he got away with the first jets win. all he did was give them credit in a 5 minute thing on monday and ever since has been destroying them on the braylon situation. if only he had to deal with a full week of praising the jets.
Huh???? Why did BakerMaker and his particular post make you think about Francesa? Didn't seeing and then clicking open this thread make you think about Francesa?
I think this fat POS is either losing his mind or is actually a genius trying to boost ratings he either actually hates the jets so much that something like this is an excuse for him to go nuts the last few days, or he knows that he's generating buzz and ratings
me thinks its a little bit of both...... the best any radio/tv journalist can ask for is coverage - positive and negative. he's got a thread in enemy territory with 1700 responses - u think WFAN and he doesn't know that? he can be a dick at times so he gets what he gets. jil
This entire thread is devoted to whining about someone who obviously has very little football knowledge. Nobody here has anything positive to say about the guy, I just don't know why people here still listen and whine about him. It confuses me, just like why you still have a forum name and avatar of a never was that we traded, and who continues to do absolutly nothing.
That's a silly take. Leon was a fan favorite and for good reason. He won games for us and he did it with flair. It was sad what happened to him, and if people want to remember the good Leon that's perfectly fine.
I can't believe he brought Woody's daughter into this... that is crossing the line. You can rip a franchise all you want but when you mention somebody's dead daughter to try and prove your point you not only are wrong such a disgrace of a human being you shouldn't be allowed to have a radio show in the largest media market in the world. Is taking a shot at someboy's dead daughter as bad as saying "dumb Caribbeans" or "nappy headed hos" ? Maybe not from the ACLU's standpoint but from a lack of class standpoint it certainly is.
Let's not make it worse. A caller brought up Johnson's daughter. Francesa replied by saying he'd rather not discuss that situation and doesn't know how to equate it to the football team.
Thanks for clarifying, these two posts made me believe he did but after rereading the 1st one and then seeing yours and the above reply I see that I misread the 1st quote. So what did the caller say? Why would that even be brought up, it has nothing to do with Rex and the Jets. Paris Hilton being a worthless lowlife has nothing to do with the Hilton Hotel so I'm not sure I see how his daughter relates to the Jets.
The call I heard was made between 5:30 and 6:00 on Friday. I cannot recall any of it verbatim. The caller said something to the effect of, "Isn't it wrong of Woody Johnson to call out Edwards over his DUI when Johnson lost a daughter to a drug overdose?" Edit- I see that other people alluded to this subject earlier in the week. There must have been other calls regarding Johnson's daughter. Based on what I heard from Francesa on Friday evening, I don't think Francesa was the one making comparisons between Edwards and Johnson's daughter nor do I think Francesa was casting judgment on Johnson. Of course, there is a possibility that Francesa was doing that earlier in the week and simply changed his tune by week's end.
As stupid as Francesa is, I really wonder about the people who call into the show. Then again we see a lot of those types of people on this board.
You've only made about the 150th post saying don't listen to Tank's show. I think we need 50 more of those. Please do.
Love him or hate him, the guy is syndicated (to three cities in Florida and DC) and a lot of people watch him on Yes. He's influential in shaping the views that people have of the Jets. I listen to know what kind of arguments he is making and to do what I can to help refute what he says. Just the other day, Incarceratedbob called him and mentioned both McKenzie and Brown and at least highlighed Fatty's complete bias. Both those players were mentioned on this thread and in other threads on this board. Maybe Bob picked it up from here or from WSW's thread about the two dozen or so players that have gotten DWI's and were not sat by their teams. And maybe others who are calling and challenging him are better informed because of threads like this. Lord knows that utter douchebags like Florio and Schwartz aren't going to do the research. It took a San Diego paper to really show how well behaved, relatively speaking, the Jets have been over the past decade. All the other outlets (Hi ESPN!) would rather push Fatty's "tha Jets are Thugs!" narrative. Back in the day, there was no way to mount a counterattack against a blowhard like Fatty. He was like Walter Cronkite, preaching whatever he thought day to day and there was no way to call him on his bullshit. The guy hates the Jets and is completely unfair in how he views the Jets, and that's a fact. When he spews his garbage, I want to be able to help highlight and read info that challenges his lies. That's why I listen.