hobbes would you be willing to use pharmacology in your line of work? even if there was a possibility that it would harm you, not necessarily kill you by 37 but even lead to things that would kill you at 60. no kid in this world should have to make that decision. kids KNOW that they have to do these things to "make it big" or even to compete. that is the society that we have created. this is in part why you rarely see someone with above average IQ playing football anymore. many of those guys just dont find it worth it to potentially ruin their lives. and its a shame that they are forced to choose a profession simply because someone else doesnt give a shit about themselves or their future.
Jason Giambi got caught, apologized for...something...and became one of the most beloved players on the Yankees that season. And the A-Rod haters club has been an institution ever since his massive contract with the Rangers. If he got caught picking his nose in traffic they would be up his ass about it just as quickly.
That's also a straw man. Call me when the Governator drops dead. I'd use pharmacology for better health right now, if it was still available. There is nothing inherently dangerous about the substances in question, when discussed outside of the context of grotesque overindulgence. That's a fact. The reporting notwithstanding.
If my job paid me tens of millions of dollars, my job performance was intrinsically tied to my physical condition, all of my peers were doing it, and my superiors were implicitly endorsing it? Yeah, I'd probably use pharamacology. Perhaps I should've been clearer--the double standard isn't propagated by the fans. Fans by and large don't seem to care about steroid use that much (though, as you mentioned, people will take any opportunity to rip A-Rod.) The problem is with the sports media, which either blatantly missed the steroids story or chose not to report it for 20 years, then suddenly decided that baseball players juicing was ruining the world. Won't somebody please think of the children! Then when a football player gets caught, literally nobody cares.
theres so much misinformation when it comes to steroids you guys should watch the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster As for cushing, he needs to just fucking admit it...at this point he is insulting everyones intelligence...not to mention he kinda insulted people with cancer with the last stunt