I'm amazed that some Denver fans think the call was bogus. I'm even more amazed that anyone who actually watches football would think the league is biased FOR the Jets. That is just laughable, but I've heard such comments. It's just incredible that people think the league is pro-Jets.
They can whine all they want about the 4th down call all they want but it was clear PI. There was no doubt about that. I couldn't believe some of the calls that went against us but had we lost it wouldn't have been because of a shit show by the officials. We failed again on 3rd and long and the officials played no hand on Holmes running into Edwards and fumbling and Sanchez throwing lawn darts out there today.
+1. I was screaming at the TV after that one. Cro didn't even touch the guy and they threw a flag. That one wasn't even close.
Agree 100% but not surprised. Outside of NY there is an anti-NY Bias. That's a fact. The JETS are now in the spotlight so all of a sudden there is this perception that we are getting favoritism simply because we are all over the media... I really don't get how people can equate being in the NEGATIVE spotlight to mean getting calls... but as you eluded to, it's quite the opposite. the JETS NEVER get calls (outside of Vinny v Seahawks) and yesterday was just a big crock of anti-NY calls...but since fake ass fans who watch all their games as hilights without actually watching football games, see ESPN showing the final play 50times, that's what we end up with. I mean, just read these fukin comments: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/recap?gid=20101017007 It's absolutely mind numbing but shows how ignorant some fans are...
In these cases it's easy to suspect the refs are on the take but 99.9% of the time it is just incompetence. You'd like to think our officials are incorruptible. But then you start to hear about other professional sports and match fixing in recent years (tennis, soccer, rugby, cricket) and hear about tactics of the big gambling syndicates (threatening family members and whatnot). It seems possible.
The call on Coleman was horrid as well. I really hope the Jets send a tape of all of these calls to the league.
You guys should rewatch the game and check out how many times Denver's Oline was holding. I saw 6-7 times where they were blatantly holding and not 1 got called. That was in addition to the ridiculous hand checks these bozo's were calling Offensive Pass interference. I am going to dl the torrent of the game. I will wager anyone that I can find at least 10-15 holding penalties that were ignored. I am going to say this, today's game was the worst officiated game I have ever seen, regardless if the outcome was desired or not.
Puck - The play after the Leonhard call there was holding but it went uncalled. After those two, I began going ballistic. An all around clusterfuck for the officials in that game. But they got the last PI call right.
For the money the NFL charges, the least they can do is hire competent refs. The horrific officiating (and all those fucking commercials) has made the NFL far less watchable over the last few years.
How about when Roy Jones Jr. lost in the olympics? The game was reffed very poorly, but it wasn't anywhere even in top-10 worst of all-time for sports.
http://forums.denverbroncos.com/showthread.php?t=175003 62% of their fans said yes it was PI 12% said no The rest said illegal hands to the face but not PI Seems like even the majority of Bronco fans think and agreed that it was a penalty. Every teams going to have some retarded homer fans who cant admit the truth, but for the most part I dont think there is any sane person out there who can honestly believe the refs favored the jets on this one. Almost everyone on their flamed that OP for being a tard. I think this Broncos fan summed it up best "Illegal hands to the face cannot be called when the ball is in the air and the receiver is trying to make the catch. It was pass interference and the refs made the right call. Actually they even made calls that helped us. Cromartie's PI that never happened and Leonhard's roughness, for example. And Thomas' catch was not even a touchdown, he was bobbling the ball and stepped out of bounds. The refs did not see it and Rex did not challenge the play. We did not lose the game because of the refs, far from that."
I rarely complain about the refs, but yea. As soon as they threw those two phantom offensive pass interference calls I thought the fix was on. The Cromartie PI and Leonhard penalty were just more reason to believe that. I can't believe we actually got the PI call at the end. Fuck these refs in their faces.
The only reason to believe the fix wasn't in is that they did finally call one right and it was the most important call of the game. If they hadn't called that interference on Holmes it would have really been interesting.
this game was fucking bullshit. seriously, fuck those douchebags. there were a million holding penalties on denver's offensive line, yet they weren't calling shit.
FWIW, the blown call on Gaffney helped us because it was a short catch in-bounds and forced them to use a timeout. Not sure we should complain about that one.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about whether Denver could have challanged that wasn't a catch and get a few more seconds put back on the clock. That would have been interesting too.
I'm not sure if this would actually do anything about the quality of officiating but I think adding a little transparency to the process of punishing these officials would at least make the screwed teams/fans feel a little better at the end of it. I mean Favre sends pictures of his tiny dick to some hosebag and its all over the media with Goodell calling for an investigation, but refs blow game changing and in some cases season changing calls and not only do you never hear about it again, but if a player or a coach were to mention it they would be the ones fined. It's ridiculous.
Every call from every game is reviewed by the league, and even some non-calls (that are controversial) are reviewed. An official from the NFL explained the review process to me. Sometime this week the league contacts the crews and provides a rating/review of their performance.