To all Dolphin fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Vorrecht, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    the dolphins are the best. they fucked up da bills, and scored 7 points of offense against da vikings. throw at lito sheppard lol.
  2. GreenHornet27

    GreenHornet27 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    Look who's website you are at. And I'm the fucking idiot? hahahaha.
  3. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I wouldn't put the Vikings in the "terrible" category.
  4. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    LeBeau is in for his playing days :rolleyes:

    I believe he actually got in for lifetime achievement. You are not supposed to be enshrined for such a thing, but that's what it looked like to me. Same thing with John Madden. He retired from coaching after the 1978 season. So why the heck did it take him till 2006 to get enshrined? I'll tell you why. It's because of his broadcast work and for being such a big ambassador for the sport.
  5. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    haha yes fuckin love Jets-Dolphins week...and it's still the Sunday before the game!
  6. Tyche

    Tyche New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    JFAULK, you're a fucking idiot since you have an account at finheaven

  7. Totodestroyer

    Totodestroyer New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Nah, we aren't the best but my memory is fuzzy. Exactly how many points did you score on the banged up Ravens secondary?
  8. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    If you look at their careers at a whole it is not very fair.

    Rex Ryan has been coaching in the NFL for 16 years.

    Dick LeBeau has been coaching in the NFL for 37 years.

    Rex Ryan won a Superbowl 6 years into his career, but he was the DL coach so it wasn't all on him.

    Dick LeBeau won his first Superbowl 33 years into his career, a greater accomplishment than Rex's due to having a higher position, but nonetheless it took him 33 years in the league.

    To look at their careers as a whole is like comparing Patrick Willis to Ray Lewis.

    They are both great right now, but one has a much better track record due to having so much more time to accomplish things.

    But as of today, I'd take Patrick Willis (Rex Ryan)

    I know this comparison doesn't hold too much weight because unlike a player, a coach doesn't need to maintain athleticism to succeed, it was just showing a point through a simple analogy.

    But overall, I'm not going to say it is ridiculous to anoint Dick LeBeau as a better mind then Rex even at this point, but to say it is not even close is just laughable.
  9. Tyche

    Tyche New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    I actually thought it was for his playing days, but let's not pretend he isn't a HoF defensive coordinator. You really want to be the guy that makes this argument?
  10. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    There is no such thing as a HOF DC. No coordinators are in the Hall.

  11. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    you phins fans better come back when the Jets win next week...I'd like to laugh at you and have you read my sweet words written about how bad the Dolphins truly are.
  12. Tyche

    Tyche New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    This is by my own ignorance, my bad.

    And yes, I'll be here next week, but last time fins fans trolled your game threads, they all got banned. I don't really care to be banned because I fucking hate finheaven.
  13. GreenHornet27

    GreenHornet27 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    who the hell is JFAULK?? you must have me confused with someone else dude. The last thing I'd ever do is waste a minute of my life visiting a Dolphins website, let alone go a step further to set up an account and give fag loving community like that my email address. I think I'd rather go get a rectal exam from a proctologist.

    Go back to your slippery flipper lovin' site and jizz all over your 2-0 team.
  14. GreenHornet27

    GreenHornet27 New Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    That's a little ironic isn't it? kind of like a closet fag hating on homos isn't it?
  15. asdf13

    asdf13 New Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    I'll be here. When we win, I might make a thread for you to cry in. Shit is going to be even more hilarious than the week 1 threads after the Ravens shit on the SOJ.
  16. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I watched the Fins/Minny game...and here is my take: They don't do anything outstanding...what they do is everything solid. I was impressed with the first bomb from Henne to Marshall...god forbid they get that worked out on a daily basis. I was a bit baffled that they got away from the Wildcat...I think the score would have been ALOT worse in favor of the Fins...almost reminded me of shitty Schotty play calling...getting away from what works. Favre looks done. For the first time, I can honestly say he looks OLD.

    Next weekend is going to be a BATTLE! THAT I can guarantee. If Schotty dials up another game plan like this one...we have a very real shot at a W. If we even get close to that Monday night debacle and we will WISH it was only a 10-9 outcome. Let's be very real here in ole' Gang Green land...we have no freakin' idea which team we have here after two games. It literally is like Jekel and was as good as last Monday was horrible. Which Jets team shows up next weekend is anyone's guess.

    On a not so positive note...maybe a little...I think this is the perfect time to rest Revis. Marshall is the only real receiving weapon they have...I say put alCrotraz on him and roll a safety and let the others take JT and give Westermann is chance to start. Just some thoughts...

    But god...if some of you don't stop talking smack and shit about how we're going to stomp the fins I'm going to do whatever is in my power to make sure your bullshit kharma gets shit right back on you. STOP jinxing the team...they can screw it up all on their own if they so choose.

  17. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    this week is going to be great....look...the Dolphins are a good team. They beat Minny in their building which is no easy task. Bert looked like shit but AP had a huge game and the gay sharks still held on for the win. Two weeks in a row they held on to win when they had to...on the road. Give credit where credit is due.

    Sunday is going to be a bitch for the Jets. We may not have Revis...and we're banged up in other places as well. The gay sharks are good against the run...its going to come down to Sanchez and stopping that wild cunt bullshit. Personally I cant wait....if we beat these fucker then we're in the drivers seat.

    Funny shit on finheaven though...these fuckers are self proclaimed kings of the world!! Last year when we were 3-0 they told us it didnt mean their 2-0 and unstoppable

    And V. Davis hurting himself celebrating???....priceless......
    #137 HOI, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  18. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Wow.. a lot of stupidity in this thread, especially from some of our fans. My 2 cents:

    The dolphins are a good team. Offensively they haven't looked good. Running game looks about average and the passing game looks a bit nonexistant. Marshall does look good though. The defense looks good and will probably be good for years. A lot of young guys with high-motors that play smart. The fins don't necessarily have elite individual talent but as a unit the defense imo is top 10 in the league.

    The Jets still have some Jekyll and Hide in 'em. Week 1 the offense was a downright disaster. No running game, no passing game, nothing. Whether that's to blame on Sanchez, Greene, Schottenheimer, or the Ravens D is unknown, but the turn-around this week on offense was fantastic. Sanchez played like a perennial pro-bowler against a makeshift pats secondary. Tomlinson looks like he's stepped into a time machine - great speed, awesome intensity/leadership, and still shows flashes of his elusiveness. Greene has been subpar for his standards set late last season but I think he's due for a big game. The Jets defense will probably not have the likes of King Revis on Sunday so the secondary has to step up like it did in the second half. Cromartie had an awesome second half filling in Revis shoes, and Wilson impressed as well. Shit, even Drew Fucking Coleman made some plays.

    My prediction - A close game that will be decided late in the fourth quarter. I think the Jets play a strong game but beat themselves with mistakes, Miami capitalizes early. Final score: 20 - 17 JEts
  19. swifty_0

    swifty_0 New Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Lol @ someone bringing Dick LeBeau into the arguement, he's like 80..
  20. la2miami

    la2miami New Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    just to chip in my two cents, the last few posts that give a more realistic perspective are legit.. respect

    i definitely disagree with people on finheaven as "self proclaim(ed) kings of the world" because its 50% people talking shit about how bad our offense/dan henning/henne is and the other 50% telling them to shutup and enjoy the win.

    i like coming to this message board cause its a total 180 from finheaven in terms of perspective but one thing i did notice is that people here are definitely much bigger homers/full of themselves and their team than on finheaven.

    a lot more realistic people on FH who don't get too overly excited about the team.

    i think the few really stupid posters here aren't quit as stupid as on FH, though...

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