Braylon Edwards Future ?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I am guessing that there is alot of information regarding this situation and past situations that we are totally unaware of. Given the track record that we know about, if this was simply an isolated incident I would be surprised. Its much more likely that there is some significant individual history which provides a much larger context for this latest incident. I think Braylon's future depends on Braylon. How does he address his actions? Does he take responsibility for himself and get treatment or does he blow it off and keep drinking? His future depends upon how he wants to conduct himself.
  2. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    As far as the character stuff goes, people have to remember that there's a lot more to any person than the handful of facts that you can learn about them through the press. Tannenbaum and the Jets coaches are around Edwards every day. When the time comes for them to make a decision, they're going to have a pretty well informed idea of the kind of man Braylon is. None of us has that. You can't find anybody who says Braylon's a bad teammate, so my guess is there'll be a lot more in the 'pro' column on the character decision than some people are inclined to give him credit for.

    As to the actual business of football, a few things. First off, Braylon has to realize that he hasn't played himself into a top five wide receiver contract, and he's unlikely to do that over the course of this year, given the presence of an arguably superior wideout, an inexperienced quarterback, and a punishing ground game. He's worth a good deal of money, but I don't think he's worth more money than this team can afford, especially when you factor in the fact that Braylon seems very likely to be inclined to give a New York discount (the Giants could benefit from the same, but they might be happy to stick with Smith and Nicks).

    It comes down to the question of, assuming a future cap, how does Tannenbaum want to build this team, because you can't have everything. It might be worth it to him to give his young franchise quarterback a Stallworth/Swann combo. That might seem more important than having a Revis/Cromartie combo at corner, or it might not. We all know how long this team struggled to find a big wideout. Money paid to Edwards is money not wasted on the next Justin McCareins.

    If I had to guess, I'd guess that Edwards will end up testing the market, and then resigning here. He's already pretty wealthy off his rookie contract, he's made it abundantly clear that he's a New York guy and doesn't want to move back to the sticks, and I don't think anybody else is going to top whatever the Jets offer by enough to make him leave, considering those facts.

    And by the way, I think anybody inferring a drinking problem from the events we know about is stretching a little bit. He blew a .16. The dude likes to get out, as do many people, but it's not like he's a waste case, at least not as far as we know.
  3. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Well said sir.
  4. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Who said anything about trading him this season ?

    The jets could always tag and trade him if he had value.
  5. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Really? Did you happen to see where anonymous players on the Jets were quoted as not being surprised by this? That certainly sounds like more than just somebody who "likes to get out" that sounds more like somebody who likes to get drunk and it sounds like somebody who may well have a drinking problem.

    Also I'd say a person might well have a drinking problem if he has been involved in several criminal icidents involving alcohol in the past two years, including a criminal incident that he is currently on probation for and an incident in which his drinking buddy killed a pedestrian while driving drunk.

    and now he has a dui charge for himself after blowing a .16 w/a car full of passengers.

    I would say that such a person should probably take a very serious and sober look at his relationship with alcohol before he hurts himself or others.

    If I were the Jets I would not be very interested in signing players with alcohol problems and criminal problems to expensive contracts. you never know if the guy is gonna drink himself into the hospital, jail or the morgue.
    #25 AbdulSalam, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  6. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Idk, if we can get both of them, then do it. If we win a Super Bowl, then keep the bang together.
  7. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    It was definitely stupid on Braylon's part but I seriously hope he remains a Jet. He has been doing great and him and Sanchez seem to be on the same page. Also as far as being a ground and pound defense they have been saying that a lot, but I really think the offense is still looking for an identity. If Sanchez can keep on performing near last weeks level then I don't see why we wouldn't want to air it out.
  8. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    if anything, this is great contract negotiation leverage for the jets.

