Why hate Tony Dungy over this? Everyone knows where he stands on that issue. It's not like he's simply responding to Rex's outburst, he's always been anti-cursing. I can't imagine a worse pairing of coaches.
Ah, that fucking Tony Dungy's a good fuckin' shit. The world needs a few more motherfuckers just like him. But the New York Jets? The New York Jets need Rex motherfuckin' Ryan.
What the fuck is Tony Dung getting at? Rex's fucking vocabulary is having no fucking effect on the fucking way anyone fucking thinks of the fucking NFL. For fuck sake, if it wasn't for Rex fucking Ryan we'd all be totally fucked as Jets fans. Fuck, now that Tony fucking Dung has spoken we should fucking totally hire back fucking Eric Mangenius. He was more in with mother fucking Sesame Street.
Yea, the only reason anyone would even bother with this question would be to get a rise out of Jets fans. This was the only part of it that I actually found objectionable. Basically, yea.
Tony Dungy wasn't even that great of a coach. He had a hard time winning with Peyton f'in Manning on his team.
Billick cursed a lot too. He has as many rings as Dungy, and is known for being a great coordinator on an amazing offense before getting his head coaching gig. See how this means nothing? I do.
shut up old man, if he had his way cheerleaders would probably be wearing full length skirts and games would have to be over by four in the afternoon so that he could have his mushy peas and go to bed... rex shouldnt be allowed to say words like sack or ball cause of the sexual connotations they could bring out.
This is not half the deal that it's being made out to be. Or that radio talk shows will dramatize it into being. Tony Dungy is a bible thumper, of course he doesn't like the cursing. Although Dungy going on Dan Patrick and saying that is only going to make more people tune in. Woody should probably send a thank-you letter to Dungy for it.
Dungy is entitled to his opinion.....but asking Goodell to reprimand Rex because HE THINKS Rex's cursing is bad for the league....is fucking bush league. wake up and smell the toast, Dungy.