New Meadowlands Stadium Parking Thread

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by Big Poppa Naich, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    17a - I was dismayed by this too.

    My battle plan going in to last night had the 120 overpass as a key tactical element since it curves nicely towards Bud Light/ Pepsi gates. My tailgate group chose a remote area of lot 28 and everyone for the old lot K days - yes even three car loads of yellow pass holders who sacrificed Woody's "fluffing" in order to be with their old pals. Very loyal of them. Regarding the tailgate, we had a good one. At least 20 people. I even emailed the "NMS" folks to confirm I could walk across the overpass and was told yes - but there was no way. No one was, and it looked dangerous to even try. I expect the traffic cops would not even allow it if you tried. This is a shame as it appeared to be a nice option for some of us from 27, 28 and 29.

    So, we had a long walk just to get to the cattle walk. When you consider my seats (as yours too) are Pepsi corner-ish, the loop out of deep 28 to the covered walkway, and then curling around the monster-sized stadium girth, was quite a trek. It is not "as the crow flies" I'd be interested to hear from anyone who did lot P, which now looks like it might be reasonable option.

    BTW - the covered walkway part was better than expected and better than I remembered from the last Devils game I attended (mid 90's). But, getting to it stunk from where we were.

    And to think, I chose that end zone to be closer to our tailgates. Now I still am parking at the entire opposite end from where my end zone seats are - exactly as was the case in the old stadium. Can't believe it. Spent so much time considering what section to choose and I am still screwed.

    I posted a mini-review of my stadium observations over in our old favorite New Stadium thread. I'm curious to know if some of you had the same experiences that I did getting across inside the stadium.

    BTW - some of our group took the shuttle bus over, and we beat them to the seats, though only by a few minutes. Leaving the stadium, they took it back and beat us by a few minutes, so the shuttle times will be similar to hoofing it, but saves the steps. I may take it next time when the wife is with me. You know how chicks are - wearing shoes based on style rather than practicability, and if she gets to our seats with aching feet, it's a long day :wink:
    #41 LogeSection2RowJ, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    this is my exact post.we have the same gripe my man.
    lot 27 is directly lined up with the overpass.

    foiled by woody again
    buy my psl's or i will make you extremely miserable
  3. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Woody and the Marra boys - remember, he gets blamed for half, although you probably mean the parking rules which are 100% "Johnson"

    If I recall, didn't you use this overpass last year? I think you mentioned it earlier this year and I asked you about it. I will go back to the "NMS" guy and nicely suggest they figure out a way to block off a shoulder or something for access to this overpass. Why not? It's an existing bridge than can serve function to us. You're right - when seen from the aerial view, it's almost a direct line to the West end zone area.

    That said, it'd be even more perfect if the Bud Light Gate were actually a gate. Another clumsy stupidity feature of our new state of the art stadium that you pointed out to me here. I wonder how many people realize this. no access in this corner.
    #43 LogeSection2RowJ, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Unless you park in B (which is going to be full 5 hours prior to all games, IMO), you will still have to cross over 120... and the only crossover is the cattlecar tunnel, so it's still a bit of a jaunt, depending upon which section you are in on the Jets sidelines. Not as bad a hike as the Pepsi Corner, however.

    This has to change or many will be One and Done, IMO. M and K need to be turned Orange and surrender B to Yellow as a comprimise. This also balances out the volume. Lot B is worthless now anyway, since extreme earlybirds will set up shop and the lot will be closed super early.

    By making Lot B yellow, you diminish the clusterfuck traffic jamb it will cause by diminishing it's value to UD people. Lot B will become just one more parking lot, and Lots M and K, if turned Orange, will make life a lot easier for anyone in the UD on the West side of the stadium.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm in the same boat. And I have to say, I feel somewhat responsible for this.

    I spent many an hour studying how I would be arriving and what side of the field I should be on... and I posted all my thoughts on this, especially encouraging seats along the SW side (Pepsi Corner) because it appeared the parking would be excellent.

    How could I have known that The Man would come up with wuch a ridiculous parking scheme? I mean, you cannot plan this with any more difficulty for UD people, particularly SW side UD people! I'm afraid I gave out VERY POOR advice when posting here for many months. I though I was helping countless non-PSLers and instead they got fucked along with me.

    Sorry everyone...
  6. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I went back over my email exchanges with the NMS dude and realize he never told me that the overpass could be used.

    My mistake. He didn't say NO to that, which I suppose I took to be an OK. He basically ignored to answer that question.

    I just emailed him again today and included your map that had 27 28 and 29 on it, which is great to give to others hoping to meet up with others. Their maps do not, which I complained about. The reason they do not, is that the Izod lots are not officially NMS lots so they were exempt from the brilliant letter codes system devised by Woody, The Marras, and the NMS geniuses.