    As long as he stays out of trouble the rest of the year and he performs on the field, you'd want to try to keep him along with holmes. Although holmes has moved up to #1 on the priority board. Also contingent on that he stays out of jail. I think he will...because he'll probably beat this case and it won't violate his probation. Why do i say he'll beat this case? Because i think they've already poked a hole in the way the breathalyzer was administered. Police have a very specific protocol to follow to administer a road side sobriety test and/or breathalyzer depending on the state. that involves ASKING...they can not force you to take either test. I know this because this is how my lawyer beat my previous girlfriend's DUI. The case was dismissed. Judging by the experts from the police report, i dont think he followed proper protocol and a high powered lawyer like this will easily beat this case or have it reduced to reckless driving AT the worst

    aside from this (which again, could happen to anyone), braylon has been a great jet. this is just magnified 100x because of the game we have coming up, the amount of press the jets are getting and the whole controversy with jets west and ines sainz
    #28 jets_fan_in_fishtown, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  9. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    The guy stallworth killed was drunk and j-walking. bastard should be in jail.
  10. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    So the cop who pulled Braylon was definitely a Giants fan. :p
  11. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Totally first thing to pop into my head
  12. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    This is a "what have you done for me lately" kind of league that hates wasting talent. There is no question that Braylon has talent. If he has a fantastic season from this point on and his problems with the law are minimal, I expect his representation to try and spin him as a no. 1 wideout.

    That is if there aren't any hiccups along the way of course.

    If the dropsies come back, the Jets could get him back at a discount but they probably would look elsewhere.

    All depends on how he plays from here on out.
  13. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    But he's so good at two-pint conversions.
  14. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I hope Holmes comes in and changes the way Jets fans think of WR.
    However, in reality our receivers are only as good as Sanchez and he needs as much help as the team can provide him.
    So..if the Jets do not retain Edwards AND Holmes, I suspect they will make a move to get another WR, albeit via FA acquisition or draft.

    But I do think Edward's struggles off the field, though they blemish the Jets in the public eye, actually aid the Jets' leverage monetarily...sort of a good thing. I'd like to think Edwards (at a discount), Holmes, and Cromartie are all retained.

    But I mean, we are 2 games in...we need to see more from Edwards and to see Holmes actually TAKE THE FIELD before we can even formulate our speculations about who stays and who goes. Don't you think?
    #34 GQMartin, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  15. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    WTF? You are blaming him "for being with Stallworth the night before he murdered a man"? are you serious? Was that a joke? You are blaming him for that?
  16. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Well i think the inclination is that how could you let Stallworth get in his own car and drive home, "why didnt you take his keys?" I think its bullshit to hold him to that, it was stallworth's choice to drive, not edwards choice to make stallworth drive.
  17. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If Holmes even remotely works out, and I really believe he will, Edwards will be gone after this season.

    Look, this guy has a history. All the talent in the world, but no head for the game, and no heart for it either. This happens all the time. Guys like him float into the NFL all the time in the first half of the first round. They have the talent, and that talent was enough to get them through college without having to put in a ton of effort. But the NFL requires not only talent, but heart, work ethic, and a head for the game. Edwards has only the talent, and that is not enough to be successful at this level.

    Compare our favorite white boy Chrebet to Edwards. Edwards has more natural talent in his little toe than Chrebet had in his whole body. But Chrebet had work ethic, heart, and understood his role on the team. Edwards cares only for himself, not the team. Give me a guy with heart and a head for the game over natural talent any day.

    Holmes has it all. He has made a mistake or two as well, but he isn't anything like Edwards. Holmes has tons of talent, and has a great head for the game. He understands team. On Hard Knocks you saw him mentoring younger players, discussing team with the coaches, and working hard. This team doesn't need Edwards.
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    It happened at 6 AM in the morning. Maybe Edwards was sleeping? He wasn't with him anyway.
    #38 Don, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    There's no reason to qualify 6AM with "in the morning". Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.
  20. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Haha..true. I will add this though and I know it wasn't you who said it but it is much easier to blame Gholston, Ferguson and whomever the other two were in Edwards car for letting him drive than it is to blame Edwards for letting Stallworth drive, they were with him. Where is that outrage?

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