Revis is good and all but im not giving him the starting spot unless he earns it. I mean i thought the point of trainign camp was to get back into the groove and to show you are better than some team mates trying to get the starting spot on your team. Im not going to put revis into a starting position unless he can show me he's as good as he was last year. Especially if wilson is playing nearly as good or on par as revis. But if he isnt then theres no question i put revis in.
Ofcourse i did but but whose to say he would play as well as last year. I think everyone has put revis on a different pedastil. Hes great and arguably the best cb in the league but im not treating him any different than any other player. You earn your spot you arnt handed it.
Dude...I've said everything from Ship his @$$ to Oakland, to let him sit out but...I think it's fair to say he's earned the starting spot, no matter when he walks in (IF he walks in). Personally I think in another 10 days, he goes beyond looking out for himself, and putting himself ahead of the team..
Have to agree here Badger. Saying the Jets went 3-1 with Gholston filling in for Pace is like saying the Jets went 3-1 with the new waterboy on the sidelines.
On a related note, I'm starting to question this whole "handing people posting abilities without question" tactic that the site has utilized. You should have to earn your spot on the board by doing things like, I don't know, spelling pedestal properly.
I didn't mean to compliment Gholston's performance, I meant that our record did not affect Pace's return to the lineup.
I dont see the logic though. If Revis gets put into the game and underperforms and you have wilson playing at his peak who do you play revis or wilson. Obviosuly wilson cause he gives the team the better chance to win. And also wilson and cromartie atleast attended training camp unlike revis who is all for the money. If im the head coach im looking out for whats best for my team. If i see revis not playing as well i play wilson simple as that. No player deserves a starting spot just because they wre good last year. It doesnt work like that. Not even in the real world. If you bring more business into a company you best believe you are gonna get the raise or promotion. You dont just walk in and say hey i deserve a raise or promotion
rofl ok guys though time to cut the bullshit!!!! Can Darelle Revis cover an out route? I DONT FUCKING THINK SO! YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON YOUR TEAM!? KEEP FUCKING WALKING!? I DOUBT HE CAN EVEN PLAY ANYMORE. GOOD RIDDANCE!
I mean in a hypothetical situation say we go 4-0 and wilson starts to play like a beast and we as fans hype him up to be ridiculously talented or if rex comes out and says wilson is one of the best in the league and then all the sudden revis comes back and you say ok wilson go play nickel revis is back so he has to start. You're tellign me wilson's confidence wont dip. No Not at all... He knows he isnt being taken out because of how he is playing, it because a SUPERSTAR is available. You think if some rookie came in and played for an injured peyton manning he wouldnt sit the bench the second peyton came back healthy even if the colts were 8-0?
He raises a good point, guys. I think we've all been ignoring the storied history of players in this league who reach their peaks 4 games into their rookie seasons.
This is pretty low. Its the internet who gives a sh*t if you know how to spell or not. Stick to the topic instead of trying to diminish someone just because they have a different view point.
It's a completely different circumstance though. Pace was happily under contract, so there was no conflict there. Pace was a star player signed to fill the specific role. His return was already predicated as a given on game 5, it was just a question as to whether Bryan Thomas or Vernon Gholston would sit. There was no mystery in the timing either, the plan was: game 5 Pace starts, somebody sits. Gholston clearly wasn't showing any progress at the point Pace returned and so he sat. Thomas has never been a star player and his presence would never predicate sitting a star player Darrelle Revis is under contract but not happily and given his holdout history at this point the odds are that nothing short of a resolved contract situation gives the Jets any predictability on his services moving forward. Kyle Wilson is a #1 pick and so the Jets have made a clear commitment to developing him as a star caliber player. You don't draft players in the first round unless you plan to have them become stars. The timing is completely up in the air, since Revis ultimately controls when he is going to report to fulfill his contract. Wilson would be showing real growth as a player (or we wouldn't be having this argument) and would be looking like a potential star (ditto). The Jets would be 4-0 not 3-1 and would have already beaten teams that had Randy Moss and Wes Welker, Anquan Boldin and Brandon Marshall. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
i think anyone who takes a day off due to a family illness or birth of a child should have to earn their spot back.
Holy motherfreaking shit. This is what happens when you walk away from the computer for a few days around here. I open this thread to see people actually saying Revis might not deserve to be the starter if Wilson is playing well? Seriously? That's not even laughable. That's just flat out cheese-bus mentality. Wow. Just wow.
This is low too. I mean are people going to continously take things out of context. We are talking about a roster spot and the ability to perform not what your saying.