No its not about playing time. Think about it. Every day he is losing money. Someone said by the end of the season he will have lost most of what he has already made. Assuming he lives in a big house and has spent a lot of it, this would in turn put him in debt if I am correct. Imagine Revis in actual debt? and then their might be a lockout the next season so no money coming then. Then what? what happens when one is in debt? they go to jail for not paying. Revis in jail? yea it might sound a bit extreme but he doesn't have exactly that much money? He's made like 3 million? probably has spent 2/3 of that. Plus he loses like $17,000 a day for the rest of the season. Do the math. He might want to start looking at a job at Mcdonalds, to pay his debt. Imagine Revis locked in a cell? or he can sign a contract, and not have to lose money and not end up in jail. He's not the most richest guy so debt is a factor.
Um, Revis and his agent held out for a monster rookie contract that got him much more money than he would have had he taken the standard contract for his draft position. The Jets wanted the long term deal and Schwartz made him pay for it. The problem is, the Jets never got their part of that deal but Revis got his money. Many thought the Jets got raped on that deal when it was made because they gave up too much money. Saying he's making $1 million this year without taking into context the rest of the contract is dishonest at best. Revis' agent says a lot of things. All of his clients hold out (not just w/the Jets). Are we supposed to believe that Tanny has given out millions in guaranteed money to so many players over the past few years but he's simply being a fucktard and refusing to offer a single penny of guaranteed money to his best player? One that he drafted? Or are we to believe the all or nothing give me the world or I'm holding out agent?
ehh but still in a matter of 60 days, 9 weeks. He will owe the Jets a million dollars for holding out. And in 120 days, 2 million. and so on and so forth.
Lol, the only thing we know for a fact is that most agents are in this game for reason only and they don't care how they do it. The rest is all just speculation, Woody, Tanny, Rex would all love to have Revis in camp, Revis would love to be in camp, his agent feels different. The longer this draaaags out the more the dialogue seems to be unproductive, is a kin to some kind of playground stand off. Heart breaking and disappointing all around.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NO. People don't go to jail for being in debt. fyi: We eliminated debtor's prisons back in the early part of the 19th century.
The Darrelle Revis Holdout Thread Like a lot of you guys I was thinking revis would hold out til the regular season but I have a hunch he signs the day before our preseason game with the giants.. Or at least plays. Opening game at the stadium on Monday night, I think he'll wanna play.
Actually in some states for some types of debts, even as little as 100.00, you can go to jail. There was a nice article about that topic about 2 months ago, don't remember where though.
maybe this can shed light on something?
Curtis Martin and Vinny Testaverde say hello. They were both given huge contract extensions that put us in cap hell. Martin's initial contract gave him a huge amount of leverage. We should have taken the hit on the earlier contract and told him to pound sand. Instead we caved and lost talented players like Aaron Glenn for nothing. Vinny got to enjoy most of his contract extension from the bench when he lost his starting job but still got paid like a starter. Those two proved themselves for a number of years before we rolled the dice and lost. Revis had one very good year and demands pro bowl QB money. We have a lot of talent that can walk after this year. The more we overpay Revis, the less of these other guys we get to keep.
I'm sure most people are aware of this, but I have seen some misinformed people on this post. Lets look at Revis' contract that he signed JUST THREE YEARS AGO. And notice the incredible amount of upfront money we paid him. So I don't want to hear about how he's only making $1mm this year, because we have overpaid the last two years. 8/15/2007: Signed a six-year, $30 million contract. The deal contains $11 million guaranteed, including $16 million in the first four years. Another $6 million is available through incentives. The final two years can be "bought back" by the Jets for a minimum of $14 million ($5 million for 2011 and $9 million for 2012). 2010: $981,500 (+ $100,000 workout bonus), 2011: $650,000 (Voidable Year), 2012: $665,000, 2013: Free Agent
Exactly. If this is true... They're now dicking around over the SB. And given the fact that Revis has surronded himself with this crew, any SB on a long term deal is risky because yo don't know when he's going to decide to renegotiate.
idk if this has been brought up, or if the nfl even allows this, but what about deffered guaranteed money. like guaranteeing his signing bonus, but deferring chunks of it. kind of like what they do in mlb. a good numerical example of this would be the mets and bobby bonilla. now before any of you met fans scream about how bad that was for the mets, it was bad because bonilla was such a waste of a player for them, something we all believe revis wont be. i mean at this point they gotta get creative or this will never work out.
Does anyone know if the contracts are written in league years or actual years? Meaning if he held out this year and then next year is a lockout does Revis just skip to the last year of the contract if he comes back after the lockout? Just hypothetical but I was curious.