    I told him he might like to have the map to help others asking the questions I asked last week ; )
  7. MeanGreens08

    MeanGreens08 Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    It seemed like they werent letting anyone use that overpass. It would have been nice if they did it probably would cut the walk in half.
  8. jetsmets93

    jetsmets93 Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    im in 312 which is the first section after upper prime on the jets side so it wont be a bad walk for me... and its easier coming from L.I. if your on the jets side.
  9. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Hey man - don't take any blame for this. Any of us could see the aerial photos and use them to plan. Christ, ALL of the parking was basically geared towards that end anyway. Not you fault at all.

    Back during the bullshit Xanadu planning, they kicked around the idea of re-routing 120 around the arena. How great would that have been? How stupid of them NOT to do it in spite of the costs, not just for this stadium but for the entire complex which then would finally BE a complex with common parking and pedestrian areas instead of areas dissected by busy roads requiring crazy dumb looking overpasses and crossings. I mean really, it is ridiculous and has been for years - we are all just used to it by now. This stadium would have been better built out where the Timex center is rather than smack dab against route 120 and the track.

    Last night I daydreamed about a tunnel beneath the roadway - a big wide one. Then I realized the water table is probably pretty high there and it would flood for rain games drowning us all.

    Back to the walk around - even though i have to go all the way around again, I had done it for years and figured no big deal. Wrong! This monster is so fat, getting around it takes longer and is a longer walk.

    There I go again... Eh, fuck it. Go Jets. Our first team looked decent last night and it was fun seeing Eli get crushed.
    #49 LogeSection2RowJ, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  10. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Posted this in response to 17A in another thread but is appropriate in this thread as well...

    17, you might want to consider a different IZOD lot.

    I parked in Lot 26...came thru the toll plaza and went left toward the SkiSlope and parked.

    There is an exit from the lot thru the fence over there to either the Cattlewalk or to quickly grab the bus.

    So when I arrived, I had to go to the Stadium side to meet someone.

    I left my tailgate...walked out the fence exit..thru the cattlecar and onto the plaza outside the Verizon Gate...

    Lot 26 is very big with lots of spots...and if they are not going to allow walking across 120..then this might be a good option for you.

    PS: The bus ride was easy as well.
  11. jetsbabe68

    jetsbabe68 New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Parking was initially tough. I have a yellow pass, but wanted to park in orange. Had to go through 5 security guys to finally get results. Should never have been an issue, as it was outlined in the lot color coded info where parking was permitted. Hope they get this together. Other than that, fine...
  12. mr.bogal

    mr.bogal Member

    Sep 22, 2002
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    The parking was retarded! I got free tickets last min and had no parking pass. What did that mean? You get to park on the street almost 3 miles from the stadium and had to take a school bus from there to parking lot m. walk acroos parking lot m to parking lot g to get on another bus to take you to the middle of parking lot g with is about 200 yards from the stadium entrance. Thats just awful. And the trip back to the car was even worse. you do the above in reverse, then to get dropped off on the corner for them to tell you, " you are either parked to the left or the right of this intersection. Good luck."
  13. JetsAllOverYoFace

    JetsAllOverYoFace New Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Hey guys, I havent bought my tickets yet. But I plan on attending 2 games this year, Vikes and Fins. According to the map if I get upper level tickets, which i always do right by the 50, I can only park in the orange parking lots?

    I go to every games 4-5 hours in advance to get my tailgate on. Last year I had to park in a satellite parking lot and wasn't able to tailgate. The orange all look like satellite parking lots.

    Does this mean I wont be able to tailgate if I only pay for upper level seats?
  14. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    No..Orange Lots are not satellite lots so you can tailgate to your hearts content.
  15. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    in lots 28 & 27 people where actually taking up multiple spots with there tents. i saw security once rolling thru. and they didnt say anything to anyone
  16. cuty suzuki

    cuty suzuki Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I could not get to Lot P from Tpk 16W. Signs had me do 2 circles of Izod.
    Leaving Lot 26 I turned right where it said all exits. The cars travelling in the opposite direction were also following "all exits".
    It was a horrible mess. The fans have been parking for years and can get to where they want to go. Forcing people to turn and enter where they don't want to go makes nothing but trouble.
  17. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    All of these stories are a nightmare for sure. But it sounds like most of u had the idea that this being a pre-season game, you could roll into the parking lot 1-2 hours before kickoff and not face traffic.

    I kinda figured it was gonna be hectic there for the pre-season opener. I don't know if it's gonna be as live next friday, but I plan on getting there around 2-3pm for a 7pm game. I think that's what many of us are gonna have to do now if you want to avoid all this hassle.
  18. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    If we take that same spot, I kinda think we should---we can own that corner there.
  19. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    we are

  20. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    As I've said before, I have walked that overpass more than a few times.

    Wait till the real season starts and thousands of fans are traversing said overpass, neither the authorities nor passing cars will have any say in the matter.

    I have walked over the overpass after the game with tons of people..

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