The Darrelle Revis No Longer Holding Out Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by bojanglesman, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Don't you mean Shone Green?
  2. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I think he meant Chone Figgins.
  3. Spikester

    Spikester New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Both sides are playing the media. Woody doing that interview and now we get this quote. Its bull to make each side look better.

    I highly, HIGHLY doubt that there hasn't been any offer of guaranteed cash, but let's say it is. If Tanny isn't offering guaranteed cash there's a damn good reason for it
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I've heard the Jets say on several occasions that they did not make specific promises to Kendall that were not kept. In fact, KENDALL said that was true after he signed with Arizona. He said the Jets never made him promises about specific actions they would take to increase his salary again when he accepted the cut. He said it was his understanding that they would do that but that they never told him so directly. Reading between the lines it seems likely that he was told by his agents that the Jets would renegotiate if he had a better season in 2006. That's probably what agents tell their clients when they have just presided over a restructuring that cost their client money like Kendall's did. Because otherwise the client is likely to start asking questions, like "what exactly are you good for if my salary just got cut?"

    Who knows about Baker? I do know the Jets likely signed a contract with him that they had no intention of honoring beyond the first season, but they did so under duress when he was causing problems in the 2008 offseason asking to have his contract redone a year early. Again, you have to ask why he was causing problems in the spring and summer of 2008 when he was already under contract for 2008?

    The Redskins lost Champ Bailey after 2004 and then made the playoffs twice in the next four seasons. They had missed in Bailey's last four seasons with the team.

    The Denver Broncos gained Champ Bailey after 2004 and made the playoffs twice in the next four seasons, going 39-25 in the process. Their record before they got Bailey? 38-26 with two playoff apearances in four seasons.

    The Patriots lost Ty Law and just kept chugging along. They went 38-10 the 3 seasons after he left and 37-11 his last 3 seasons with the team.

    Ty Law's teams after he left the Patriots? Well let's just say he didn't carry the key to a playoff run with him to his new addresses.

    Cornerbacks just aren't that important in the overall scheme of things. They have to be able to play but all they do at that point is to maintain advantages already gained elsewhere on the field. There's a lot of talk about Rex Ryan's defenses being cornerback based, and this is to a certain extent true, although without good play from the front seven the Jets defense would blow chunks Revis or no.

    Ryan's one really bad defense recently was the one that kept losing cornerbacks to injuries all season. That's a factor, but that factor is luck. If Revis was in camp and he and Cromartie went down with injuries and then Wilson went down later in the year the odds are pretty good the Jets defense would suck at that point. The problem wouldn't be that the Jets defense needed Revis, the problem would be that the Jets defense couldn't succeed with Drew Coleman starting at cornerback and Dwight Lowery matched up against the other teams #1 receiver.
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the thing i dont understand is everyone is getting their panties in a bunch because he is under contract... yet the team can have a guy under contract and cut him with no hard feelings. should the contract only matter one way and not the other?

    i hope the nfl players association has its ducks in a row and figures something out with the next cba. they have been the most beaten pa i have seen. there needs to be more stability in the game.
  6. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    The word posturing makes me want to hurl.
  7. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I'm not going to disagree with you on 95 percent of what you wrote, because it's usually true, but the Skins received a pro bowl RB in that process and the Patsies had A. Samuel to replace him, and brought in R. Harrison to play d-QB. Not to mention the cameras and a prick of a coach who, let's face it, knows what he's doing. Can we overcome this whole situation? Of course we can, I, for one, would rather not find out in the 1st place.
  8. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest


    This is stupid. All Revis needs to do is sign a contract and request that it be guaranteed against skill. Then he needs to ask the Jets to add an extra million and he uses that to buy an insurance policy on the entire amount of the contract for injury.

    This isn't freaking rocket science.

    The problem is two-fold:

    #1 - The agents who brought you the Pete Kendall and Chris Baker saga are part of the problem. Seriously if Neil Schwartz only has in his agent repetoire "they made a promise" than he needs to get into another line of work. Unfortunately, Neil has street cred in this now as he needs the Revis deal to go through to show the rest of the NFL that he can make a major deal happen even if the player is still under contract and holds out. That will attract more high profile clients which means more money for Neil Schwartz.

    #2 - You have a player who is getting bad advice from his agent (whose motives are not necessarily in the best interest of his client and certainly not the NYJ) and his uncle - who basically threw his NFL career away by holding out. The fact of the matter is that Darrelle, no matter how good he is or will be, has become a "ME" player. That is difference between him and David Harris or Mangold or Ferguson. All three are in similar situations, yet it is Darrelle Revis now holding out for the 2nd time in 4 years.

    What does this mean?

    It means Darrelle Revis won't be suiting up for the NY Jets ever again. He and Schwartz are both too entrenched in their positions to see how unreasonable they have become. When the owner basically tells you to pound sand, that is a good sign that the relationship between the team and the player is over.

    The fact of the matter is that despite how much we may like Revis as a player, a cornerback is not worth the type of money he is asking for and given the uncertainties of the upcoming CBA, it is certainly not worth the investment in a player who impacts 6-10 plays a game. If this was a franchise QB, you do what you need to do. As it is only a cornerback, you trade the guy out of the conference for two #1s and move on. The Jets have multiple contracts to re-work over the next year and they can't be held hostage by one player.

