The Darrelle Revis No Longer Holding Out Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by bojanglesman, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    this shit is mind boggling. why cant shit ever work out for the jets? woody johnson is a fag.
  2. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Well the Magnold and Rex part did show a lot of creativity. lol
  3. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The Darrelle Revis Holdout Thread (No deal yet.)

    There is no way you can Blame Woody. He's spent whatever has been needed for this team.

    He's been a damn good owner!
  4. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Haha...thanks...that would b the best part...especially if they put it on Hard Knocks...
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    You would want to watch Rex Ryan and Mangold fucking a couple of old bitches?
  6. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Yes, cause it would cause Revis pain n make him humble(Iron Sheik reference from Howard Stern Show)...
  7. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    You come at the king, you best not miss.


    First of all, we did not need to evaluate facts beyond what I had presented.

    This whole hullabaloo started over this comment from you-
    "Point to the teams who have not been Super Bowl winners without a shutdown corner and then suddenly morphed into them when they added that player.

    I can't find those guys anywhere in NFL history. They don't exist."

    I read that and thought you simply overlooked some players. That would have been an honest mistake. We all make them from time to time.

    Apparently, that was not the case.

    Now you want to add all manner of qualifiers to your original comment. Now you are telling us that if the CB came from a bad team, then it doesn't matter. If the team also added a QB, then fuck the CB. If the team already had one good CB, then adding an elite one doesn't count for purposes of your argument.


    It is okay to be wrong now and again. Hell, I've bumped threads for the sole purpose to apologize for being wrong about a player or having made a mistake of some sort. But you? You're dead wrong here and instead of admitting it, you decide to use a haughty tone with me and dance out of your mistake with a lot of bullshit.


    Now, let's go back and reread how I responded to the above bolded comments from you.

    I was going to list a few more earlier, but had to do some chores first. Now I have some more time.
    Okay, well, there are a few more than just Deion Sanders.

    In 1967, the Oakland Raiders traded for Willie Brown from Denver. Prior to the addition of Brown, the Raiders had gone 6-8, 2-12, 1-13, 10-4, 5-7-2, 8-5-1, and 8-5-1.
    After adding Brown, the team went 13-1 and reached the Super Bowl. Ron Wolf said that Brown and Ted Hendricks are the two best Raiders defenders of all-time.

    Of course, the Raiders lost that Super Bowl to Green Bay. However, the addition of Brown was huge for them and could be looked at as one of the key reasons why the team went from a non-playoff team with a record of 8-5-1 to a Super Bowl team with a regular season record of 13-1.


    Mike Haynes was acquired by the L.A. Raiders in November 1983. The Raiders were 8-3 without Haynes. Including the postseason, they went 7-1 with him. We can say they were very good without him but were great with him. Without Haynes the team allowed 22.2 points per game. With Haynes the team allowed 15.9 points per game.

    Washington general manager Bobby Beathard had this to say about the Raiders cornerback tandem:
    "I'll tell you what the real difference was in (Super Bowl 18). Mike Haynes and Lester Hayes were the two best corners in the league that year, and we couldn't get off the line of scrimmage. We had never played against someone like that. They changed our whole game plan.

    Everybody knew how important corners were, but I think those kind of guys changed the game. They were big, physical corners who could run. Those are two of the best that ever played the game. Those are still what prototype corners look like."


    The "Next Year's Champions" Dallas teams lost in the postseason to Green Bay in 1966 and 1967 and to Cleveland in 1968 and 1969.
    Then they acquired Herb Adderley prior to the 1970 season and then proceeded to go to the Super Bowl. They lost that Super Bowl to Baltimore, but went back and won the Super Bowl the following year. In Super Bowl 6, de facto defensive coordinator Ernie Stautner put Adderley on Howard Twilley. Adderley shut him down (Twilley only caught one pass). This enabled Cornell Green and Mel Renfro to double cover Paul Warfield.

    In conclusion, between Brown, Adderley, Haynes, and Sanders there are at least four cases in the Super Bowl era where a cornerback was acquired and made a huge contribution to a Super Bowl team.


    What was so bad from me that you decided to use a condescending tone in your rebuttal?

    I only listed facts and some quotes and stats. There was no tone from me. I truly had thought you overlooked some players and as a big NFL history buff I did not want incorrect data floating around out there that could negatively influence others. We saw this happen, too. klecko73 supported you after reading your distortion of historical facts.


    I believe it was in the first Revis holdout thread where I did not include cornerback among the top six positions in football. I know you saw this because you quoted that comment. In this thread, I did not change my opinion.

    A cornerback cannot make a bad team good. CBs simply do not play an important enough position to make a 4-12 team turn into a 12-4 team.

    I wrote that Brown "could be looked at as one of the key reasons" why Oakland was much better in 1967 than they were in 1966. There was a strong implication there that I did not believe Brown was the #1 or sole reason why Oakland improved by 4.5 games in '67.

    Daryle Lamonica. Not "Darryl". You come at the king, you best not miss.

    Use a tone with me and I'm pointing out mistakes even if they are only misspellings.

    Thank you. That's all I meant the other day. All that other Willie Brown stuff from you was unnecessary.
    An elite cornerback can enable a good team to become a great one. If you are not happy with that sentence, then I will settle for saying that an elite cornerback can enable a good defense to become a great one.

