Good McNight, Joe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Lantern, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    The CS has seen a lot of Joe McKnight since TC and preseason. We have seen none of Joe McKnight since TC and preseason.. If Rex and the CS think he's ready, then I'll assume so until he proves otherwise.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I hope he'd step in and play well. Believe, I WANT to be wrong about this entire situation, Leon's gone and we have McKnight so we cannot undo what happened this offseason. I was just really disappointed in Mcknight but that doesn't mean I have given up on him or that he will never be a contributor.

    Someone needs to teach you about this game, our season is not dependant upon the first 3 games of the year. There will be times this year that we lose a game where one play froma playmaker like Leon could make the difference. We'll never know if things turn out differently now that he is gone but based on everything he has done and is continuing to do it's pretty evident he could have been a major factor for us at some point this year.

    Grow up and stop w/ the childish.

    It's going to take some time to get back to as close to 100% as possible(and maybe he never gets back close to 100%?), it's amazing he is where he is now but people are focusing too much on the YPC when he only has 11 carries.

    Another poster trying to be funny and failing b/c they didn't follow the entire discussion.

    That's b/c you need attention. If I spent any time bumping all the points I was crucified for which I then turned out to be correct I wouldn't have time to do anything else during the day.

    On that point, I never said I am giving up on McKnight or that he will suck- so far he's shown us nothing and I concerned. I hope he turns out to be great but I can't say I'm feeling confident at this point and anyone who is feeling confident it just being hopeful.

    Where do you guys get this Jones-Drew money BS? If he was back w/ us he wasn't getting Jones-Drew money.

    If you spent half the time you spend discussing me trying to learn the game you might actually be able to intelligently discuss this game.

    The difference btw posters like you and me(other than the huge gap in football knowledge) is that I give my opinions BEFORE things have happened. I was against the leon trade day 1, I didn't support then all of sudden say it sucked b/c of what he did last week.

    In the offseason we discussed many of our moves:

    I hated the Leon move and RIGHT NOW I look to be correct

    I hated the Faneca move and RIGHT NOW I look to be correct

    I was fine w/ Rhodes

    I didn't want to lose Jones but I was fine w/ LT coming in to replace him

    I hated the Feely move and RIGHT NOW it looks like I was wrong as Folk has been near perfect.

    When you actually have opinions of your own sometimes they turn out to be true and sometiomes they don't- actually w/ me most of the time they turn out to be true.
  3. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I need attention because I want to see this thread bumped when it is proven to be a miserable fail? What logic is there in that junc?

    You do have one thing right though, someone in this thread is dying for attention.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    WSW? TommieGreen? who else?

    I hope it does get bumped up, I hope McKnight is great. he's hown us nothing to believe that but I hope it happens.
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    WSW...the thread is almost 500 posts long and has all the usual characters...

    You can hardly call it fail.

    We arguing about a 3rd string RB, that hasn't seen the field all season.

    We've lost Revis, Pace and Jenkins...yet this is the topic...

    How great must things be in Jet land for this to be the Conversation.

    So full of Win.
  6. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Joe McFumble can stay inactive...
  7. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    You hated the Leon move? Did you expect Leon Washington to play well this season after that injury? Are you mad he had one more year on his contract, and we got rid of him for somebody with high potential? You wanted the Jets to deal with Alvin Keels?

    You hated the Faneca move? Okay he is a better player than Slauson right now I guess..

    But why keep a dude who wasnt really good last year, and pretty much just a name. Why keep a guy too late..when you know he is going to be even shitter than last year?

    BUT now we are getting Slauson game reps, and developing him into a good player.. Would you rather wait to develop Slauson? No.. I wouldn't. He is obviously going to get better as the season goes on, and look we are 2-1, and about to be 3-1. If Faneca was here I think the Jets would of had the same exact record.

    Jay Feely is a kicker.. He made tackles too.. Awesome.

    We got one of the best pass rushing defensive ends in the NFL for him. Yes Jason Taylor is not what he was, but look Calvin Pace went down.. What would we have done? Jason Taylor is a faggot, but he is a leader, and maybe he can make Vernon Gholston do something.

    I hope Joe McKnight plays on Sunday.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I knew what Leon meant to us, by the sounds of it he was recovering well and I hated the move. I hated giving him away for nothing.

