My apologies, I thought you meant the Jets lottery, ya know for season ticket holders who get to go. Good idea sending in the app to Dallas, thanks for the heads up! lol
This year there's going to be a lot more Super Bowl tickets available, Cowgirl Stadium can fit something like 100,000 fans
That is the lottery I signed up for. The tickets are $600 each. You have to pay for them in November and pick them up in the Dallas area in person.
LMK, I'll fly down real quick and pick them up for you. I'm nice like that. So this was a venue lottery? Do they do this every year?
dude, in your lifetime haven't you ever asked yourself, how does somebody buy super bowl tickets? Super Bowl ticket distribution AFC Champion -- 17.5 percent NFC Champion -- 17.5 percent Host Team -- 5.0 percent Other 29 Teams -- 34.8 percent NFL -- 25.2 percent You can get a shot at the NFL's 25% of tickets by entering the lottery every year between February & June
Honestly, no- I only care about when the Jets would be in, and I would rely on that lottery and if that fails would hit the secondary market. I never knew the venue had a outsider lottery, crucify me.
WTH. Rutgers is willing lay a team logo on the 50, but the Jets can't? I know they were concerned about injuries, but I would have loved to see the Jets' logo on the 50 this season like they had originally planned. Clearly, RU isn't too concerned...
Anyone else impressed as I was with the rain protection IN THE CONCOURSE Monday night? I refer of course to the upper deck concourse. You know, the one that doesn't even have a full roof? I felt like I was on the Titanic where steerage was on top rather than down below. People scrambling for cover, trying to brave the elements. No one drowned however, and oh yes - we won. Can't wait 'til there's snow and ice in there.
I was actually impressed by how dry I was compared to the upper deck of the old stadium. I stayed in the lower level before the game where it was 100% dry but the upper deck was pretty good too. I'm also corner end zone next to the escalators so I stood over there at half time and was totally dry.
I noticed how open the upper deck concourses were when I took my first tour of the stadium. The jets and giants are both so stupid not to put on a retractable done, let alone some decent cover for the upper deckers. Bunch of tools.
The upper deck concourse in the old stadium was not dry? I assumed it was. No matter, this place for what it cost and was advertised to be, should at least addressed that issue. Glad you were dry. I was not. It would not have taken very much effort to have had small food court-like areas with standing tables offering a view of a video screen or two, since they constantly boast that this place has more HD screens than any other stadium. I'm not talking about a bar or a suite for the upper deckers - just a place to go other than the seats.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be a Giants fan with Upper Deck season tickets. Can you imagine having TO BUY A PSL for a Row 23 EZ seat? I can't.
im in the corner end zone and this dry place your talking about fit about what ?? 20 people tops.everyone was huddle together trying to stay dry.
They are stupid for many reasons w/ that awful Stadium. It's amazing it cost $1.6 billion to build that thing. I assume $1.5 of it was put towards the suites and clubs.
You couldn't get out of the rain on Monday. Inside or outside didn't matter. Haha, the steerage reference is rather spot on.
because of the steepness of the uppers and the shallow corner concourses and open end stadium i saw rain coming from everywhere.
It was absolutely awful and Pepsi/Bud Lighters are going to get rocked every time a storm of any kind moves in as it usually does west to east. We were literally cowering in front of a concessions stand in the 305/6 area trying to find some cover. Awful. I may try and buy a pair of cutrate PSLs in LLEZ next year, otherwise I think I might be done.