    I know Lamonica was excellent with the Raiders, but the funny thing is that Tom Flores actually had better numbers in key statistical categories with the Raiders in 1966 than Lamonica had with the Raiders in 1967. Flores bettered Lamonica in passer rating 86.2 to 80.8. Flores averaged 8.6 yards per attempt and Lamonica was at 7.6. YPA is the best stat to use when judging QB performance and that's based on several studies I have read and my own research.
    Can I argue that Flores in '66 was better than Lamonica in '67? It looks like I would have something to work with there. Still, I won't bother. I'd have to dig into boxscores and gamebooks to be sure. Flores may have put up some fancy numbers late in game in those five Raiders losses in '66 and that could have skewed the numbers.

    There is no question that the offense was better.
    My only point the other day was that Brown could be seen as one of the key reasons the team made the leap to the Super Bowl in '67.
    #8867 Cakes, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  8. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I made no suggestion about what the Raiders would have been like without Lester Hayes.

    First of all, I am not sure what "lead" is about.
    I do not remember myself writing "lead" as opposed to "led" by mistake. If you are making some sort of reference to the metal, then I didn't get it.

    Anyway, on to the rest of that paragraph. I noted how the Raiders went 8-3 without Haynes and 7-1 with Haynes. It's amazing :rolleyes: how you noted the one loss. It's also amazing how you failed to note how Haynes shut down WRs in the postseason and especially in the Super Bowl. Haynes performed brilliantly in the Super Bowl against the Redskins, a team that set the record for most points scored in a season.

    The man's name was Craig Morton. So there.

    Herb Adderley was added in 1970. There's no question that he helped put the Cowboys over the top. That team kept failing in the playoffs and finally reached the Super Bowl during the 1970 season.

    Passes thrown by Staubach in 1970- 82.
    Super Bowl stats for Staubach in Super Bowl 5- did not play

    Okay, fine. The next year the team won the Super Bowl and Staubach was the QB.

    I'll call this one a push. In your original comment you asked for CBs who joined a team and made them Super Bowl winners. I gave you Adderley. He helped get a team to the Super Bowl, but they didn't win.

    Be that as it may, the one line about Staubach was questionable. The fact that Adderley performed excellently in Super Bowl 6 does not seem to matter to you.

    Is there such a thing as a franchise anything? I mean, really. Even star quarterbacks get traded or leave as free agents often times. Look at the most recent Super Bowl MVP for an example.

    Did I miss something? Did the late 1960s Broncos go to the Super Bowl after Brown left? Did the Falcons go to the Super Bowl shortly after Sanders left town? Did Dan Snyder's Redskins win a Super Bowl after they moved Bailey?

    The Br4dw4y5ux way: ignore how Adderley was a key component in helping the Cowboys go from bridesmaids to league champions. Instead, he moves in a direction away from his original comments.

    To answer your question, only a dolt would think Adderley was more important than Starr.

    Again, I am not a person who thinks CBs are more important than QBs.

    I am going to conclude this post in the same way I concluded the other post.
    Don't make up stuff next time. Don't distort history. Don't go in different directions. Don't use a tone. You started with the haughty tone act. I came right back at you. Now we're even. Next time be more civil, Br4dw4y5ux.

    Now with these final words, you can see that I did not write that the cornerback acquisitions were more important than whoever the QB was or the head coach or the defensive line, etc. All I have here is that the CBs that were added to good teams, helped make those teams great.

    In conclusion, between Brown, Adderley, Haynes, and Sanders there are at least four cases in the Super Bowl era where a cornerback was acquired and made a huge contribution to a Super Bowl team.
    #8868 Cakes, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  9. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    ^ you could've told him to just "fuck off".
  10. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Can someone at least quote what I said in their sig: I hope Rex Ryan fucks his mom and Nick Mangold breaks his cock off in his grandmothers ass...
  11. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Did you see the article on ESPN about Vincent Jackson holding out?
    I know it's not the same situation but with the same dick bag agents I feel it might be a close impression of what is going on behind closed doors with Mevi$.

    This quote is upsetting, to think that these ass munches are in Mevi$'$ head.

    These douche bangers have they're players brainwashed and don't give a shit about anything but the $$$.

    Here's a real question; What does the NFLPA think about agents that promote holdouts as a way of renegotiating contracts?
  12. Benny Bing

    Benny Bing New Member

    Jul 10, 2010
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    done and done.
  13. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Haha...thanks buddy...
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Yep, would have saved me an hour. :up:

    So sick of his crap, though. He did this one other time with me, too. Some while back, he made a statement about some other NFL issue. Just like in tonight's episode, I showed how he overlooked some players or facts. Then he got all huffy about it and threw bullshit at me.
  15. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    :breakdance: Now where would the fun in that be??? :lol:

    Some folks are taking this to a crazy level of hysteria. Deep breaths people.. deep breaths! :)
  16. SixFeetDeep

    SixFeetDeep Red Hot Robbie Cano

    Jan 24, 2007
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    you're a retard.

    you can quote me on that.
  17. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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  18. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    You're avatar shows me how tough u r, I don't want any problems with u big boy
  19. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I'm the one on the left, your left.
  20. Quinnenthebeast

    Quinnenthebeast Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
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    Ugh I'm convinced he's never coming back. Greedy asshole. I don't care for him anymore, I hope he never sees another dime after his contract is up. Screw you Mevis.
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