football, so I'm assuming the opposing defense is going to know much better than me. I mean, looking at the last two weeks, LT has been absolutely shutdown for 15 CAR,and 55 YDS, last week. Schottenheimer needs to get his act together, and be a little more unpredictable...
    #374 xXxYankeesRulexXx, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  15. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    When you are down by 10 with 4 minutes left, your passing attempts are going to go way up.

    Now different play calling up to that point might not have left us in that situation, but when you are playing 4 down passing and have to spike the ball occasionally (which results in another attempt) your stats may get skewed.

    I know this has been stated before, but I hate when stats come up that say when a team runs more they run when you are in the lead to run out the clock so it's a dumb way to justify running more.
  16. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Thanks TBJ for the information. That actually does make a lot of sense. I don't watch a lot of Lion football, but I kept hearing the talking heads yammer on about how LT was going to run wild.
  17. Clown

    Clown New Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Big fucking whoop dee doo.. I can tell when shotty is gonna run... I can tell when he is gonna pass.. hooray for you all.

    You guys are real good cause in football usually on downs 1, 2 , and 3 it is usually either a run or a pass. 50% chance of either. You make it sound like your intelligent and shit saying i know when we are running and passing... maybe your good at guessing?

    I understand why the actuall people with brains hate shotty and thats due to his "wierd"ability to over complicate things which is basically his job... If you are running an offense no matter how fancy you line up or how fancy the pay looks, its either a pass or a run play in the end.

    Shotty actually is good because he has a complex scheme but that shit confuses his own team at times... and the simple plays have poor execution ( This team is built to eat other teams alive with simple plays anyway).

    Lets let Sanchez develop some more this year and we will see the real truth on shotty.

    Just my view and rant.
  18. SettlerDawg

    SettlerDawg Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    For the last time people: WE ARE NOT RUNNING A CONFUSING OFFENSE!

    If you think the plays are overly confusing, where's the evidence? Where are the receivers running the wrong routes? Where are the linemen blocking the wrong players? Where are the running backs who miss the hand offs? Why isn't Sanchez taking sacks because he's confused of where to throw?

    We are running a conservative offense by order of Rex. When the offense can't run well, the offense opens up and becomes more complex. The 3-4 wide sets are what helps Sanchez pass well. The pre-snap movement that confused Sanchez has been gone since game 1. Complexity is a good thing, and it isn't confusing anyone on our offense. Where are all the "ground and pound" advocates that were bashing Schotty last week?
  19. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    The proper adjustment during the Pack game is to rub some glue onto the receivers hands when the refs aren't looking.
    Pack were not going to stop stacking the box until the Jets forced them out. Sweeps, pitches, etc .... wouldn't change the fact that Jets are outnumbered in the box.

    The Ravens game .... why blame Schotty & not Rex? Rex stated after the game he may have put so much pressure on no TO that he wrecked the offense himself.
  20. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Oddly, I really didn't mind the playcalling after the first quarter.

    There were bad throws, and stupid turnovers. Braylon's fumble and Sanchez's poor throw to Holmes were really bad.

    But I have the game recorded and there wasn't anything that I usually kill Schotty for.

    What is nice is to see a different style of offense from the Jets. The 2 minute worked well. I'd like to see them open the and close the halves with the 2 minute, and ground and pound the rest of the time. It should still warrant a 52:48 run:pass ratio.

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