I like women to dress sexy. I am able to control myself and talk about it at proper times when they are out of earshot.
So you have no problem with female reporters dressing like sluts when they go into the locker room? I'm not saying the Jets didn't do anything wrong, I don't know what happened, but this bitch is ridiculous.
This chick demeans every serious female sports journalist. She is on TV for one reason and it isn't because she is a great interviewer or a great sports journalist. She is on TV because she looks and acts like a sexpot. Everybody knows this is true - ESPECIALLY - the real female sports reporters who have had to actually work their way up the food chain and haven't gotten by on looks and dressing like a slut.
I read somewhere that this reporter actually refers to herself as "the hottest reporter in Mexico". Who's she fooling? Embarassed because she got a lot of attention? Really?
Isn't it amazing how she has dressed like that(and w/ even more revealing clothing) covering other teams yet somehow she didn't file suit? It's all a big consipracy against the Jets, right? How come she hasn't filed other suits while covering other teams? This is an embarrassment to the Jets snd it's mind boggling seeing people rationalize it. I ask all of you guys again- if this story was from Pats or Dolphins camp what would you be saying today?
The goose actually played football in the NFL and knows more about the game than most people do. In contrast saenz has been pulling stunts like this for several years. who can forget when she showed up at media day for the SB in a wedding dress to propose to brady? or when she was strutting around the field in a halter that read "dream team 69" and skin tight short shorts. This is all about her trying to stir up some BS in order to get noticed. Somebody should ask Jackie McMullin or Selena Roberts if they think its appropriate for a reporter to walk around a field or locker room in a skin tight strippers uniform that reads "dream team 69".
did anybody other than you call it a conspiracy? its just a stripper w/a microphone who doesn't have the talent or the brains to know how to be a professional journalist - so instead she has to dress like a stripper and act like a tramp. that is her schtick and its been her schtick for several years. i am not sure why you think this is a conspiracy. but its pretty obvious you don't have much of a clue when it comes to understanding that this is yet another media stunt from saenz who is known for her ass and her breasts and for dressing provocatively and not for being a serious reporter.
Junc, I never once said the Jet's didn't do anything wrong. Please stop arguing like I did. ALL I'm saying is that she's out of line dressing like a whore in an NFL locker room. Obviously she's looking for attention. Apparently she got more than she bargained for.
Rex needs to grow up.Sometimes his act is a little much. The players being implicated in something like this is one thing but when the head coach joins the party it's just unacceptable.
Whore, Slut? Gimme a break. You guys are just mad because you either married some fat cow or sit in your moms basement and rub your dick raw. Why be intimidated by a fine looking latina who likes to show it off? I wish more sideline chicks looked like this. Sideline reporters are stupid anyway, why not make them nice to look at?
So then it's ok? b/c you call her a stripper w/ a microphone the players(and coaches) can do what they want? maybe next time they can drag her into the shower and that would be ok b/c of the way she dresses. You guys realize it's 2010, right?
Another WTF post, No one objects to a fine looking latina who "likes to show it off" they just object to said latina pissing and moaning about NFL players wolf whistling her for dressing that way. Serious reporters don't dress that way on purpose, and I'm not sure what you or anyone else expected from a bunch of 22-30 year old men
Yes, that's the only logical conclusion. Who is intimated? Please. I'm glad she shows it off, but a women dressing like that in an NFL locker room where guys are walking around nude after showering is over the top, stupid.