What else would you expect out of people who keep dialing and dialing and waiting on hold forever just to act all high and mighty and be cut off?
Just turned YES on at work, I wish every caller was like Bob in Rockland County. Rile up that fat bastard!
haha yeah, somebody PLEASE call in and say, "I just wanted to say that Braylon is amazing person for persevering though these difficult times and should be a role model for all the kids out there. Play your hardest and you will succeed, Braylon is an amazing human being, I just have no words..."
Mike I am in tears thinking about all the adversity Braylon has been through. What a man to overcome all this strife. He is a man amongst men Mike. LOL
I could use a good laugh, please someone call. Someone's gotta call up crying and tell him how much it hurts to hear him bash their hero, Braylon Edwards.
If someone does it they should talk about how they were arrested in a DUI a few years back, and it caused irreparable damage to his career and life. Wife left him, lost his job. Seeing Braylon overcome all of the adversity associated with that should be an inspiration to all caught in the same situation. He should be commended. I would pay to hear that shit.
I was screaming just before - Some dude called, waited on hold all to tell Mike and all the listeners that the CB that fell did it because the infield was painted over???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME PEOPLE.... You call a radio show to repeat what announcers said in a the game last night but, corrected themselves when you were taking a whiz?????? What are people looking for, a star? Thanks for informing us guy. JEEEBUS PEOPLE!!!!
"For all you Jets fans who don't think I get on the Giants, stick around." Okay. I'll stick around. I'm interested in how hard he bashes them.
We need a legion of people to troll Mike Francessa with shit like that. Tank would probably explode if we commended Braylon on overcoming the adversity.
God, I was thinking about that today, imagine a massive trolling of the Francesa show by Jets fans, just saying mean shit....It would make my year!!
lol, this is devolving into murderers and maiming inncocent people. Way to take the DUI incident, blind everyone to the fact that the Jets won a huge game last night, and insinuate that Braylon Edwards is a horrible human being for making a mistake. I now remember why I stopped listening to this fat blowhard. Clicking him off for good.
Has anyone defended Braylon's crime? I haven't heard anyone. The defense to Braylon comes in regards to Francesa not taking this kind of action when others have gotten a DUI including Kareem McKenzie.
I would love someone to just say "I am not condoning his actions by any means.I just ask you that you admit you made a mistake 2 years ago when you failed to be outraged by Kareem McKenzies DUI, right here "in your own backyard", and that he was allowed to play that week, to start that week. And please don't tell me that McKenzie had no prior rap sheet. Your prior actions have nothing to do with the likeliness of killing someone when you drive drunk. So please admit you and Lupica, and Gary Myers, and lots of other folks, missed the boat IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD by not being OUTRAGED that Kareem McKenzie was not only in the game, but didn't miss a single play. Then Mike you can perhaps explain why the Jets should be held to a different standard than the last TWENTY TWO DUI ARRESTS in the league? Because their coach curses at 10pm on HBO? And lastly, Mike Tannenbaum did not say they the NFLPA could grieve playing time. He said that they jets could not de-activate the player for the game, because, regardless of what Edwards wants, a grievance can be filed. A grievance can also be filed if the NFLPA feels that benching the player is a punitive action for a pending legal proceeding."
that's pretty good, unfortunatley no one is getting any further than "Kareem Mcken-" I feel sick listening to him, His stance is fucking fraud, it's pathetic and I feel bad for these people who have suffered over drunk drivers that believe him and think of him as a good person, when this is only to shit on the Jets! Nothing he says is genuine about this matter, what a POS!!!