If life was fair the Jets would let me attach a chair to the sideline camera so I can always have best seat in house and let me park in the cheerleaders parking lot.
Interesting that you saw many open Yellow parking spaces walking in. And the PATS game, no less! A week ago, my son and I took the bus from Lot 26, and it brought us in right past all the Green parking and it was half empty! I have long suspected green and yellow are over-allocated, meaning, more spaces there than they really need, done on purpose to push the PSLs no doubt.... I'm convinced of it. The other day I read where a NJ Transit manager estimated that they transported over 12,000 people to the Ravens game by train.... 12,000! Put an average of 3 people in a car and that saves 4,000 parking spaces. That's a lot of empty parking spaces available in all the lots, because the train is bringing in 12,000 people. So this has all been one huge game by the Jets to push the PSLs. Show the PSL suckers they have ample, "preferred" parking and let them feel superior to the Upper Deck slobs who have to schlepp... ll clever marketing. It'll be interesting to see what happens the minute the Jets realize Upper Deck people are leaving in droves and telling them "One and Done" like CBG. Then and only then will we get some relief. Fuck You, Woody Johnson.
Don't forget people who simply do not want to deal with tailgaters. In my time, I have tailgated with the best of them. With a young family at home, arriving hours before the game is no longer an option. With a 2.5+ hour (each way) drive, I want to get in and get out without any drama. Furthermore, I don't want to deal with drunks who think they are funnier than they really are. I don't want to deal with broken glass all over the parking lot. I don't want to deal with dodging people blocking entire ailses playing football. UD'rs who complain that they cannot park in Yellow won't admit parking passes are easily available in Yellow for little or no markup. Next year, there will probably be more available.
UDers had no way of knowing if Yellow Passes would be available and for what price. This is all new to all of us. We all bought Orange for fear of not being able to park anywhere, period. Next year, many, many UDers will be seeking Yellow Passes, IMO, so I'm not so sure there will be as many available as you think their might be. All things remaining the same, however, this is exactly what I plan on doing if I'm not One and Done next year. I'll refuse the Orange pass and buy season Yellows for as close to face as I can get them. I need 16W heading south after the game. That will eliminate a lot of stress for me. No more tunnel, no more bus, screw that. I still think Woody changes all this though, after he finds out UDer are leaving his New Mausoleum Stadium in droves.
One thing you might see happen is, UDers might be offered Yellow at a premium. Let's say Orange is still $250 for the season. They may offer UDers the upgrade option to buy Yellows at, say, $350 and Greens at, say, $500. That's one thing the greedy little bastard could do to try to placate his Upper Deck commoners without changing lot designations.
I took the train both ways to Ravens game and it was nearly all Jets fans, 12k was how many fans in total was on train. However, in bus parking lot there were tons of raven fan buses. I am happy you now agree with me that the jets have clever marketing. One thing I do notice about yellow is less people tailgate. Most of people near me for first few night games were coming from city straight from work. New York City generally has the highest income jobs in tri-state area no suprise maybe a lot of people who work in New York City bought most expensive seats. If you don't tailgate Both preseason games, Opening day and Vikings are afterwork games so train makes sense, Holloween, Thanksgving and New Years a lot of fair weather fans are skipping so that leaves Pats, Texans and Dolphins only games worth driving to. At that point why not skip a permit all together and car pool. I know a lot of people in my row was not tailgating as they came to seat at start of game with food and beers.
I am refusing yellow pass next season in first go round. Jets were selling yellow passes after pre-season was over for $200 bucks.Why pay months early and get stuck with two worthless parking passes.
We parked in L lot (Yellow PSL pass) and arrived at around 1:30 PM. The lot was PACKED, and it took us a while to find a spot. People tailgating everwhere. I'm not sure what PSL lots had lots of spaces available, but it sure wasnt Lot L. The Club lots were pretty wide open...
I just contacted the Jets via e mail about my lovely pregame experience,,,I am curious as to what type of reply I will get if any? If they do not reply or call me,,I will call them on Tuesday directly.
escalators - issues, complaints Hey fellas - I have one of the larger area newspaper's ear on this and they've asked me for horror stories regarding exit and entrance issues due to the design of the escalators, ramps, elevators, etc. I had a reporter looking for me yesterday and he's called today. I told him I was fine at yesterday's game, but others who were not might post about it here. PM me and I will pass along your contact and/or tales of woe to them for their story. THANKS let's get some attention to this dreadful design, one that many of us predicted would be a mess last winter. Who designed this????
Sent you a PM with my contact info, Loge. I want to give him an earful on how inconvenient Orange Parking is for Pepsi Corner Uppers.
Where I parked in K4 we had a pretty insane taiglate party going on. The biggest issue in the PSL lots is that the Jets took away a lot of curb areas so less area for bigger tailgate parties. The funny thing is people who park in lot J are complaining its taking them 45 minutes to just get out of the lot. K is the lot I wanted where it would be a orange, yellow, green, lot. Right onto route 3 after the game within 5 minutes without fail. I didn't take the escalator yesterday I did the stairs but I hope I can take the escalators down in the future without a mess like the Ravens game.
That is complete BS, I normally park in C, the CC lot. Pops and Co. were in Mexico and I met up with people in L. That was actually the exact lot I was talking about. Maybe you were up closer to G or something. Near the back as we walked in I saw plenty of parking in L and even more in J. I was scoping it out because it was my first time over in that area. Were you near L7 by chance?
They must be listening....the 2 previous "Issues" I had were not issues this time. -Opened the 2nd Exit from my lot. -Opened the road that allows me to get directly onto my highway. Absolutely loved everything except the traffic that was being "Diverted" towards our lot made it congested. But since I only have to deal with that for maybe 50ft. it was not really an issue
Yeah they emailed everyone their new plans after the Ravens game, did you get this exit map email? http://prod.static.jets.clubs.nfl.c...s-stadium-egress-routes-parking-site-maps.pdf