To be fair, McKenzie is a stand up guy, and that was really the first time he's gotten into any trouble. Braylon is known to be a scumbag. That's the difference here I think.
hahahaha omg that guy just went on saying shit about being a gangsta and dropped the n word twice, and mike didnt catch it. he just said "i totally agree" hahahaha
Another funny thing Mike does is anytime you bring up Ladanian Tomlinson in as "LT" he immidetedly has a pissed off look and will yell to the caller: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Just remember that on this show, that there is only ONE L.T. in New York. Cmon now, nobody else can get that nickname besides Lawrence Taylor" You cannot call a future hall of famer "LT" a nickname he's gone with for about a decade yet Lawrence Taylor, who was perceived on his show as a victim and humble man during the rape allegations has the 2 letter nickname enshrined. This dude is hilarious.
I think "sportspope" on youtube will probably post it up. he usually posts up the funniest moments on this show.
this caller just made up a brilliant point. Braylon does ALOT for charity, and I'm sure he is going to do something about drinking & driving.
Mike's not in the wrong for accusing the Jets of hiding behind that rule. It's dishonest; just say we're doing this for the team like Rex did ad leave it at that.
when did the union come out and say they wouldn't grieve this? Edwards said it knowing that a player can't waive his CBA rights. Union decides not to grieve this and it sets a he has a $30k bonus built into his contract for making the 45 man roster. They are making such a big players that have been suspended for an arrest the week of an arrest?
Now a guy was asking about Ellis and whether he played after his reefer arrest. Mike "coodint reemmebah" He did play, IRRC. Here's Tanny's statement from Dec. 2008: UPDATE: GM Mike Tannenbaum made this statement about the issue. “He is disappointed with himself and has apologized for his actions. Personal conduct is important and an area that we stress to the entire organization. Shaun has been a leader on this team, and I am confident that he will handle this in the appropriate fashion. The legal process will run its course, and the league will handle this matter.”
I just listened to unprofessional can you be Mike? The fucking guy is just trying to report what the Jets are saying...crucify the Jets when you get off the phone with the guy.