Sanchez's Development

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TeamJets2K6, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    There was one play where I definitely noticed his improvement, sanchez got the ball and tried for a quick slant but the linebacker was right there. He noticed it and went elsewhere. I can't remember the specifics because I was on a kush cloud but I do remember thinking that was definitely an interception last year.
  2. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Even the almighty Peyton has bad days, and in a dome no less.

    26/44, 244 yards, 1 INT, and a 65.0 passer rating.

    Games like Mondays game are great for Sanchez's development, gives him something to work harder on. Isn't it funny now, we think 191 yard day with 0 TD's in the pouring rain is a bad game?
  3. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    probably late to the party on this but what the hell.

    Physically Sanchez wasn't good on Monday. He missed some passes that he should have been able to complete. He also did have some very good passes dropped, but that doesn't excuse some of his poor throws.

    Mentally he is on a totally different level than last year. He knows where he is going with the ball and is confident in his ability to get it there. He has had some passes that should have been picked but for the most part he has done a good job of keeping the ball out of harms way.
  4. theBidet

    theBidet Active Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    as mentioned he had a couple of those high passes that got away from him, and were the cause of many groans last season. i noticed most of them happened in the third quarter. which imo, was his worst quarter. that being said, i don't see how you can say he was "awful" in the game. he's not eyefucking his recievers anymore, he's staring the db's off his initial target and with the exception of those high balls, put the ball in spots that are high percentage. his statistics weren't great but he managed the ball and did everything a QB should in shitty weather.
    I don't see any issues with the timing of ht thread either, as all the work claimed to be put in during hte offseason we're seeing. and its the little things in games like monday night that sanchez' development stands out
  5. Uzone27

    Uzone27 New Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Mark Sanchez is an accelerated study.

    In his final game as a backup for John David Booty at USC he tosses two picks vs Oregon that end up costing his team the game and publicly apologizes (sound familiar?) Booty comes back the next week, Sanchez is done as a starter for the year.

    So what does he do the next year?
    He competes for (and wins) the starting QB job, then goes on to a 12-1 record to win the Rosebowl(wins the MVP) and racks up 34 TD's 10 picks and a ridiculous 164.4 pass rating along the way.

    So now with just (16?) collegiate starts under his belt he's drafted into the NFL largest market, to a team with perhaps the NFL's most rabid /critical fanbase on the planet and all he does is..

    a) Beat out the incumbent Clemens for the starting job
    b) Win his rookie debut in such impressive fashion that he garners the rookie of the week award.
    c) Gives the Jets a victory over the hated Patriots at the Meadowlands for the first time since 2000 in his second start. :pats_suck:
    d) Becomes the first rookie QB ever to win his first 3 starts..

    And all this with Jericho Cotchery being the only high profile recieving threat for those first 4weeks. (odd we started losing around the time Braylon Edwards arrived.... but I digress...)

    Enter (what I consider) his "sophmore slump" the team loses 6-7, many of those due to his own growing pains and miscues (by his own admission) but consider this...unlike our man Chad Pennington (who had two years as the understudy of Vinny Testeverde)
    Sanchez had already amassed roughly the same amount of primtime experience as his backup Clemens. So by the time the shit hit the fan it's not like he had an experienced mentor on the sidelines to turn to, he had to figure things out on his own. Yet as bad as that slump was, we had our shot at wins in the bulk of those contests.

    Still.. by the grace of the football Gods, somehow our season was ressurrected, and Mark enters what becomes (in esscence) his third season as a Jet.

    He learns from his "sophmore slump" protects the football well, gives his team a chance to win and nearly becomes the first Rookie ever to make it to the Superbowl.

    This year he hasn't missed a beat. We sit at 4-1, he has yet to throw a pick, he has a world of talent around him (compared to last year) and a seasoned mentor in Mark Brunell.

    In fact if we throw out the Baltimore game, and the rain drenched Vikings game I'm fairly sure he's got one of the highest QB ratings in the league.

    I think he's progressing just fine, and predict by the end of the year he'll have a stat line that looks very similar to Chad Pennington's first year as a starter..

    That is to say...superb.
  6. tommytom

    tommytom Banned

    Oct 12, 2010
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    are you serious superb?

    He beat out a career backup in Kellen Clemens. Is that a big deal? And Mark Brunnel is a seasoned mentor or a guy who has played almost 0 plays in 3 years. Sanchez is far from superb and if we do not win this year he will be the reason why. We have great offensive players with the exception of our quarterback. Sanchez is improving but we need someone who can win now. Beating Buffalo and New England is one thing but can he win championship games?
  7. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    yeah, superb.

    Who he beat out is not even an argument, or a point to make in this discussion. That means nothing.

    The fact that a kid who played 16 games in college was able to start right away, have the light go on late into his rookie season, win playoff games on the road, and now go 5 weeks without an interception is undoubtedly superb for 2nd year QB.
  8. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Great post uzone
  9. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    He did his part in the AFC title game. He played really well that game but there were too many injuries for us to overcome at that point.

    He also had the highest QB rating for a rookie in the playoffs if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Uzone27

    Uzone27 New Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tommy I think we learned on Hardknocks that unless you come to a Jets camp mentally and physically prepared you are not just "given" anything.
    Now I think it's fair to say because he was such a high profile draft pick that the job was his to lose in camp (despite what the coaches were saying publically)...but the fact remains that the kid came in with limited college experience, and did well enough to earn a starting spot.

    Also just because Brunell hasn't played in a while doesn't mean he's unqualified to be a mentor. I'm not sure I follow your logic there.
    He suited up for the SuperBowl champs last year and had to be prepared at anytime to jump into the fray, i think that counts for something.

    Lastly he was one of (what?) 4 rookies to win a playoff game...ever?
    What are you going on about Championship games at this point for?
    The season isn't even 1/3 over?
    I thought we were talking about his development?
    And last I checked we are winning now.
    #50 Uzone27, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    tommytom has pretty much done nothing but bash Sanchez since he started posting. His agenda is clear.
  12. tommytom

    tommytom Banned

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Sanchez is improving but he had very little to do with the win against San Diego. He threw for 100 yards in the game and averaged 4.35 yards per pass attempt. That is far from superb.
  13. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    And I guess he got lucky against Cin? Or wait, he "didn't have to do much"? He executed the game plan for that game brilliantly
  14. tommytom

    tommytom Banned

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I am trying to be objective. I have said he has had 3 very good games this year and 2 games where he did not play good. I also think to say he has been superb is a stretch. But if Trent Dilfer can win a Super Bowl maybe Mark Sanchez can.
  15. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Sanchez is far enough into his career that we can stop dwelling on one game. His overall body of work has seen great improvement over the last year.
  16. tommytom

    tommytom Banned

    Oct 12, 2010
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    He played great against Cin. That was his best game.
  17. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Sanchez has 3 great games, one bad game, and one meh game. He didn't play lights out on Monday but he didn't hurt the team at all and he kept the offense moving all night long.
  18. The Sanchise

    The Sanchise Active Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Jesus, this fuckin' guy. Whats your point dude?

    Fans like you are everything that is wrong with NFL fans in the modern day.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Add in 5 of the 10 dropped passes and he would've been over 250 yards. He played much better in the rain than he did last year vs Buffalo.
  20. Uzone27

    Uzone27 New Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tommy I never said he "is" superb....

    I said I predict by the end of the year his stats will look like what Pennington's were in his third year as a Jet, and first as a starter...

    Pennington's stats that year were superb

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