i dont like the play calling with the lead and the weather u need to just pound it that said until the vikings actually show they can score its all good
Yeah he's made some good throws, got victimized by some bad drops by his receivers but he hasn't been that great tonight.
I wouldn't say he's playinng poorly. He's just playing average right now, which after his hot streak it was expected. With the way the defense is playing right now, average will win.
Poor Sanchez, he is just crappy tonight, and he is visibly getting frustrated you can see it in his face. But still no INT's hahaha, come on Nacho get a TD before the game is done.
I can't figure it out either. The Bills aren't consistently stopping the Jets on the ground. The weather is bad. The ball is wet. Sanchez is not particularly accurate tonight. His receivers are a little fumble-fingered with the wet ball. We have 33 passes and 23 rush attempts... Wut?