So let me see, one person's experience proves your point? Oh wait maybe it's the experience of your entire family. Why don't you actually read about it, study the statistics, see the mortality rates under your great system, and then make an educated statement. Oh wait, nevermind, that's not gonna happen. And let me guess, you didn't even look at the other source I gave you.
The life expectancy in Canada is over 80...whats america? a measely 77.5? We live and average of 3 or more years longer.
Giving you 2 vastly different outcomes of the exact same issue dosent register with you? Are you expecting me to find my own dishonored former satirist turned political pundit to write an incredibly biased article based on old flawed statistics and big fancy words designed impress simple minded blowhards trying to sound like they have a clue? I mean, I could try, but it's pretty late. I have to go work in the socialist coal mines to support my baby, because the Canada gov is making my GF wait 37 months before she can give birth! And why do I need to look at a source? Me and my family live it. I have lived in both systems. And this system here in Canada is fucking amazing.
And can you tell me why that is? Do you know the causes of death in Canada versus the US. Do you know the mortality rates for various diseases in the two countries? Do you know the percentage of people that die from each disease or accident? Do you have any idea, I mean any whatsoever, on how to do a proper analysis on the subject? Seriously I love arguing with Liberals because they have no clue. All their arguments are based on emotions and not logic or fact. And it's the Liberal politicians that take advantage of people like you. So you just keep on being led by the hand. Do what the governemnt wants you to do. Have your liberties taken away, and believe you live in some awesome society. I'm sure it will make you feel good. Now it's late. Have a good night.
Ok, lets just lay it down. I pay a higher tax rate for the following reasons: A health care system that allows me to go skiing on any of the local beautiful mountains without the worry of having to pay an arm and a leg to reattach both my arm and my leg. At any point if anyone if my family or any other family gets sick, I don't have ANY WORRIES what so ever, no one here does, regardless of how much money they make. A homeless man gets stabbed, he doesn't have to worry about anything. I have a heavily subsidized education, we here pay 1/3 of the actual cost of a college degree. My degree will end up costing roughly $20,000. An instituition comparable to mine will be DOUBLE that, for one school year. I don't have to worry about crime, because the homicide rate in Canada, is half of that of California. I don't have to worry about high energy costs, because we have the most natural resources in the world, and fresh water source as well. We also house the best sport in the world. You can continue living in your country, drowning in debt and going backwards rather then forward. Continue paying money for a health care system that MIGHT NOT accept your illness or injury. I'll gladly live here.
Ah but the cuts are not to the spending he increased for his union buddies or for the bankers that helped finance his campaign so the pain will be redirected elsewhere. Also, there is a huge difference between a politician telling you he will cut spending and actually doing it. Also, Obama did not start the wars but he did not stop them either. He is every bit as guilty as Bush is for spending money on foreign wars to the extent that you believe the wars are bad or a waste of money. Buy the same token he gets as much credit as Bush if the wars look good in retrospect. Deficit spending was probably Reagan's biggest sin as well. Given that he had a democratic congress, fired the air traffic controllers, and criticized social security to the extent that he refused to collect his own benefits at least you could say that the guy did what he could to limit spending increases while he made the compromises necessary to fight the evil empire. Also the fact that part of the deficits were caused by across the board tax cuts helps his case. It is a shell game. First the spending was increased, now the taxes are increased to pay for it. If Obama is using the tax increases to reduce a deficit that increased to begin with, he isn't exactly the model of small government.
War is usually an economy booster. I'm sure he was advised on not going through with his ending deadlines that he had proposed. Also,faced with the economy he was handed,he can't bring back all of those men and women if Bush saw to it that there were no jobs for them when they got back.
Obama's first deficit was about 3x as big as Bush's last one. With that being said, Bush's spending habits, especially the prescription drug benefit were a huge disappointment to fiscal conservatives.
Every president gets handed a puzzle. Some are harder than others. I think Obama got a tough one but he is two years in and instead of moving forward takes every opportunity to blame Bush. Bush left us in debt but Obama has increased it. And both parties are responsible for the mortgage crises its just people like to blame that just on Bush. Other presidents have been dealt harder puzzles. Take FDR or Lincoln for example. Socialism is coming by the way of "what choice do we have". What I mean is that Obama is putting us in a position where we are in such dire straits that he can do what he wants and we have no other choice. The Unions are being given control of companies (GM - is too big to fail) and being made exempt from the healthcare with the same type of excuse (NY teachers union). Or telling companies that took bail outs what they can pay their employees. Also, from your earlier post, I do not think you are a racist if you oppose Obama's policies. That’s like making him exempt from any criticism just because of his color. I do not have any issue with his color but I do have issue’s with where he is trying to take the country.
That's good shit Swifty... so how are you guys dealing with the immigration problem considering everyone in the world would want to immigrate to Canada... :smile:
easy there, Quick Draw McGraw......we're good buddies with China. You might want to holster that sidearm.
if you guys bombed us...who would you rape for your natural resources? c'mon're smarter than that. :smile: