The Darrelle Revis No Longer Holding Out Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by bojanglesman, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    I'm sure the "lowly" Raiders would be really shitty with TWO shutdown corners and a new QB who isn't a fat piece of shit.
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Revis holding out until Ryan drops below 250 lbs. More at 11:00.
  3. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    I'm pretty sure it's the latter. There are only four options here:

    1.) The Jets trade him.
    2.) He comes back and plays out his contract with the Jets (maybe being docked $ for a penalty, interesting to see if they make it stick). Maybe not now, maybe not even next year, but eventually.
    3.) He negotiates a new contract with the Jets
    4.) He never plays in the NFL again.
  4. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    It'll be 1 or 3.
  5. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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  6. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Revis isnt getting traded. He wont even sit out this season especially not knowing if there will be a 2011 season. 2 years in his prime without playing football and hell be missing out on a shit ton of money and his career would be pretty fucked at that point.

    I can absolutely guarentee they work things out this year, and its most likely Revis is back before the season opener. Its just a shame that the chemistry of the whole defense will be off since a key part of it skipped the seasons practices.

    But theyll have plenty of time to get there shit together before the post-season so thats all that matters, even though it might cost us our first round bye
  7. danallen

    danallen Banned

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Revis needs to just accept one of our damn offers already.
  8. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    You do realize that the money is coming out of his future contract, not what is in his pocket, right? This isn't breach of contract, it's docked pay.

    If it was breach of contract then the Jets could pursue legal recourse against him which, according to every incidence and precedent, they have no right to do.
    We know.
  9. Benny Bing

    Benny Bing New Member

    Jul 10, 2010
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    i am heartened to know that both sides are still communicating. it's also good that the Jets FO knows that Revis is prepared to sit out the entire season, thanks to uncle Sean who actually did it.

    With a season this important at hand, I would be a monkey's uncle if the Jets didn't very likely cave to all his demands, and soon.
  10. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You will hate me for this, but I have honestly tried not to follow this whole thing as hard as I can. I absolutely hate this aspect of sports, as real as it is, and I prefer to live in a fantasy world by pretending that every athlete is actually some kind of psychotic mercenary who would die for his team and plays the game because he knows no other lifestyle.
    I like to see the game more as some kind of ancient war tactic that takes place in a coliseum rather than a bunch of millionaires playing in a stadium funded by some corporate giant run by a bunch of corporate weenies. Insane, perhaps, but it makes watching the game on sunday more fun, and I can get more impassioned.

    With all that being said, the whole money aspect of the game completely disinterests me, but I have to ask (this is the part youll hate me for because its probably all over the place but I have failed to find it) What were the two deals we offered him? Did they release the figures? My stance is simple, I understand Revis wants to get paid fairly, but did he turn down a completely fair agreement only because it did not make him the highest paid cornerback in the league? If this is the case, it would deeply sadden me and I would not know what to do with my revis jersey.
  11. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I must be stupid, because I'm not pretending. Blame it on poor genetics or inadequate educational opportunities, I suppose. I'll try to take it more slowly so my brain can process it. I can assure you, the heavy use of upper case words is doing wonders for my comprehension. I can finally see your points of emphasis!

    So, you said:

    Now, I may be too cotton-headed to get this, but that sure does look like an absolute to me, as in, you know...NO legal right to end his relationship with the Jets. As in, he's not allowed to retire if he still has a contract with the team. The threat to quit is at the heart of every hold out. That's a right that he has, whether or not he's actually prepared to exercise it, and like I said (and I can't figure out how to type all those big letters, so I'll just use bold):

    I'm not suggesting he's going to retire, nor have I ever, which is why I called it an empty threat. You simply chose to focus on a few words out of each sentence to construct your straw man. However, to say in an absolute fashion that retirement isn't a right is ludicrous. We never see a player forced to exercise that right in a hold out because deals ALWAYS get done. It's become an effective bargaining tool. Notice, I never said he has a "contractual right" to hold out. I said he has a right to retire. Until he does so, he's under the rules of the team.

    I also didn't argue against the assertion that he's in violation of his contract. I said that calling it a simple breach of contract is misleading. You may want the league to be cut and dry, but it's not. Hold outs are an accepted, unfortunate part of doing business in the league. Owners and GMs know and accept that.

    No, nor do I contest your use of that term, although you've given a very handy legal lesson for such a simpleton as myself. Once again, however, to define it strictly in legal terms is to deny the fact that it is treated differently in the NFL. Your insistence that he's doing something wrong is to take the situation out of the system in which it's occurring and put it into one which is only somewhat analogous.

