Good McNight, Joe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Lantern, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Most of the season? We haven't given up a sack in 2/4 games and we have the 2nd best running game in the league right now.

    Only 5 teams have given up fewer sacks than the Jets this year and two of them have only played 3 games.

    In what way, shape or form has the OL been mediocre?

    Yes, Slauson gave up that ugly sack to Ngata on opening night. But go back to the first New England game from last year. Faneca got blown up on the first play from scrimmage, got Sanchez leveled and it almost resulted in a TD for the Pats.

    People see what they want to see.
    #741 Kris 15, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That's ridiculous. You're basing "big" on how you think the season will turn out, that's not what we were discussing re a "big play". The guy's premise was about "creating a big play" which I pointed out that Leon has already done twice. I haven't contradicted myself, you just want to argue semantics over what is a "big" play because you have nothing else here. Nobody on the Jets has made a bigger play than Leon so far, in part because the whole team has played better and nobody has really had to, except the Baltimore game where nobody did.
  3. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Now Faneca is better than Slauson? I've been very honest about where Slauson's shortcomings lie, but Faneca is only currently better on guard pulls, which is natural, and which has only hurt us in one game, really. He's already better in pass protection and actually looks stronger than Faneca on straight rushes right now. That's an argument you only could have made in the offseason, or if you spent the last 4 weeks asleep.

    I was actually upset on draft day because I thought they should have released Faneca AFTER we saw someone step up in camp. The team obviously knew what they were doing, and I was obviously wrong.

    junc must be getting ready to leave the board. I really can't think of any other reason why he'd fight so hard to destroy the credibility he's spent 25000 posts building.
  4. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    He's going to ignore the post with the article about how horrible Faneca is.
  5. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Oh lord, IJR. You really are the board clown. Well played.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Last week was the first time in 4 games we were able to run the ball inside the tackles. Our OL was NOT playing well until very recently.

    I would LOVE to admit I was wrong but I don;t sway in the wind like you guys and just b/c we are 3-1 it doesn't mean everything is perfect. if you guys think our OL has played well most of the year I have to question your football knowledge.

    Absolutely, as the season progresses, as he gets closer to 100% they will find ways to get him more touches.

    Leon would be our KR if he was still w/ us and would be getting carries here and there.

    That is one man's opinion, you don't know the schemes, you don't know his responsibilities. Remember how awful our OL was in 2007? he was the reason it got much better helping Brick and Mangold. he was never a PB caliber LG for us but he was more valuable than himself as an individual.

    It's not just about sacks, Sanchez was pressure alot the first two weeks bit not so much last week. We couldn't run btw the tackles until we faced an awful Buffalo team.

    First off NONE of us can intelligently discuss OL play w/ coaches tape and knowing the schemes even though some of you guys pretend to know about OL play. I base my opinion on this off of Slauson not playing well and how great our OL was playing at the end of last year. There's little doubt our Ol would be better right now if we kept faneca, the question is about moving forward would it have been better- I don't know that.

    I don't ignore anything, what is that article telling us? he had a bad game? their OL stinks? It's hard to be a good OL if the OL around you aren't very good(see Mangold and brick 2007). Faneca might be struggling but for us he was GOOD(never great) and it's huge to have the same 5 OL playing together for as long as ours were, this would have been the 3rd straight year w/ all 5. Don't discount that.
  7. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    LOL, slauson is a better POA blocker than faneca. the idea that our inside running was better last year is a joke

    do you remember the beginning of last year? when our o-line was not looking very good? when callahan said it takes a little while for the line to get a cohesive rhythm with zone schemes?? of course you dont

    he would have had to earn that job in training camp and he was not beating out brad smith ... period

    its not that hard to look at a play and decipher what the scheme for that particular play was ... you know who else showed up in 2008? bill callahan

    faneca helped in the young guys development, but youre giving him waaaaay too much credit

    again, youre comparing apples and oranges ... compare to the way our o-line was playing at the beginning of last year. they where arguably worse, against lesser defensive opposition

    the article clearly states that the center and right side of the line is holding up just fine ... when was the last time an o-line has stayed healthy for 3 straight years? dont discount fanecas age
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Our OL was struggling run blocking early last year but by late in the year and postseason we were humming and to have the same 5 back would have been huge. I hope this Ol becomes at least as good as we were at the end of last year. We'll see.

