Have you noticed a real buzz about the Jets this season? My wife and I were out today running erands, she was in a Jets sweatshirt and I had a Jets cap on. In the bank one of the tellers yells "Go Jets!" when we stepped up to the window. The bag boy in the gorcery store starts talking to us about the Viking game and as we're leaving he yells "Go Jets!" over his shoulder. Then we're walking down the sidewalk to the bakery and another guy passing us on the street yells "Go Jets!" I haven't seen this much Jets buzz, I think, ever! Not even in '98 or '86.
I feel ya man, it's a new era! but as fans lets not get to ahead of ourselves. but the 'respect factor' is nice.
True, but here in Upstate its nice to have 'em on the Jets bandwagon rather than the Pats or freakin' Bills. I'll let 'em ride the train.
ur lucky i live in south florida when i go out in jets gear i get uncomfortable stares of envy and death threats