    Once again, are you not aware of the fact that hold outs are simply part of doing business in the NFL? No one likes to see players out of camp. However, when both sides recognize a flaw in the system, they make concessions. You don't see breach of contract suits filed until the damage and break are irreparable. We don't have that at this point, so it's foolish to even begin to discuss this in legal terms. As of right now, it's a standard bargaining chip. Nothing more.

    Debatable by whom? Both sides of the issue have acknowledged that. Again, my ignorance shows through. I wasn't aware of the third party in the affair, but I eagerly await your enlightenment.

    Why would he? Signing bonus aside, he's been paid for services that he rendered. Why would he refuse that money? His problem is with the amount he's due to be paid for future services. Tannenbaum feels that amount is too low as well.

    If it were all on Revis, why did Tannenbaum approach him about a new contract? Apparently, the team's front office feels he's entitled to more money. The dispute is over the amount. Revis is allegedly seeking too much. If the released amounts are accurate, he's most certainly seeking too much and should be in camp already.

    Jackass. Prima Donna. Just a little bit of emotion clouding your judgment on this one?

    Where did I dispute that there are financial consequences? He's not in camp, he's not doing his job, and he's paying fines for it. Does that change the legitimacy of his quest for a new contract? We can certainly dispute how much we feel he should receive and whether he should be fine with the offer, but the Jets and Revis have made it a moot point to discuss whether he should receive a new contract.

    Again, not what I said.

    I don't work within the NFL, so it's really irrelevant. That's the way the NFL works given the nature of the job (segmented by season), the means of contract origination, and the risks and duration of the job. It's an entirely different system.

    Did I tell you to feel sorry for him? Do your feelings matter in this? Do mine? The only people who matter are the front office and Revis. They both feel that he deserves more money, and yet here you are bitching that he ought to be satisfied with a contract that both parties agree is insufficient! Who's the clueless one?

    And for the love of God, why do you keep calling him Relle? Is it that hard to type the first syllable? Should I start looking for posts about our receivers Tonio, Richo, and Lon? Should a blank space stand in for our head coach since Rex is only a single syllable to begin with?
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I agree with the "accept the offer" stance if the numbers leaked have been accurate, but I'm really not sure how anyone can say that he should be playing for his old contract when Tannenbaum admits he approached Revis about a new deal after the Colts game.

    He needs to get into camp, and he needs to do so by signing a new deal that's good for both sides.
  13. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Heres the problem Darrelle Revis is in a winning situation. Their is no way the play week 1 without Revis. They will obviously offer him the money in the end sadly.

    The only way I could see Revis accepting less is if week 1 comes and the Jets still haven't given in, then Revis realizes the Jets are for real. But as of now Revis knows the Jets will give in, in the end.
  14. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    no, Revis doesn't know that and neither do you, so if that is the basis of your argument it is ridiculously poor. I guarantee the Jets are far more comfortable going into the season with Cromartie and Wilson considering the quality of the rest of the team around them than Revis is losing out on a season's pay.
  15. Jetsfan711

    Jetsfan711 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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  16. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Wk 1 is Baltimore in 5.5 wks and as far as I know Revis is still sitting on an island somewhere rather than in Cortland getting ready for the season with his teammates and coaches. The Jets initiated the discussion about renegotiating his contract and the Jets have already offered him money and he has apparently refused the offer and he refuses to play. I am not sure why you think there is no way they would play Baltimore w/o Revis. I think its a strong possibility at this point.

    Accept less than what? Give in to what? I am not sure what it is that you think the Jets are going to do. If you think that the Jets are just going to pay Revis whatever he wants...I don't think thats gonna happen because they could have done that weeks ago or even last week.

    It will be interesting to see if they work something out.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hehe revis christ to being replaced by a rookie who played against the likes of.... UC Davis, San Jose State, La Tech, Nevada, Utah State, New Mexico and Oregon.

    i love this place sometimes.
  18. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Because that is his nickname since he was in high school in PA. I can't believe you don't know that.
  19. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Jerry Rice played Kentucky State, Jackson State, etc

    Not comparing the 2, but who gives a fark about who they played in the NCAA
  20. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    nobody on the Jets is as good as Revis, so if he doesn't play they are going to have to replace him with somebody not as good or nobody. Wilson is just as good an option as anyone else on the roster. but fine, they won't start Wilson, that doesn't change the argument. the fact that you thought it does is why I love this place all of the time. or are you asserting they just won't start anyone in his position because nobody in the league is good enough to replace him? your attempt at a point is so asinine it can be taken many different and equally stupid ways.
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