I remember when Petro told us he needed another week to get the TT forum up and running.....that was 6 weeks ago.
MOD time is like dog years. You really think with a new born keeping him up all night the TT forum is on his priority list?
Who makes the worst threads in Jets forum? HackettStillSux vs Anyone.Ever.Period. Remember, Jets forums only.
I'm waiting for an Aqua Buddhist thread to appear in the Jets forum......you know.....because people give a fiddlers' shit about that.
this thread is now an interim trashtalking thread. ^fuck these 2 canadians goofball above me. fuck them with brett pevre's tiny dick.
Since this is our interim TT forum I have a question... Who is the biggest troll to ever grace TGG with their presence? I've been around for probably 18 months but I'm sure there had to be some good ones before my time.