I have quite a few movie posters but they are up in my garage or sons room This is the one I had in my living room for the longest time but now is in my sons room But I have all 3 original movie posters framed and in my office along with my There are a few places online you can go to get some movie posters if you get the urge to man up your house.
so he is going to release probably the worst and least favorite of the films first and then base the subsequent releases on its success? yeah, sounds like a great idea. about as great an idea as revealing all the mysteries that are unveiled during the course of the OT during the prequels, thus stripping away any drama of the story, and then thinking the story is watchable in numeric order. boy, if I've never seen the movies, that twist in ESB sure is great when you find out Vader is Luke's father when you already know it from Episode 3. lots of drama and suprise in that scene now.
Wow, I didn't even know that that was the case. What a stupid idea. Then again, I don't think there are many people out there who don't know that Darth Vader isn't Luke's father.
there was and will continue to be a whole new generation of fans who were introduced to the movies from the prequels and will have no idea about that until they see the movies. but even so, what we know because we saw the originals first doesn't absolve poor story telling. there is a reason why Lucas didn't reveal Vader was Luke's father when Star Wars was released, or Luke and Leia were siblings -- it was supposed to be a surprise in ESB and Jedi. that's good storytelling. now, when someone watches the movies, there is no surprise -- the drama of the originals is completely stripped away by the prequels. that's why the prequels are bad films, they actually negatively affect what was good about the originals.
Yeah, that's true. Which is why I never believed that hogwash Lucas tried to feed fans about having an idea about what the first 3 films were about and then shelving them for 20 years. Bullshit.
let's be honest, everyone is generally pretty bad in the prequels, he just makes everyone else look slightly better. even Samuel Jackson is terrible. when you can strip away the cool from Sam Jackson, even when he is just being himself only in a robe, you know you suck.
I'm sure the films will make money, but not the megabucks. Fans of the original already know that the first three are crap, and the generation born in the 90s were introduced to a series of Star Wars films (1-3) that were dogshit compared to what was released at the time.
I do agree the majority of those movies are gonna make a ton. but Episode 1? while I think all the prequels are terrible, at least the other two have action at some point (even though I think episode 2 is a worse movie personally). but TPM is just a boring mess, and nothing happens. are people really going to flock to see it just because it is 3D? I don't know.
But they get you for almost $20 bucks for the movie and the glasses. So they are making at least twice as much off each person, thus half as many have to go to make mega money again! I think only the ticket price gets reported.
Same here. I think a lot of people in our generation were spoiled because the originals were so good.
I agree all the actors were bad. The directing was unsatisfactory. His performance won him a "Razzie"..worst supportering actor. I know that award doesn't mean shit, but Hayden Christensen's performance was the worst by far in 2 & 3...it was fake, unsincere and rehearsed.
Awful performance, but as JetBlue points out pretty much everyone sucks in those movies because of the hilariously awful script. I don't care if you're Ewan McGregor or Marlon Brando, you're gonna sound like an idiot when you cry "not the younglings!!??"
Agreed. Were Episodes 1 & 2 as good as 4 & 5? Of course not. But they weren't half as bad as people make them out to be. Oh, and Death Star scene in 3D? Hell yeah! Podracer scene from Episode 1 in 3D? OH F**K YEAH!
i love ROTS and AOTC was pretty good PM sucked ass.tried watching it again and it was hard to deal with
Man that's gonna be awesome!! I wonder how intense the fights between Obi-Wan and Anakin & Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker (Bespin) are gonna feel in 3-D. I can't freakin' wait!!