Revis will sit out the whole season, accept it. We have already watched the most incredibly dumb contract negotiation in the history of the NFL. Revis is an asshole. Plus he's a moron and his values are out of whack. I support the Organization completely. I hope they make him hold out for the next three seasons on principle alone.
I agree week 3 may be a bit premature, but I still stick by that basic theory. I think the Bye week is a good cutoff date for this situation in my opinion. I still think he gets signed by Week 2, but who really knows at this point.
I should probably mention that the "he comes back late season/in time for the playoffs" is a tough one since he can't come off the reserve list within 30 days of the end of the regular season. In other words, he'd miss 5 games given that the end of the regular season falls on a Sunday. Having him report after Week 11 doesn't work. Having said that, I still think he signs this week. I'll keep thinking that right up until the weekend.
I read this situation as completely unquantifiable at this point because Revis is the only one that can change the prevailing dynamic, which is negative, and he can't make anything positive happen without doing that. He might get lucky and have the Jets cooperate in the continuation of his NFL career or he might not. So it's all on one person in the end and if he's rational we're ok but if he's not then everybody is screwed. Unquantifiable.
It's weird, you figure with a possible lockout forthcoming, he's be willing to budge on his terms, but he apparently doesn't.
If this thread is so useless, why did you waste your time replying to it? Sometimes its better just to pass on threads you have no affinity for..
I dont think theres anyone out there who thinks Revis will never play for the jets again. The odds are overoverwhelmingly high that either plays as a jet until his current contract expires or he never plays again. I doubt youll find many if any teams willing to A) give him the abbbbsurd contract he request and B) be willing to give up a shit ton to get him (We all saw what the Broncos got for Cutler so you know Revis is EASILY worth far more than that) . And theres no way in hell any team would be willing to do both those things. The only real Revis questions worth asking are when and for how long .
no he's not worth more than Cutler. Cutler is a QB. Revis is not. Bailey was worth a top RB in Clinton Portis. There is no way the Jets are getting more than what Denver got in the Cutler trade.
Well, we've kind of put a moratorium on new Revis threads. But nothing new is happening, and a week before the season, I felt something like this, with a poll, was a nice addition. If waiver wire claims can have like 5 threads, Revis can have 2 (and the church).
I voted he signs before week 1. Thats being hopefull. If he misses the 1st game he will never be a Jet again. Here is a what if senerio. What if all of this is a farce to drive up viewership and the deal has already been accepted. HBO has a lot at stake here, all I'm saying.
Do not think for one second its about HBO and ratings. Its not a sitcom, its a documentary. This isn't may sweeps.
I didn't vote because Revis ''was" one of my favorite players, I actually bid on his locker through Steiner Sports back in April, but they wanted 10k for it (I should have known they would overprice it), but right now I am disgusted by him & his asshole agents, they couldn't give a rat's ass if the jets win 1 game this year or 15, or they care about is their comission, I hope future college players stay away from these guys because they are mis-advising Revis & Jackson!!!