An old joke from US Army Officer's Candidate School (OCS), circa 1968. You have to understand first that West Point graduates have always traditionally looked down upon OCS graduates as being less than gentlemanly: "Two young 2nd lieutenants walk into the latrine at the O-Club. One is a West Point graduate and the other an OCS graduate. They both finish at the same time and the West Pointer starts washing his hands while the OCS guy heads for the door. "Uh... excuse me", the West Pointer says to the OCS lieutenant. "At West Point they taught us to wash your hands after you go to the bathroom." The OCS graduate turns and looks at him for a moment and says, "Well in OCS, they taught us not to piss on our fingers."
You should do everyone a favor and stop coming to this thread. We don't need you. How does that sound? What you told 105 is the same thing. People have a right to come here and bellyache. Why not start your own thread about how much you love the new place? Then you'll be surrounded by all the opinions you love to hear and won't have to be aggrevated.
The PSL is a front loading of ticket prices. In fine print you are buying nothing it is a lease, in fact Jets factor in for tax purposes a 15 year depreciation life. At best it is bribe to secure better seats no different from key money to get a rent controled apartment. Bottom line season tickets only make sense if by buying all ten games at once you are securing better seats at a better price than you can in secondary market. If that is case with your UD seats you made a good choice. I had shit UD EZ seats. Last six rows. If I was given good UD seats in first go round I never would have bought a PSL. I will be in UD row five sideline for the vikings game on a pair I bought at face. Looking forward to sitting in UD as I have never been upstairs in the new stadium. At that point I can make a real comparison.
Don't you own 8/82,500 of the seats in New Millionaires Stadium which is around one out of every 10,000 seats? You are like a Wooody Johnson Jr.
History will always repeat itself, look at what happened to the long time Yankees STH's when the new stadium was put up. Everybody talked shit about how things weren't fair and that the Yankees didn't care about their real fans. Now look at the situation, a year later and mum is the word. Anybody that is still mad at the Yankees keeps their anger to themselves because nobody cares to hear them. Now I am not saying those guys should shutup, just merely saying why bitch about something that each and every one of you had control over. Next season nor Woody or anybody else is going to care about those complaining about how unfair shit is. Just look at those die hard Yankees fans that felt they were priced out. how cute and I even found a picture of 17a and Pats hater sharing their little snack while watching football.
speaking of which they didnt even scan my friends ticket for the pats game an at no time did he show it
You heard correct. The uppers near 315 had an stadium employee near the exit naintaining the flow goes through the "in" door,
Ridiculous design. You would think in this day and age that bathroom traffic could be managed very simply and easily by design and not necessitate personnel standing there like some sort of Commode Police. A fucking monkey could have designed the place better if I gave him a keyboard to pound on and an Abobe Illistrator program.
Well since according to Pats fan people in UD don't use sinks and only use exit doors so we can eliminate them add more piss holes and solve the problem.