17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Don't get yourself elected to public office. If you do, you could end up attending a public hearing tonight - like me. Not only will I not get to go in person, I will not get to watch on TV!!!!
  2. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    You are dead right about the inconvenience factor. For people in CT, a 7pm start time is a killer b/c we get caught in outgoing traffic on the GWB or the Tap. I assume people on LI have similar problems.

    Bottom line: Unless you live/work near public transportation, MNF games are very difficult for "distant" fans to get to. In most cases, we will be selling ours.
  3. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    On train to game, shitty weather - trains barely running.

    Anyone know where the will call window is at the stadium?
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Well I am not sure if this was posted or if anyone is aware so here it is----last year the Jets gave "military discounts " on tickets , which was like 10 bucks a ticket or some other price. Tonight they gave military TICKETS FOR FREE and lots of them. I honestly do not have a problem with that concept BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM when military personel do not use the tickets and other regular, civilians like myself DO! So here it is I paid for parking and 2 freaking preseason games and sit in gods country and yet these people sat in the 100 's--then to make it a little more of a nut twister, we got to the game at 3:30 and our new lot was full ,, we were told it was for miitary personel----so we had to do a a firedrill and text and call guys coming later and relocate----again not the end of the world, we only moved over one lot but you think we could have gotten an e-mail or some notice about this stuff???
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    jets played flag football and what did sanchez throw for 70 yards. ouch.

    Timing is everything, I caught a 440ish Sec train no problems, got there well before rain delays, saw some of slash show and rain came but right by Jets store so went right in and then a line started to get in. then hung out by GHC while rain was on, plenty of room on both the 135 and 142 side.

    End of game, breeze getting out from visitors side lower level made on one of first trains out. As train was pulling out, I saw line building up to get on train. Damm Upper Deck people were marching down like ants in an ant farm.

    Never a line for a bathroom, Never a line for Beer. People by me were freegin nutso whole game. I was on big screen a few times as I was next to raving lunatics in Jets Construction hats

    One thing I did notice lots and lots of ravens fans in first few rows. they were bitching about ravens PSLs, told me ravens psls were priced super cheap on the get go but in secondary seats in their section are up 300% and now they want to add seats to their group. There was like a good 40 of them, in section 144 I noticed they had wigs and makeup and ate up the first three rows, thank god I don't sit there.

    That mexican american reporter what up with her business suit, it still was so so short you had to look a lot.

    Still amazed how many people were buying stuff in Jets store like money was no object, half that shit is same stuff on internet I see marked up 300%. The flight crew doing autographs and pictures was a nice touch.

    Also what up with people on Jets side lower level, they were sitting the whole game. The GD raven fans were cheeering more even when jets were winning.

    Overall I was happy. that UD thing sucks just from the point of getting up there and getting back down. Bring back the damm express escalators like in old Giant stadium.

    However couple of old timers in my section looked pissed. So many scalpers sold rows one, two and three to raven fans who were on their feet 90% of game that somone with a good row four Lower Sideline Seat that took good senority to get saw shit the whole game. I was on my feet 90% of game.

    Trouble is unlike UD those real jet fans in those row 4 seats can't be one and done, lots of them are from back when there was a 20% deposit and have lots of skin in game.
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Why are you mad are you one of those mosque building guys?

    What is big deal if Military gets good seats? they get paid peanuts, did a big show they did not get paid for and in return jets throw them some free tickets and parking, big deal. Also what obligation does the military or any charity have to use the tickets directly. The Islanders for instance sells tickets to charities at much less than face and allows charties to resell tickets to make a profit, also charity is allowed to throw tickets it gets on stubhub if it wants. Do you think a boys club with a leaky roof, no fuel for winter that had a big insurance bill do who gets 100 free tickets are going to use all 100 tickets, makes more sense to take 10-20 kids scalp rest and use profits to fix roof and buy heating oil.

    Tailgating must have sucked with that monster storm if you had everything going.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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  8. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    ROJF did you read my post? I have no problem with military using FREE SEATS, my problem is that people who ARE NOT MILITARY used em! They got those seats for FREE .They were downstairs in the 100's so yeah I have a big problem with that and as I said there were MANY of them. The people I spoke to were not part of any boys club or little league or needy group-----they GOT OVER!

    ps I have family members that are or were in the military
    pss our tailgate was a blast

  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Let ROJF sit behind constantly standing Ravens lunatics for a few more games in his overpriced, fucked up PSL seats and he'll change his tune. This Sunday it'll be constantly standing Patriots lunatics. Oh wait, I forgot. They have to "fix hole in roof and buy heating oil, so okay to sell tix if that's the case."

    Fuck that. If you are military and buy the tix at a huge discount, make them provide proof of active service and then reissue the tickets so that it's the last scanning. Private First Class Smith either uses the fucking things or he doesn't. Screw enabling him to become a scalper and sell the tickets to Ravens fans.
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Military tickets are for themselves, their family, their friends or whoever they want to sell the tickets to. They are unsold seats. Last night in 142 and 135 last 20 rows ten seats closest to 143 and 134 that were all empty unsold PSLs three weeks ago that was magically sold last week were a sea of raven fans. Jets let them go to brokers who sold them all off. Maybe to bus tours from Baltimore. Heck the 5k LL EZ corners were jammed with military guys. Heck Kelli Rippa reported today that Woody Johnson gave her free tickets to sit in the most lux box in stadium for her and her family. Heck Gasitneu was sitting in section behind 135 and went up and down aisle between 135 and 137 sigining autographs during game. Bet he got a free ticket. Cheerleaders get free tickets for family, NFL, Charities, sponsors, other teams, Jets staff members. So what, Woody owns team and if he wants to give away seats so what. The ravens guys and girls near me were pretty nice

    Last year they were called $15 "military appreciation" tickets. Heck I appreciate the military so in effect everyone got the deal with the code military.
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

  12. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    You must have loved all Seaman.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Wrong. Let me fix the sentence for you:

    "Military tickets are for themselves, their family, and their friends."

