I generally start out at max weight on all lifts and descend, except the deadlift.. that's too heavy to go that way, so I ramp up..
That's the best way to do it. Your body is designed to get stronger with practice, not push the boundaries of human potential on your first try.
TO that point, I would suggest that there's a difference between knowing your ability to move a weight 5 or 6 times, and pushing the boundaries of your ability. If those two are close, you're doing something wrong. One of the problems is most people don't know how to warm up (in any exercise) and they leave too many heavy reps in the gym, by overexerting with less than optimal weight. Here's an example. In the only exercise I build up to, the deadlift I go like this. reps wt lifted 275 x 5 5 1375 315 x 5 10 2950 355 x 4 14 4370 405 x 1 15 4775 405 x 1 16 5180 405 x 1 Fail Whats missing from that, is where most people unnecessarily exert themselves (as I was doing) by hitting 5 x 295, and 5 x 335 which is 10 extra reps and 3150 extra lbs... I see people doing similar things on the bench and the squat constantly... But for most lifts, if you're on a 5x5, you should have no trouble starting at 5 with the weight you use at the top, because it's probably less than you could lift without starting at the bottom.
I'm not doing stupid amounts of weight though. With the multi-joint exercises (bench, deadlifts, squats) you will always experience DOMS. My regimen focuses on rep to fail, and the multi-joint program. A lean frame has to do a program like that to gain, and my original question was 'does anyone have a way to deal with DOMS' and obviously no one does.
Any of you guys do crossfit.... did my first crossfit workout today and I feel like I'm still recovering LOL. It's some hardcore stuff man...
So today I mixed together a "Body for Life" Cardio program with a Crossfit WOD (Work Out of the Day). So I start with 2 minute warm up on the spin bike... then I do a 4 minute interval increasing speed and resistance each minute. Then I repeat another 4 minute interval (increasing speed and resistance). I have 1 minute recovery then I move into what they call in the crossfit world a WOD Grace. This is 30 Clean and Jerks as fast as you can. The target weight is 135 lbs but since I'm just starting with this I scaled down to around 100 lbs. I finished 15 straight through, 10, then 5... for a total of 30 in 4 minutes 20 seconds. I then head back to the spin bike without a break for two more intervals.... first interval is 4 minutes (increasing speed and resistance) the second interval is 5 minutes (increasing speed and resistance) finishing balls to the wall on that last minute. Total body work out and cardio done in under 30 minutes. I was F'n shot at the end
http://www.amazon.com/Cardio-Streng...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279470963&sr=1-1 Absolutely brutal. I think you might like it for anyone that wants to get into a "cutting" phase.
Im bumping this. Long story from the last time i worked out i got double shifts at work which meant money i needed for college however it also meant no working out, eating crappy(overtime means ordering food which means usually not healthy) and partying any spare time i got. Anyways it means im 244 pounds now, all beer gut cuz people think ive been lifting weights even though i havent been able to keep up haha. Anyways my best shape was 212 which was a very lean and cut 212 and a very athletic one. Basically since February Ive put on 32 pounds and my weight is rising fast like johnny-d stepped on my scale. So I have to lose weight. I dont plan on going down to 212 since I have more power now as I feel it when I wrestle or do strength competitions, only thing is i tire quicker and my cardio sucks. So I was hoping to go down to about 225 soon but in a healthy manner and then Ill see from there what I want. Now that work is done and I am in school I was thinking of getting up early 5 days a week before classes. Mon, Wed, Fri I would go swimming and Tue and Thurs. I would go running. I would do some cardio those days as well. I was thinking, I will still lift weights but lift for more of a cut than bulk as I am shedding weight not bulking. I plan on bulking at some point however I should cut down this belly first I think. Now my question is more about diet. Should I cut down on protein shakes for now or just have smaller servings. I will cut down on the animal pak vitamins as im not looking folr bulk. Also should carbs be cut out? A.k.a my whole what bread and such? I kno salads will be my best friend now but they dont fill me. I was thinking of maybe doing a chicken and brown rice diet for a few weeks and see how that goes. Anyone got any insight here?
I don't have much advice at all right now. I haven't exercised all summer. I'm disgusted at myself at how lazy I've been. Now that the summer is gone though, I'm going to get back into the workout habit. Fortunately I haven't really put on much weight. I guess it's a side effect of being outside all summer walking around at various events. I've lost a lot of strength though.
lol. i have been super lazy too. really let myself down. too much traveling and staying in hotels and not eating/drinking right. i'm look forward to a healthy fall and some good swim/gym sessions.
I have discovered the easiest way to lose weight I have ever experienced! Don't have a car! Obviously this isn't practical for everyone but it's been great since I got back to school. My car died about 2 weeks before I got back up here so I just decided to say screw it and I'll deal with it after the semester is over. I walk everywhere now and I have been dropping weight while eating like a typical male in college. I probably walk at least 5 miles every day right now. add that to going to the gym to lift 2-3 times per week and I am pretty set for the time being.
So you're about 245 and doing cardio 5 days and throwing some lifting in there as well. How intense are we talking about with the lifting? Can you describe your routine? Without that I can't give you too much help other than broad advice. If you are concerned about your intake of starchy carbs, here is a simple rule to follow: only allow yourself starchy meals 1) first meal at breakfast and 2) post workout (PWO). If you can't fill up on a salad you are not putting enough into your salad. Throw nuts, oils, can of tuna, cheese, avocado etc. A base salad is really dull but you can learn ways to vary it and still remain sane