The GM calls Gilbert and he doesn't even fuckin answer the phone? I'm hating this guy more and more. He is definitley worse than Leon's bitch of a wife. I wonder what Redskin fans who were around when Gilbert pulled this stunt think about the whole Revis situation going on now.
That would make absolutely no sense. If they know he is never playing for them again they have 2 choices. The first would be to do what you say which helps the Jets in no way, shape or form. The second would be a trade that could possibly net them a couple of very high draft picks and a very good player with a reasonable contract. This would also ennable them to lock up Mangold, Harris and maybe another player or 2. What would you do?
I'm not saying that. I dont think that 16-20 million will make that massive of a hit on the 127 million dollar cap (last years number). the guy already has a 20 million dollar deal for the next two. so how does it hurt to bump this years up to 16 when there is no cap for the year. the next 40 was guarenteed anyway so there should be no restructuring for this situation. Those moneys were set up for and planned around to still have a team. he's not going to break the bank on a new contract for this year. its straight forward in my eyes. redo the contract adding 15 to this year and leaving next 2 the same. if you want, extend it further down the line. It is only hurting the fans by not giving this guy the money for a year since we pay so much money (or none since we just can't afford it) for PSL and other crap.
I think the point is that bad blood between the Redskins and Gilbert ran much much deeper than Revis. Gilbert was in the last year of his contract and the Redskins put a franchise tag on him rather than letting Gilbert test Free Agency. That's the big difference. Revis has 3 years left on his contract, and was originally drafted by the Jets. Gilbert can advise Revis all he wants, but the two situations are pretty different.
I'm not going to pretend to be an expert of salary caps and contract negotiations, but as a fan this whole situation is sickening. If he doesn't play this season I will be extremely disappointed.
I think you're delusional if you think that the CB position is as important as you are making it out to be.
And this has value to the Jets in what way? Who says he doesn't hold out again next year when he is back down to $5 million?
My point was no one thinks Revis == Tom Brady. Tom Brady is concidered one of, if not the best NFL player in the league by many, at the sports most important position. He was out almost all season and the team still had an ELITE record. There were only 5 teams with a better record. If Tom Brady wasn't the difference between being elite or not. No way is Mevi$ the difference.
I pretty much agree with the points you have made sadly- although don't expect anyone here to agree with you they think the F.O. can do no wrong and the Jets will win the SB anyway. Last season all we talked about was how amazing Revis is and how he was HOF potential and the Jets could blitz anyone because he shut his man down, now he's overrated and we don't need him??? At some point we had to face the facts that we were going to lose some of the core guys and I love Mangold and usually a CB is less of a priority than a O-Line, but a SHUT DOWN CB is more important than a Center. Mangold isn't a centerpiece LT he's a CENTER. Revis is a one-of-a-kind rare shut down CB and the Jets are screwing it up like they always do! bottom line: Say Mangold played for some one else, Detroit? Same player, just played for them. Detroit offers Mangold for Revis- are you f'ing kidding me? Hit the road with that offer! But we're essentially doing that!
Question. If Revis sits out this year. What happens next year? He gets $5M or sits again? When can we no longer come to terms and he is out the whole season? Is there a deadline for him to come play? What if he shows up to camp for 5 minutes today and then leaves? I think there is a lot of details and issues no one here can know because we don't have access to the details of his contract. This is some complicates shit. I guess thats why he has those highly paid advisors.
This thread is so devoid of logic from the "mortgage the future on Revis" posters that it hurts. It seriously freaking hurts.
On 1st and 10 Skip Bayless (I know..) Just said, this is easily the deepest team at the Secondary, even without Revis.