    Military tickets should NOT be for resale to anyone else. Sorry. Military tickets should be issued with a new bar code that cannot be transferred. End of line. No further resale. Go to the fucking game or throw them in the trash.
  14. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Yep, and I heard your favorite bird is a swallow.
  15. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I was at the game last night, and to me the Stadium is a total bust if you're anywhere in the top half (I'm talking upper Mezzanine or upper deck). My seats were in upper prime at the 40 yard line (5th row), and I could barely make out the players. I moved down to Mezzanine 224B for the second half (in one of 5 empty rows) in a low row and it was still hard to make out the players, and worse was the end zone view where you can't really make out field position movement. Then in the 4th Quarter I moved down into lower 117 at the goal line which were excellent seats.

    There were tons of Ravens fans in the stands, and they took remarkably little abuse. Even the guy who threw his beer down from the upper deck missed the row of 4 Raven fans and leveled one of the female ushers (not cool).

    The sound system was good, scoreboards are really nice, although it was kind of dorky to show the smoke that was coming out of the boards themselves. Fireworks were also a nice touch, but it was strange at halftime when all the smoke dropped in and visibility went down to zero, doh!

    Concession stands are much better than the old place, but I'm not that impressed with the options, I guess I need to explore them a little more. The concourses are nice and wide though, it's too bad you can't see the field from them.

    I know this from last year too, but whoever designed the train system are a bunch of retard dropouts from correspondence planning school. You have to change trains at Secaucus or get on at Hoboken, and they love to leave the train in the station forever to make you sweat. Then train takes the scenic route and makes a giant loop around the stadium. Once you get there, you have to get off at one end instead of just having everyone be able to walk off the platform anywhere you want. Getting back on the train is even worse, good luck getting out within 45 minutes unless you run at the end of the 4th quarter from your lower level seats. They take forever to let people get on the platform, and then it's the long train ride home with the transfer that all takes forever.

    Overall I give the new place a C (I rate Yankee Stadium about an A- and Citi Field an A)
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    It makes no sense. Jets make money from parking, concessions, Jets shop, drinks etc. Jets also have a vested interest in having annouced attendence as high as possible. Jets also have a vested interest in making money off ticket exchange and using the list of names of people who buy tickets off ticketexchange to try to convert to season ticket holders. Jets also want to make it appear sold out to PSL holders by having bodies in the seats. These people are like the people at the academy awards who sit in celeb sits while they go to bathroom to make it appear it is sold out. Military men make peanuts, if he gets free tickets and can't make it to a game you expect a man making 20K a year with a family to feed to throw a pair of tickets with a $105 face in the garbage can cause it makes you feel better? Come on now. Why don't you cancel shore leave and the discounts at the PX for them too while you are at it.
  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Woody is making good on his statement to not sell PSL seats individually, and that's a very smart move. People will only want to sit in the lower seats, and if they can't buy tickets they will cough up the money for PSLs eventually

    The emptiest sections last night were in Mezzanine Club (by far), in upper Mezz endzone corners, and in the 2 sections right next to the coaches club. The coaches club was pretty full
  18. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Bottom line the $7,500 117 PSL is a better deal than the $2,500 Mezz B PSL. Also with a $125 ticket price not bad for ten yard line. Giants charged 10k with a $140 ticket price for same seat, even more amazing row one in section is still $125 a ticket, last year that was front row club at $425 a ticket. LGL was pretty filled with real Jet fans. the 10K seats is where the trouble begins in selling psls.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    No kidding here, ROJF did you enjoy the game?

    Do you scream and do the Jets chant? Did you DVR it? I was on TV for about 2 minutes on the last drive, I was in prayer mode.
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My buddy dvr's it. I was insanely loud on my feet 90% of game, trashtalking the raven fans, downed 2 24 ounce talls boys at gate, was in my seat the moment they let us in and stayed till around 20 seconds in game when I bolted for train. My section is the section. We were on the big screen a few times and on TV once or twice as friends emailed us. Almost lost my camera and beer onto field a few times. That Cromerie interception was right in front of me. All guys in my row all in Jets Jerseys, a bid swinging dick wall street trader has seats to left of me and gave seats to his big order flow providers, row of hyped up type A wall street traders to left and to right hyped up contruction worker type guys going insane. I loved it!!!! Trouble is I normally don't stand a lot as I am row one and it makes everyone behind me stand, The first 30 rows of my section were on their feet most of game because the block of guys in row one in their 20's to 40's were up the whole game.

    Shook a lot of hands last night. One guy was running up and down row one hugging and screeaming everyone I swear someone is going to end up on field in my row, the damm rail is above my knees and below my nuts. Great game in spite of 15 interceptions and sanchezs rubber arm and dropped balls, can't wait for a big win!!!!

    Fireman Ed was loud tonight!!!! Will put up pictures later this week.

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