PS the diner they met Revis' agents at, I used to stop and eat at on the way up to Syracuse. It's in the middle of nowhere. No wonder everyone was reluctant to go there.
Same here! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Fuckin Rex Ryan makes ME want to put on some fuckin pads and play! SUPER BOWL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not saying anything about you being a racist since I don't know you, but there is a difference between saying it to your friend and saying about someone you've never met.
SHUT UP BART! MEANIE! like a ten year old kid..bahahaha oh and very telling line.."we're not going to let anyone bully us" yep.
I liked it , but all the Mevi$ talk hurt the hype. They did put a bad light on Mevi$ and his agent. That I liked!