That is an excellent post. That is one of the reasons why I still listen to the Francesser show. Hopefully WW85, NDMick, AbdulSalam, et al., will read your post. Maybe then the stop listening, put on a different station, listen to a CD posts will go bye bye.
The fact that he is, as you state, "influential in shaping the views that people have on the Jets," is even more an indictment of his bias. If he was irrelevant, his taking an obvious anti-Jets slant wouldn't be a big deal. But he does have influence, and with that influence comes some responsibility. He's not interested in that responsibility, he's only interested in pushing his own agenda.
agenda, shmegenda.... the only thing that matters to this fat slob (other than doughnuts) is RATINGS and the more he stirs up Jet fans who leave their radios and TVs tuned in to him, listen to him, call him and YES complain about him to others, the bigger RATINGS he gets and this leads to bigger contracts and gigs. so those who hate his guts and listen to him because of his "influence" or whatever the reason ONLY put dollars in the pockets of his size 56 portly trousers
1050 was just as bad this week. All I heard was Michael Kay pouting about the Braylon Edwards thing for hours and hours. People have been killing the Jets all summer for Hard Knocks, then the Mexican chick, then the Raven game. So they finally win a big game against the Pats, the D steps up, the QB steps up, and instead you just get a week of what a joke the Jets are again. Fuck that. So glad I got satellite radio now.
actually I made the incredibly wise decision after the Ravens game to permanently turn off ALL sportstalk radio. Thus I had a great week, got some reading and work done, went to the gym, spent some quality time with my family and my blood pressure levels dropped to well within normal levels I heartily recommend this theraputic solution to ALL you can get ALL the Jet football NEWS you need right hiere and other places on the good old Interwebz and you never have to hear any of the Fatcessas, Benignos, Everetts, Tierneys, Kays or LaGrecas BASH the Jets to get ratings plus NO Ira from Staten Island and his 840 calls a week either
Its amazing that anybody would bother to listen to franchesca and the drivel he expels onto the airwaves. who cares if he is syndicated in a few cities? nobody GAS about his biased opinions. He is a notorious hack. turn the dial and learn to smile.
Oh no, not this again. For the umpteenth time, some of us will continue to listen to his show for a multitude of different reasons.
Amen. And the funny thing is, the station says friday "we can finally talk about football". Uh, dipshits, you could have talked football all week, but chose to concentrate on this, because "you had to talk about it".
While I agree he has influence and that's what makes his anti-Jet agenda intolerable let's not forget, part of the reason he's syndicated and has as much influence as he does works at SIRIUS now. Now that Francesa has been on his own for a while and is finally starting to be challenged, I'd love to see Boomer and Carton take over the mantle of most influential NY sports hosts, even if Carton is a bit of a nut he does kind of remind me of Russo in that repect, and Boomer isn't full of himself like the fat man with a wider range of sports knowledge to boot. If some of you can honestly listen to his bs and not get annoyed, more power to you. Do what you can to expose his lies and agenda...but personally I cannot listen for any length of time when he's talking about the Jets and not get annoyed and I certainly can't blame anyone else for feeling the same way. I would rather listen to Michael Kay talk about the Yankees than Francesa talk about the Jets - and I'm a Mets/Jets fan saying this.
fatty showing how upset he still is about the jet win last week. he asks phil simms why the pats offense did nothing in the 2nd half when the jets got no pressure. simms credited the jets coverage. francesa says brady was awful though, brady even said it was the worst game of his career. LOL. can't give the jets a smidge of credit?
sorry. continuing to keep his fat mug shut down on both my radio and television. best solution to the fat dumb scumbag problem IMO
I listen because it's all in good fun. Do you realize what the most useless job is in america? Sports Journalism. I challenge anyone to find a job more useless. It's all entertainment. None of it is meant to be taken seriously.
Yeah a DWI, cheeseburgers on the field, a few wolf whistles, and some cursing on hard knocks. What a disgrace. In other news Tiki, LT, Plax, Mckenzie, Jacobs, etc. have all reflected the best that sports have to offer America. So laughable.
I think he's going really hard on the Jets this week cus he doesn't wanna talk about Antrel Rolle and Brandon Jacobs