I don't know if this has been asked, but was Bobby Bowden's visit to camp ever publicized by any of the papers or websites? I don't remember hearing about it.
I'm definitely on the Holmes bandwagon as long as he can keep himself out of trouble. From watching the show he seems like someone who puts in a lot of work and doesn't act entitled or think he's bigger than he is. Plus he seems to have a good attitude and sense of humor. I do hope he scores a few long plays during the season and that becomes "his" TD celebration. It's pretty funny seeing him do that and fits the team obviously and himself well. It'll be really interesting to see demands at the end of the season and who's still here at WR and who's not. People forgot to mention his knock on the Steelers though. I think he was talking to Brad Smith and said along the lines he knew he wasn't getting the ball in Pittsburgh on a said play, here he always has to be ready on every play.
Didn't have time to read through this thread to see if it was already mentioned but am I the only one who wondered why it seems that Jason Taylor never travels with the team?
Indeed - great clip ("snack")! Come see me eat snacks @... was a great sign-off too! The Soup is my favorite show on tv and the only reality (clip) show I watch. Clip of the Week is a huge honor and gives exposure to the Jets to a demographic that otherwise wouldn't know the difference between a football and a baseball. They had Cromartie's offspring-countdown a couple of weeks ago too.
Btw, I just watched the previous episode again. Rex definitely said if Revis shows up without a new contract. So I think Tanny is done with this guy.
It was reported on WFAN a little while ago that the Hard Knocks crew was at the Revis meeting. Talk about a great finale.
Gee thanks!! Easy to say Now. Lol Rex and Woody went down, not Tanny. Rex opened the lines up again. Just saying- Who cares? He signed, that's all I care about.
I don't think Tanny was wanted there. He basically plays the bad guy in this entire deal. Which makes complete sense.
Wait, Tannenbaum wasn't at the meeting? It sounded like he was heavily involved after listening to his conference call.
I could be wrong, I just assumed there was no way to agree on a contract without the boss sitting in the room.