Thanks for the Wikipedia education or whatever. that doesn't answer his question about the genius of the constitution though.
Ah, but it does answer the question as to why they amended the Constitution so quickly, which is what he asked. You have a problem with the Wikipedia answer?
I think everyone could figure out how the Bill of Rights came about without your post. Why don't you answer the actual question?
Just read this post. The part I highlighted - George Fucking Bush destroyed the economy long before Obama became president. 1. Bush promised to do the same thing to get votes in 2004. So far Obama hasn't done anything about it himself either. 2. Tax increase has its own pros and cons. The government has to provide more for the rich compared to the poor. I don't mind paying higher tax as long as Im in a position to do so. I'd love to cut a check to the IRS for a few millions a year. 3. Mine has been going up since 2004, why should Obama be blamed for it alone? 4. Which law was passed? Im curious. I don't follow such stuff so just want to know. Maybe you are right. 5. You can still go to a doctor of your choice and pay from your pocket. Being from England, I can tell you a lot of people like that concept over there. I did too. Who hates free services? 6. Hate it 7. IDK why Israel is so important to US in the first place. Worry about our own fucking country. 8. Terrorism started to explode (pun intended) while Bush was at presidency. You can't say Obama asked for it. Obama has his own pros and cons. Im just glad Bush isn't there anymore. He put this country in shit. There are several conspiracy theories about 911 and how Bush wanted a reason to invade Afghan and Iraq. He failed. Couldn't find Bin Laden, and couldn't find "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. Glad we got rid of Sadam Husain though. He wasn't a threat to the US, but he was a threat to his own people.
You guys are really too much. I did answer his question. Or do you have a problem with reading comprehension as well?
Look I don't have the answer either. We cling to the constitution in this country like it's scripture. Is that the right or wrong thing to do? I don't know but don't act like you just educated me and I'm too stupid to figure it out. You have no idea either and that's fine, just say you don't know.
Actually, it goes back before Bush. It was during the Clinton administration that laws were passed that contributed significantly to the housing disaster. Bush also made a major contirbutions, but Obama is just making it worse.
The Constitution is the law of the land. It's the basis for our entire system of government. If it's out of date, or people no longer like that for which it stands, then change it. But to ignore it and make up your own rules is just going to take you down a path of disaster.
Yes. Those would be the first ten amendments to the Constitution. And so we have his post and my response. But you knew that. But, in truth, I did take A LOT of home ec classes. I'd put my apple pan dowdy against your consteetooshun any day of the week.
Listen, you limeys keep prattling on about taking away our guns and trashing our constitution and health care system has got to stop. You should clean up your own house, not to mention teeth. Excuse, I have to go see to the foundation of my country. I'll report back shortly.
Well, you do have one more year for that, and I hope you're right, but it ain't lookin' too good right now.
I am more upset about Marcellino getting re-elected. Why keep the same old idiots in Albany, the most dysfunctional state government in the country as a recent NYU study concluded?
How does Reid get reelected? How does Boxer get reelected? There are several answers to these questions, but they all have the major one in common.