TheJetsStream Rex wants everyone to "put their cards on the table" in revis negotiations. Makes bold solution proposal. Wants revis, agents, coaches there
Yeah I take the outspoken Woody of the last couple of days as the last gasp to get something done before the only date that matters for the next 3 months or so. Now the Jets only hurt themselves when they talk about the Revis situation so I'm guessing they just shut up, with the occasional irrepressible Rex Ryan outburst when a reporter presses him on the issue. I don't know. He already has money in the bank from the rookie deal, which was really a pretty good 14 pick deal in terms of compensation. He has bad advice coming his way from his uncle, who should really STFU at this point because he's advising his nephew as if he was a franchise taggee who was guaranteed good compensation one way or the other when he walked into camp, not a guy stuck on the last and least compensated year of his deal who has no leverage to get away from that fact. I think the thing Revis and company do not understand is how much of an outcast the Jets will be in the NFL management community if they let Revis break his contract and break the salary structure in the process. Woody would have to be nuts to give Revis what he's asking for right now. He'd be getting the cold shoulder from the other owners, especially the small market guys who have to have players play out their rookie deals to survive.
TheJetsStream Rex on having whole organization present at revis negotiations: "I bet it gets done if we do it that way" #jets #nfl #nyj
This is WHAT I WANT MY HEAD COACH TO DO. This is fucking amazing. He is sick of this bullshit, and is going to go old school crazy Rex Ryan style.
Sounds good to me, I've been saying put them all in room together, but adding the players would be even better. Rex is the man!
There is no way Revis goes for this. He's not going to sit in a room full of teammates and let Rex start pointing at people and saying "how can I pay this guy if we have to give you the huge contract you want." Dead on arrival.
+1 The Jets have handled this as well as could have been expected, IMO. Not opening the door for more of this BS to happen in the future is far better than bringing in one player, no matter how good that player is. I'm hoping when all is said and done, Revis realizes his idiot agents have goaded him into a stalemate with almost no leverage whatsoever, and fires them.
I really don't like the idea of Rex getting involved w/negotiations, but if it helps then more power to him.
Jim Leonhard was on ESPN Firstake today, and after every question he answered he said "I want Revis here, and it will be easier to win if he is here" I think this is a smart move by the FO to get the players/coaches involved in uhh 'recruiting' ? Revis.
I don't think Rex was being serious. He's basically just telling Revis to cut the bullshit, let's get this done and move on.
I don't think he's actually interested in doing this, I think its Rex just telling him that he needs to get real and get something reasonable done. Revis only holds one card, and it seems the Jets aren't afraid to call his bluff.
Because you're giving up a bargaining chip. Revis's agents want to be able to say "if you're not guaranteeing X dollars, then the total comp should average 15 million a year" or whatever. Anyone who's being objective would say that total comp is important but because of how NFL contracts work non-guaranteed money at the end of a very long contract is much less important than guaranteed $, signing bonuses, and early unguaranteed money up front.