The Darrelle Revis No Longer Holding Out Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by bojanglesman, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. jmclaw

    jmclaw New Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    I think one of the biggest mistakes the Jets made was agreeing to this so called blackout. The momentum was gaining for them, and the pressure seemed like it was really going to be applied throughout Hard Knocks. Once the blackout started, it seems like Revis benefitted. Now the idiot talking heads are back to the BS about the Jets doing this to themselves by offering to address Revis' deal after the season. Yeah, I'm sure Revis' scumbag agents wouldnt have thought of holding out when he was set to make 1M. Give me a break. I think when half the poplulation cant pay their mortgage, the Jets would have been wise to go on HBO every Wed and say we are willing to give him 10/120. Media and public pressure could have been an ally
  2. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    You may not agree with this rump-ranger, but Puck is usually good for a some quality humor. I still hate him though.
  3. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Gee and you are so high on my Christmas card list. How is the "alternative" lifestyle treating you?

    Btw how is your beard doing? I hope she is well.
  4. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Business people don't look at things like this, they see the big picture. So what's the big picture here? The big picture for the business of the NY Jets is winning, and being a popular franchise which is predicated on WINNING. So how do you win, you field the best possible team that you can.

    So if Revis can bully them, being the talent that he is, why wouldn't any other employee of that business think they can do the same. So the Jets will just set the precedent that if we draft you and develop you, and you turn out to be good your contract doesn't mean anything to us. We have nothing invested in you, just bully us around and we'll wash our hands of you and everything we invested in you and trade you. Smart business...

    The big picture in how this BUSINESS of the Jets makes money is by winning, and when they put the money and the assets into scouting talent and acquiring it in the interest of winning, that would be bad business to just let them walk because they want a little more. What you don't seem to realize is that Revis will never just sit for 3 years, yet the Jets could make him...Jets hold the leverage and are smart enough to understand that when you're not....
  5. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I was crying laughing when I heard it...that and the chapter in his book when he was talking about when he lost his virginity...hahaha...
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I agree that the blackout wasn't in the Jets favor mainly because it was so much easier for the Revis camp to break it (Cowlishaw, Cole, etc) than it would have been for the Jets to do so.

    I think the Jets felt like things were getting out of hand and I think Revis camp felt like Hard Knocks was going to benefit the people on it more than the people not on it and so the blackout was mutually amenable but probably in Revis favor.

    If I was the Jets I'd set Sept 13th as the end date for the news blackout. Then every time that the media brought it up I'd do as you suggested and give the media the current status of the Jets best offer. Just keep putting that out there and Revis would be in a bad situation, because as you point out people in the real world would be in disbelief that he was turning down that deal while still under contract for much less for the next 3 years.

    I really think it's not in the Jets best interests to let Revis force his way off the team. It may come to that eventually but I'd make that a training camp next year decision, not something they consider this year. If nothing else they'd have established the principle that if you sit out on your contract you're actually going to do that: sit out.
  7. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    What precedent is there for a player sitting the duration of their career?

    How is letting Revis sit for a year and trading him, letting him win?

    How are the Jets winning by making a 25 y/o player with the ability to be an all-time great sit forever?

    What is the end game in that?

    I have been in the business world. I am not Woody Johnson. I have been around many business people that have made 9 figures or more in their lifetime. They are all smart and resourceful, some more than you or I could ever imagine.

    Not a one would resolve a problem by essentially letting one of their biggest assets rot, not a one. That is just not the way it works.

    Again that is folly by a bunch of fans and has no basis in the real world.
    #10987 Miamipuck, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  8. Gubernaculum

    Gubernaculum New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Holding out twice in three years... what does that tell you?

    The difference between Nnamdi and Mevis is that Nnamdi played out the entirety of his rookie contract. The comparisons between the two's financial situation is not relevant- Nnamdi also signed a far shorter contract than Mevis wants as well, granted he's getting paid very well during that time ;)

    I hope this doesn't become like Emmitt in 1993 where Jerry was forced to pay him due to the slow start the Cowboys had this year. If the Jets can start out hot, the pressure will be in the Mevis camp. If/when he comes back, I hope its when the Jets are playing well and without the Jets truly "needing" him.