    He would have beat out Smith at KR, he's a better KR(even off the injury) than Smith.

    Maybe I'm giving Faneca too much credit, I hear the way our C and LT talked about him and I think he deserves plenty of credit but we're not in the LR so we don't know the exact impact he had.

    I wasn't against letting Faneca go, I was against letting him go w/o having someone ready to step in. When they made the move the thought Ducasse was going to be the starter but that didn't work out and they fell back to Slauson. I think it was wive to dump him this offseason and get rid of that salary before the cap came back BUT not w/o having a someone ready to play and clearly Slauson/Ducasse were not ready. It appears Slauson is getting better and I hope that continues but the plan was for Ducasse to play and I think if they knew Ducasse wasn't ready they might have held onto him.
  9. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I don't think it's that hard to see who is getting beat and who is doing their jobs along the line on the broadcast angles. I mean the offensive line is usually right in the middle of the screen during the part of the play you would want to be seeing what they are doing.
  10. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Bullshit. Ducasse was never intended to be the starter this year.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He absolutely was w/ him then moving to RT next year taking over for Woody. They wanted Ducasse to win the job, if they didn't they wouldn't have waited so long to name the starter.
  12. rex-N-effects

    rex-N-effects New Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Ducasse was never drafted to play tackle. he was drafted to take over as the LG permanently. he didn't project well as a tackle in the NFL even though he played tackle in college
  13. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    There was a competiton.

    Ducasse lost it after the 2nd preseason game.
  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    It's not often that you see two posts that are equally wrong and disagree so strongly with each other.

    Ducasse was drafted as an OL prospect. Not necessarily as a tackle, not necessarily as a guard. His best fit position was obviously at RT, but they felt when they drafted him that with his tools, he may be able to step in at LG instead if he developed quickly and if Slauson struggled. Having him play RT wasn't an inevitability, it was the reason why he was a solid pick even if he couldn't handle the LG position.

    Then Slauson stepped up in the preseason and outplayed Ducasse, and the choice of where to play him became clear. There was nothing black and white about Ducasse's intended position when he was drafted, no matter how badly you want there to be.
  15. Even if one was to presume that at this moment, Faneca is better than Slaussen - an arguable point - the fact remains that Slaussen is on an upswing of his career and Faneca is on the downside. That alone has to be taken into strong consideration.
  16. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Why can't you see that this move wasn't about run blocking? It was about pass blocking, where Faneca was terrible. Slauson has absolutely been an improvement there, and he's been improving in every game. The FO wanted to ensure Sanchez's development by shoring up his protection. The improved pass protection has been a big part of his improved play this season. The run blocking hasn't been as good when we've run plays with a designed pull by Slauson, but that's a mental development issue. He'll improve in that regard, and we'll likely end up with a better line in all facets by the end of the season. I'm absolutely shocked that you have no clue how badly Faneca has degenerated.
  17. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    And for the record, we have a higher YPC average already this season running the ball than we did last season. Part of that is attributable to a natural decline in numbers with more carries, but an even bigger reason is that we found ways to improve our run game even WITHOUT that one positive aspect of Faneca's game, and in the process were able to improve our pass blocking by leaps and bounds. The 'sacrifice' of Faneca's pulls has been more than offset by the time afforded Sanchez in the pocket. Or would you rather trade his development for better run blocking on about 1/3 of the plays?
  18. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Allow me.

    I never said anything about pass blocking. I was specifically talking about run blocking, I think you need to learn to read. I'm not saying Slauson won't be better for us down the road but right now Faneca would make the Jets better. Why do you need to trash all the players the Jets let go?

    But somehow stretch this into at least 3 paragraphs.
  19. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Excellent job, juncilledkenny.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he was drafted to play LG then slide over to RT, that is still the plan.

    Slauson did nothing to win the job as much as Ducasse lost it. Ducasse was drafted w/ the idea he would work in at LG this year and take over at RT eventually.

    Our pass blocking was fine. The problems we had most last year w/ pass blocking came w/ a rookie QB being indecisive.

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