This happened to my buddy, too. He wanted to give his Dad and brother a joint birthday present (both are Giants fans) and purchased two seats in MezzA (203) for a little over $200 total. We got to the stadium at 3:00pm, tailgated for 4 hours, and as the 5 of us are heading into the stadium their two tickets were rejected. My friend bought these tickets off of StubHub and immediately had them on the phone. Tuesday morning the money was back in his account and they are trying to give him 2 tickets to a Giants Regular Season game as a way of saying they're sorry for what happened. Totally messed up what some will do to their fellow fans.
Uuggh I bout tickets off Stubhub, they look official. U can see the tear lines betweens the tickets. I hope this doesn't happen to me or it WILL be WW3 no doubt.
Had this happen to me twice before, so now I only buy from Stubhub. They'll return the money, and for some events, they have an "office" nearby to try to help you if something like this happens. This happens to most on Craigslist. I won't buy tickets from there ever again.
I hope so. I considered scamming people for Jets tickets a very rare practice cause I just never really heard of it. But being that this an Inaugural season, I can def see why it's happening. I'm mostly concerned because I have been doing a pretty good job at selling my Pre-Season tickets at a reasonable price on eBay and if that trust isn't there, people will stop buying. Especially when these horror stories are coming out of StubHub. One of the most reliable, bull-shit free event sites. Yikes.
If a season ticket holder electronically forwards you the ticket, can they forward the same seats again and create a new bar code #? Or is it one forward and done?
In that case contact the Jets, they will get a hold of the original ticket holder and give him the third degree. He's ultimately responsible for that hard ticket and he will be forced to re-imburse you or put his account at risk. Happens all the time with Yankees tickets, that's why you should always get hard tickets because you have recourse. But like one guy said, if the ticket was written in crayon, lay off the stuff next time
You can only forward tickets once. Once the tix have been forwarded by the STH, their Jets account won't allow them to manage their tickets any further. It'll still show up, but it'll say, "Forwarded to: (individual's e-mail address)" and give them a confirmation #. So to those getting scammed, trust me. All of this can be traced back to the source and anyone else who came across these tickets.
Exactly, as soon as you forward those tickets from your Jets account YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THE STUBS. Keep them in a safe place because if they get sold to someone your ass is on the line
I bought mine off Stubhub last year, worked just fine. I was paranoid too. I had them mailed from the seller. I guess if they don't work at the gate (extremely rare), you can always buy some at the game and get reimbursed from Stubhub later, but it won't happen. I plan to buy tickets to a game this year from Stubhub also. I think you are really risking it when you buy from Cragislist or ebay. I'd rather pay a little more and have some ability to get my money back if something goes wrong.
SH is the way to go. As others have stated, SH is on top of this shit where ePay and especially Craig's List cannot be. SH only deals in tickets, not oil filters, used refrigerators, etc. SH has your credit card and has the ability to back-charge your ass, making it a foolish venture for someone looking to scam people.
Half true. Stubhub is ultimately on the line for securing your purchase but the sellers use fake & prepaid cards all the time and stubhub gets taken for millions
StubHub may get taken for millions, but my point is that SH also stands behind the sale. They may get taken for millions as a result, but they still pony up and try to make it right for the purchaser.
Never had a problem with Stubhub or ticket exchange, got my tickets electronically downloaded via bth sites for the first two home games. Also bought Mets tickets ( fuck knows why!) via Stubhb. Anyone who uses craigslist deserves what they get imo
Stubhub is 100% guaranteed for baseball tickets because the barcodes come straight from MLB. But I use craigslist for 90% of my buys/sells and I've never had a serious problem in 5 years. I did sell tickets a couple times that I forgot to unlist from stubhub that sold, but each time I offered the guy his money back or the option to find other tickets for him and things ended well
Ive bought and sold tickets on Stubhub no issues. In the past they will also try to solve any issues if there are any right at the game. I have sold my preseason games there as well as my Yankee tickets. I bought Bengals playoff ticket last year and had to pick them up at a hotel from stub hub and had no issues