most credit he has given the jets in the last 2 years. even during the playoff wins he was bitter and making excuses. not a ton of excuse making so far today. I'm still expecting a caller to get him going and then the anger will come out.
He's calling it a "complete team effort". When I lived in NY, I listened to him and Russo all the time. I think from '89 until I moved a few years back. With the exception of the '98 season, this is about as positive as he's EVER been regarding the JETS. Weird.
Gotta say, he was fair and precise, of course he repeated himself 3 times and if I was him I would not wear a white shirt, he looks real tubby.
Chubby has to give that effort yesterday credit. Probably the biggest reason he IS giving it so much credit is that Rex didn't say after the game that they were winning the Super Bowl because they won yesterday.
I'm hoping for the Jets fan who called him last year after week 2 and said... "Right now Mike I'd take Sanchez over Brady." Francesa blew a gasket and the show was bash the Jets and fans the rest of the day.
There were no excuses, I mean he tried tos ay Brady messed up on the Cromartie interception but that didn't work.
Its gotten to the point where people in the industry are losing respect for the guy, he has to dial it back or else people within the NFL are going to stay away. Making it personnel is very unprofessional which he has become. That plus he knows the Jets are going to be good and the Giants are gonna suck so he better be nice or he's going to wind up talking Mets in the winter while 1050 is 24 x 7 Jets. He's a lot of things, but he is business savy.
Yeah, otherwise we could have traded for a big WR last October, but unfortunately trades don't happen during the season.
Mike just ripped the Dolphins up, I would to tho, theirs really nuttin special about them. crappy offense. but they think their defense is so great now. We will see.
Speaking of the shitty Dolphins I had a great laugh listening to Cowherd on my way to school. This fucking idiot thinks the Fins win the division hands down and it's a toss up between the Jets and Pats on who takes second and neither may make the Playoffs. Also, Minnesota will make the playoffs over Chicago hands down, which may happen but unlikely. And that Dallas isn't in trouble since the rest of the NFC east teams are all mediocre at best. The Steelers and Ravens are the best teams in the league as well. I couldn't believe this much garbage came out of his mouth in 3 minutes. Does this guy have some knowledge in other sports cause he has none about football.
I usually agree with Cowherd a lot and enjoy listening to him on my lunch break but my god he was completely off today. He was definately going off the road with his predictions. The steelers one to me is the most puzzling.
Cowherd doesn't know anything. I listen to him every now and then, he's good at bringing up topics for discussion and makes good arguments that don't require a technical knowledge of sports, but he has no actual in depth knowledge of the sports. BTW, I love this sudden hype around the Dolphins. Hopefully the Jets can squash it.
The hype is silly, they sloppily beat two shitty teams, now the Vikes could potentially turn thngs around but as of right now they are shit, as are the Dolphins, they got four turnovers and got what only 7 points from them. People seem to be high on teams that have scraped out wins unimpressively and dismissing teams like GB and Philly, I mean they are recognized but everyone seems to be riding on teams like Pittsburgh and the Washington. People also like surprise teams so KC and Houston will get alot of attention if they keep playing well. Anyway no matter how things look now the big picture will start to be clear by week 6.