I got my hands on a lot GEF suite parking pass, and decided to do a little tailgate with 3 of my friends this Sunday. None of us have tailgated before, so I'd appreciate any tips you guys can give me. Also, where can we pick up a decent portable grill? Something easy for us city folk. Thanks.
Hardware store has basic foldable charcoal grills or little charcoal habachis. OR even easier for a one timer would prob be a little gas habachi, they use the little coleman propane bottles, very cheap. Hardware store has all of these. Grilling utensils dont forget youll need them to and itll be easier for you if you clean the grill before riding home so maybe a brush to. Beer is usually a good idea too haha :drunk: Dont forget garbage bags, and other than the food your gonna eat before the game, I enjoy hangin out and eating something after the game while traffic thins out. Chairs are a good idea to. And dont forget to bring a football. Thats about as basic a tailgate experience I can think of but thats all the important stuff, anything else is a luxury.
Thanks, man. So I can find a small propane hibachi grill at any hardware store? I'm not a tailgater, so I'd likely only need it for this one time.
Well down near me we got ACE hardwares, but other hardware stores have had them also. I cant speak for all hardware stores but ive always seen them in there, or a sporting goods store, a place that sells camping stuff ya know?
What type of advice can you give to a Packers fan attending this game wearing a Rodgers Jersey? Duck?:grin: Seriously..
Walmarts or Kmarts and places like that usually have a section for this kind of stuff also i believe.
If somebody yells stuff, just laugh it off, they just having fun its nothing personal. and in the game clapping and getting excited when something goes your way is fine, just dont be obnoxious about it like your in Lambeua or something. Id check the guys sitting around me though to gauge how excited id get, if your in certain areas like in the uppers there can be some real jerkoffs who may take offense to you enjoying the game.
Don't go around saying Revis can't tackle and Cotchery is in the doghouse like you did in the other thread....:smile:
Thanks for the heads up bro. I'm not THAT FAN if you know what I mean. I'm sitting in the club level, 10 yard line. Can't freaking WAIT!!:metal:
Propane is for pussies use charcoal. Plus you won't have to worry about bringing a tank and feeding the gas lines. Bring/buy: - portable kettle-style charcoal grill. I'd recommend a weber but if it's for one time use just buy or borrow a cheap, small one. - small bag of charcoal briquettes and a bottle of lighter fluid. They sell charcoal presoaked with lighter fluid if you wanna take that route but standard briquettes require a generous dollop of fluid for the flames to get going and stay lit. Stack the charcoal in a pyramids in the grill and douse the pyramid with a 3 second squirt of fluid. Light match, toss it in and stand back. You have to let the briquettes burn or about 10 minutes til the flames dissipate and the lighter fluid burns off. If you put the food on immediately it'll taste like butane. Try to have one side of the grill with a lot of charcoal and the other with only a little so you have a hot and warm part of the grill, this is optional. Bring grill tongs, brush, glove. - beer and a football - smaller things: condiments, plates, forks, knives, napkins, paper towels, garbage bags, extra jacket/sweatshirt in case of rain or something - leave EARLY and bring your friends
I've always loved the idea of tailgating, but isn't it a ballache that someone has to actually drive at the end of it all?
What the hell is a ballache? and if its what i think, its not so bad, you can sober up during the game just fine. edit: ball-ache, your name being english i assumed it was some big word i didnt know haha.
Find a friend that is into camping. They should have everything you need and they will be able to give you a few pointers as to what to expect because, in my experience, tailgating is just like camping out minus setting up a tent to sleep in. Enjoy!!!
See if you have a card table too, that helps, and some folding chairs. Kmarts and stuff have them like 10 bucks each for the canvas ones. One thing I recommend is bring enough food to tailgate before and after the game. Im out in suffolk, and when we goto 1 o'clock games, we leave at nine get there by 10:30. game over at 4, tailgate for an hour then leave. You ll hit no traffic on the way back.
There are many small disposable grills out now for under $10 if you are only going to use it once. Many of them already have the charcoal in them. Get one of those a few burgers and hot dogs, a tub of macaroni salad and some beer. It's your first time so keep it light and enjoy the time rather than trying to have steaks, corn on the cob, etc. taking up all your time. If you like it then move up to a permanent grill and some better food for the next one.