We already beat that dead horse. Besides, in this thread we have people that think Grant was a good a good president so I think the subtlties of the healcare debate would be missed.
Okay, then. Why is it you think liberals don't understand the constitution as well as you do? What do they need to read and study? What's gone wrong?
If it's something that happened before Obama was elected, how can you say your prediction came true? Your only evidence comes from before the prediction!
I'm really feel sorry for you then. Because it's only going to get worse. Many people will find their premiums going up, many employers will stop providing health care insurance because it will be too expensive, and consumers will be forced to purchase health care insurance from a government provider. You do understand that people will now be required to have health insurance, forced on them by the federal government, right? What's next? You like that hot dog? Wait until the government tells you you can't eat it (it's already happening in schools). The government needs to butt out of lives and stop screwing up the country will ill-conceived and unconstitutional programs.
I'm not sure what's going to happen now. My best bet would be government gridlock. We are only two years into Obama's presidency. There just hasn't been enough time for him to implement all his ideas. Believe me, if he were given 8 years of the power he's enjoyed the last two, every one of my predictions would have come true by the end of his reign of terror. His view on gun control is clear. He just hasn't had the time to try and implement them.
So then why are you gloating, if you haven't been proved right yet? What the fuck was the point of this bump?
Well nothing makes me feel more threatened than the thought of random people on the street being less likely to be armed with concealed weapons. I mean what kind of madness would that be. Watch any fight on youtube and I just think to myself, damn what if everyone here had a gun? Boom, fight never happens. Actually you know what, what really scares me is his idea of trying to move towards green energy. Trying to incentive our companies to take on energy methods that are more efficient, do less harm to our environment, and will still be around in 5 decades? Christ the very thought of this made me just go out right now and club 5 baby seals while dumping tons of coal and fertilizer into an incinerator. If there's one thing I want to be sure of it's that by the time I die I want humans to have sufficiently raped the earth of all it resources and for us to have no energy sources left.
Right, people are wicked and, unless they are on the government's payroll, shouldn't be trusted with a means to defend themselves and their neighbors because clearly they will abuse it. If we don't let them have guns, they won't be able to hurt anyone and everyone can live in peace and harmony. It's too bad conservatives can't understand that simple logic.
Let's stop trying to take things away from each other. Some guys like to shoot guns so you take your guns and I'll take my weed and we can all be happy. Sadly all everyone wants to do is make their preferences law.
I'm not saying they're perfect but it's batshit insane to actively try and make it easier for them to. There's absolutely no need to go out of our way to make guns a more attainable commodity.
You can have my gun when you pry the bullet out of your own dead skull, put it in your own bigger gun, and shoot me back.
Brings up an interesting question for you bitter disaffected squirrel-eating gun nuts. If the constitution is "pure genius" why would we need to immediately amend it ten fricking times at the gitgo?
A fair goddamn question. BTW, I don't use a gun for hunting. Don't target shoot either. Mostly, I just pet it and constantly remind it that it's critical for me to have it. In a tender voice.