    I would have been ok letting faneca go if we KNEW we had a replacement, we hoped we did and so far it's not looking but hopefully Slauson gets better.

    Jay Feeley was the best K we ever had.

    Jason taylor is not a leader, jason has been playing well but if we didn't get him we would have had an Adalius Thomas in here and we'd be doing as well.

    I hope when McKnight does play he is ready and contributes.
  9. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    We didn't give Leon away for nothing, we have a young FB who looks great so far, and has tons of potential. This is huge on our ground and pound team.

    I'm sure Bill Callahan and company knew what they were doing when they let go Faneca. Slauson has had a couple bad plays, but overall he has been solid. Faneca is old, expensive, a pathetic pass blocker, and has looked terrible in Arizona.

    I'm not old enough to have too much knowledge on this subject, but Jay Feely can't be the "best kicker we've ever had" after being here such a short time and missing in the playoffs.
  10. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Would we?

  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Our offense has looked fantastic the past 2 weeks, I don't think we're missing these guys too much. Oh and next week we had another serious threat.

    I think the FO did just fine.
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Do me a favor. Before you keep using the "gave him away for nothing" argument, address my question and tell me how YOU would have gotten Conner without giving up Leon.
  13. Quikjay

    Quikjay New Member

    Oct 1, 2010
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    Hey guys. I'm not a true jets fan, I just root for them because I'm a LT fan. But what is it about Joe McKnight that many of you don't have confidence in him. He was pretty good at USC.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    We gave him away for nothing, we could have gotten a 5th rd pick easily w/o sacrificing leon.

    Do you guys really think every move the Jets make is a good one?

    I don't have the draft value chart handy but it would have been easy to get a 5th rd pick especially the way we give away picks and AGAIN had we held onto our 4th we could have dropped down and picked up another pick.

    We'll see how this plays out, it's too early o evalutae it. we may not know for years but as of today it was a bad move.
  15. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Puked at minicamp. Failed his first conditioning test at training camp. Averaged like 2 ypc in the preseason. Lost a couple fumbles.

    He did a nice job returning punts tho
  16. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    This makes absolutely no fucking sense.

    Just because we could have traded something else for a 5th, means we got nothing for the trade?


    5th Round pick =/= Nothing
    Nothing = Nothing

    Sure we could have gotten a 5th round pick another way, but we would have had to give something else up.

    If we trade Dustin Keller for a 2nd round pick, did we get nothing due to the fact that we also could have traded Sanchez for a 2nd round pick if we wanted too?
  17. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    GTFO or teabag a bear trap.
    #477 Mr Electric, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  18. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    This is why you're insane.

    You go on and on about what a bad move trading Leon was, then conclude that it's too early to tell. Your previous points make zero sense now that you've admitted that.

    You said that it's not what Leon would have done up to this point, but what he could potentially do if Greene or Tomlinson got injured. How exactly can trading Leon be considered a bad move NOW when that scenario hasn't happened?
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    It's impossible to take someone seriously when they spin so much they actually try to spin a cold hard fact into something else.

    no, we got a 5th round pick
    But we still got a 5th round pick.

    derpity derp derp
  20. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Well, the 4th rounder we moved up from was 124. We took Conner at 139. That's a difference of 10 points, or a 7th rounder. So, we would then have a 5th, 6th, and 2 7ths. The problem is, the player we took in the 4th was a RB (and one we valued higher than a 4th rounder, hence the move up to snag him). Supposing we rolled the dice on Leon and his ONE season that he was going to be a Jet (again, you can't dispute that without moving into the realm of fantasy and baseless assumption while I have his own words behind me), we'd STILL be looking for a future replacement at RB. The trouble there is that only ONE RB was taken behind our 6th round spot: Charles Scott of LSU. We miss out on someone with incredibly high potential in order to squeeze one year out of Leon in which he (according to even your own estimates) contributes 80 touches and a marginal improvement to our KOR.

    It's so fucking ludicrous to suggest that we got nothing out of this. Even if McKnight turns out to be a huge bust, we lost VERY little in real production. I still believe McKnight will succeed, and if he scratches his potential, he'll contribute so much more for us than Leon did. And that's coming from someone with a Leon authentic hanging in the closet.

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