    IF the Jets cave now, every player on the team will know that if you put a big enough stink you will get what you want. This of course has not been Tannenbaum's MO - he shipped out Kendall and he shipped out Baker - two of Schwartz's previous clients. I can't believe that Schwartz doesn't see this and maybe that is what they ultimately want. Maybe Schwartz and Revis want the money and don't care who they get it from. Well if that is the case, then the Jets should accomodate them and ship Revis off to the Lions. He can enjoy being the highest paid defensive back in the leage while sitting home come playoff time because his team went 4-12.
  9. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    It's just bad business. Caving to Revis would open up the floodgates and I think that could get ugly, especially with other players breathing down his neck looking for new deals. On top of that, Revis hasn't earned that money. A lot of players also get lazy after their big payday and though I don't think that would be a problem with Revis, it's one major reason why it isn't done.

    Most importantly though, Johnson can give him the deal he wants, just not right now. I see MrE thinks the concept is retarded but imo, if Woody gives in he will be labeling himself a pushover and make every other upcoming deal that much harder.
    #1769 GBA, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  10. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Yeah, John Elway and Emmitt Smith aren't leaders...

    Why are we talking about Chris Baker? He was backup tight end that's done close to nothing in this league. He didn't deserve a new contract, even if it was promised to him.

    Clinton Portis had a career year and Mark Brunell pulled off some ridiculous shit in 2005. Washington getting rid of Patrick Ramsey got them into the playoffs.

    The Jets secondary also doesn't have a safety as talented as the 2005 Skins - Sean Taylor was an amazing talent.

    Using Ty Law in this argument is dumb as hell. He was 31 years old when he left the Patriots and the league made a rule to stop his style of play.

    Darrelle Revis is 25 - he has AT LEAST five more years of elite play left. He needs to be a Jet for life.

    The Gaytriots also got rid of Asante Samuel and it hurt them. Their secondary has never really recovered - they're still in rebuilding mode.

    Cornerbacks are arguably the most important part of Rex Ryan's scheme.

    Go make some predictions...
    #1770 Mr Electric, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  11. GreenMatt14

    GreenMatt14 Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    in about 2 min this will read moved:...
  12. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Revis > Champ Bailey > Ty Law

    Neither Bailey nor Law ever faced a test like Revis did in 2009 and it's unlikely that many CBs will after. Revis is working his way to Deion Sanders' level. Tell me how awesome teams were after Sanders left?

    So that's why teams gave huge contracts to Nate Clement and Asante Samuel? Because they weren't that important? Teams are always looking for shutdown corners. Guys who can hold that title, even if it is only for the last season on their deal, typically get payed better than anyone.
    No one said that the defense would be awful without Revis. I said that they could be just as good as they were last season if Revis holds out through all of this year. The only problem with that is being just as good as last year leaves them two wins shy of the ultimate goal they have been striving for. If you're happy with rooting for the 2000-2003 Eagles then you enjoy yourself.
    Ryan's defense relies on using two-tiered blitzes and leaving corners to fend for themselves without safety help on a frequent basis. This system by it's nature devalues talent at the front seven.

    That's why in the past two drafts the Jets have ignored the front seven. It's also partly why Rex's "one pick a year" selection was a fullback rather than a NT, a DE, or an OLB; three positions in the front seven where the Jets could have used help. That's why we took a CB who excels in man coverage in the first round of the draft after trading for a team's #1 CB who excels in man coverage.

    Saying that CBs aren't all that important in Rex's defense shows a clear willingness to dismiss the facts in front of you.
  13. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    October is a long way off...
  14. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Oh, and Naruto sucks.
  15. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    You just got owned by everyone in this thread. How does it feel?
  16. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I just wish this would get resolved as quickly as possible. The thing is if they cave to this then it's going to open the flood gates. Al Davis deals shouldn't play a role in the negotiations.
  17. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    No. It really isn't. Revis is the only one on this team with future HOF that wasn't brought in as a FA.
  18. Toon is God

    Toon is God Active Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    I'm over it...I'm too excited for the season to start to let this get in the way. I cheer for the players that are on the field for the games.
  19. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I agree that you don't understand.

    This was covered about 40 pages ago in this thread. Players getting cut involves Terminating a Contract and that is a valid exercise of the termination provision of a contract. A player who is under contract like Revis and who just decides to refuse to perform under the contract is Breaching the Contract. There is a big difference between validly terminating a contract and breaking your promise and breaching a contract. You need to understand this basic concept.

    Also nobody cares about feelings. Fuck feelings.

    Huh? See above. And feel free to go back and re-read this thread. You are covering plowed ground.

    Its the no. 1 revenue producing sport in the US, if the millionaires and the billionaires can't agree on how to slice the cake, I don't think many people in this economy are going to frankly GAFF.
    #1779 AbdulSalam, Aug 10, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010
  20. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I was talking about for the NFL in general. If this works than other players are going to start using similar tactics, but I guess they already are look at Chris Johnson getting a new contract every season. I just really have a hard time being on Revis' side when he still has 3 years on his contract and he starts this shit. I also just wish the FO would give him some guaranteed money and get his ass in camp. It's just so annoying to see this happen when our team is so good.
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