I notice that the forum is impossible to navigate when I surf on the DROID, as the big amazon ads clickspace takes up the entire page. That means, no matter where you click on the page, it is actually clicking on the amazon banner ad, which then goes to the amazon site. Is this intentional to get clickthroughs or is this an unknown issue? The only way I can circumvent it is to zoom in real, real close to the thread or link title and that enables me to click it. But this needs to be done carefully. Anyway, it's a significant bug that should be addressed.
That's too bad. It is really annoying, but I figured that it was a way to contribute to the site. In the absence of creating revenue, it would be nice if it went away. Any time your finger touches the screen by mistake, it takes you to the amazon page (the whole screen highlights when it happens, if that helps). I just checked and it is still happening. Thanks.
This x 1,000. It might cost like 4 bucks but it's worth it ten times over. Makes browsing on your phone ridiculously easy.
Not a fan. I really don't like how it cuts off quotes and doesn't say who they are from. Gif's don't work. It's good for a quick look, but not great.
I have the xroid x and have the same problem with the amazon ad when i tap the screen.if u touch and pause until the appropriate item highlights u will not encounter this problem.
I have the Samsung Vibrant and tried it with the built-in browser, Dolphin and Opera Mini... all worked fine.
I actually had this problem for a long time from my first generation Droid (first generation meaning, I went out and got a Droid the week it came out). It worked fine until the Amazon ad was added to the site, and then, anywhere u clicked below the ad, it would take u to Amazon. Anyway, that phone broke and I got another one about a month ago with the new updates on the Droid and I noticed that the ad wasn't effecting the site anymore. So, I was good until I lost my phone recently. Anyway, I'm glad other people are bitching about and it's being looked at since I thought I was the only one. I don't anticipate this problem to continue when I get, yet another Droid on Tuesday.