    If the Jets start out slow and drop a few games because of his greed, I hope he hears it from the fans though.
  9. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    The only bright side to the Revis camp breaking the blackout is that, if that's what Cole said, he just blew it. The silence from the Revis camp means that nobody outside of New York is attacking Revis for holding out. If it starts getting around that he's asking for 16 million because he's hurt by the way they toyed with him? The attacks will start coming.

    It was smart to drop this interview on a Friday evening also, on a 3 day weekend no less. No attacks by the typical morning shows, but without damage control, I suspect attacks will start coming on Tuesday if they haven't forgotten the interview by then.

    I agree that the Jets need to end the media blackout on Sept 13th if he hasn't signed, and become open with the negotiations. I'd even set a date by mid week next week. If he intends to report in time to play, I'd imagine Wednesday is the last day he'd set as a deadline.

    As far as trades, I thought we were all talking about next year. There's no way that a trade comes anywhere near the Jets' thoughts this season.
  10. Cromartie's_kid

    Cromartie's_kid Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    and what would the jets get for revis in trade after holding out for a year, especially when demanding a 160 million dollar contract? randy moss got a 2nd from the pats? who is going to want revis for that much money and how many picks would they give? probably not many.
  11. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Emmit sat out until they went 0-2.

    They paid Emmit.

    They won a SB with Emmit running behind the best OL in history.

    Not saying we should pay DR that much dough but if we go 0-2, we'll pay him.
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Slow start or not, no one is forced to pay him. We're not in the position of the Cowboys in 1993. We're not defending a divisional title, let alone a SB win. With our core secure, we're not going to kill our future to compete.
  13. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Anybody else starting to freak out a little bit?

    If Revis misses this season, it'll be one of the worst things that ever happens to this franchise. Worse than Testaverde's busted Achilles. Pennington's first shoulder tear might be worse. The best defensive player in the league is a Jet, and they can't get him on the field.

    Somebody better cave. I don't care who anymore.
  14. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    This ^^^^.

    We'll know by next Thursday AM at the latest if he's playing this year IMO.
  15. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Make a deal with Woody that you and all of your friends will buy the remaining PSLs and Club seats, and he signs Revis.

    Do it now.
  16. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I know it's been said before, but Revis can't possibly hold the same demands next year. Nnamdi's final year of his contract will be canceled, taking that rationale out of the $16 million number. He'll have a year off on top of that, and the holdout hanging over his head. There's also the lesson that GMs learned from the Panthers in the Gilbert deal. Make no mistake, Revis holding out a full year means Revis takes a much smaller deal next season. His agents know that, which makes holding out this full season an absolutely stupid move.

    If his agents are dumb enough to allow him to do that, this team should never deal with them again. Trade him away. Someone would be more than happy to give up multiple picks for a sure thing shutdown corner.
  17. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    You should care. If Woody caves, and the CBA sets a relatively low cap, our ability to compete for years to come suffers. If I'm Woody, I stick to my number and trust that my coach can get his remaining players to play if Revis continues to be unreasonable.
  18. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    I do not pretend to know what the Jets could get for him a year from now. It seems like there is always one team that gets it in their head they are one piece away and would be willing to pay a kings ransom. That has happened many times in the history of the NFL.

    History does show that this gets resolved with Revis signing or he gets traded. He is not sitting the duration of his career.
  19. jmclaw

    jmclaw New Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    At a minimum, this Revis bs has taken what would have been probably the best, most optimistic lead up to a season, and put a tremendous dark cloud over it. Thanks to all the parties involved for taking what would have been an awesome August and f'ing it up.
  20. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I don't think anyone who watched the preseason would say it would have been an awesome August.
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