I've never seen a game worse than today's. Bad calls, yes, but across the board, this was pathetic to the point where for the first time in my life, and I'm an old bastard, I would actually think the refs were in on a fix. The PI calls were ridiculous. The call on Leonard was laughable, if it weren't so important. Thomas did not have control with two feet down on that TD, and Gaffney let the ball hit the ground on Denver's last drive. I've NEVER been so disgusted with refs before. It wasn't just a few calls, across the board they were anti-Jets. BLATANTLY pro-Denver. I hope the entire crew gets fired. I hope the Jets send all of the film to the NFL. This crew was either completely incompetent, or bought. Either way, fire all of them.
I said it in the other thread, I've never complained about officiating costing a team a win but today was appalling. I don't think I've ever seen a game in any sport worst officiated than this one
that personal foul on Leonhard should be reviewed by the league and discipline should be handed out accordingly to the refs.......it will never happen mind you.....but it should.
I was so angry...it was one of those games that the officials kept calling bogus calls for the other team and deep down you knew this would cost us the game Thank goodness we are not the same old fucking jets...We are the real new york jets. We fought hard and won that shit with little help unlike the broncos got
Damn, I had blocked this from my memory but it was inexcusable. One of the most ridiculous calls I can remember.
Even though we managed to win, I'm still spitting bullets, man I am pissed. I can't explain it other than to suspect it was a fix. I have NEVER ever bought into fixes or point shaving in the NFL before. Now... I'm not so sure.
if the refs were workin for vegas or the mob then they will end up in a ditch because they failed. the spread was jets by 3.5.
The officials are graded on each call they make during a game and get a total score for their games. THe highest rated officials get the best post-season assignments, up to and including the Super Bowl. So I think we can say this game will not look well on this crew.
Not only was that catch questionable, and the personal foul ridiculous, when you look at the replay of Orton in the pocket, the rusher from the backside was being held with a forearm around his neck.
I think it's difficult to say the refs were on Denver's payroll when they made a crucial call delivering us the game. It was the right call, yes, but still. They were horrible the rest of the game though, I agree.
Yer fuckin joking, right? It was not onlt PI, it was a face mask penalty. They HAD to call it. It was something even they could not hide. That was so blatant.... yer jokin, right?
It was a horribly officiated game slanted in Denver's favor, no question. I've seen worse officiated games but this was definitely up there.
No, I'm not...The refs were awful. I'm not denying that. But I've seen that type of PI go uncalled, and I'm sure you have too. That's all I'm saying. I think the refs were incompetent and we got the brunt of it more than the Broncos did for whatever reason, but I don't think it was a true hatchet job.
the refs showed their incompetency tonight.....but i'm with you in that I don't believe it was intentional.
I was sitting next to a brown's fan, a steeler's fan and a viking fan at the bar and they were all outraged at the calls going against the jets. It was good to see other fans jumping out of their seats at the bullshit call on leonard.It was by far the worst officiated game i've seen go against us ever. That PI at the end of the game was football justice That was seahawks/steelers level of awful
The thing is they were calling PI on the Jets db's for breathing on Denver WR's. Incidental hand contact wa being called on us. I saw Denver recievers push off, I saw Denver DB's do MUCH more than what we got flagged for. The Leonard call was as BOGUS a call as I've EVER seen. Thomas did not have 2 feet down with control. It goes on and on and on in this game. I'm 55 years old. I say it WAS the biggest hatchet job I've ver seen.