My advice, just sell yours for a game and buy for a game. Just keep your parking pass, unless you want the entire Club experience. Then you have to pay a higher price for parking too.
It would be nice if we had our Giants tickets in hand. Anyone trying to sell on Stubhub is going to have difficult time receiving and shipping them in time for the game.
Some people are just plain stupid. A few years ago, my coworker bought season tickets the the Celtics (right after they got Garnett). They sold the majority of tickets on SH and went to the rest of the games. In explaining his selling experience, he said they were constantly annoyed by one guy with seats near them who consistently sold his seats at actual face value (even if it was a premium game). He said it was as if they guy didn't understand he was losing 15% on every sale. Because of that "one guy," everyone in his section had to wait for those seats to sell before any of their seats would sell.
Not really, just sell it with electronic option. That way as soon as it hits account you can deliver. But they are cutting it extremely close for Jets/Giants game, the damm thing is August 16 and we are getting tickets second week in August. More amazing Jets UD EZ seats, lots of them left to sell. When do they unleash those puppies? I am thinking after Jets/Giants game, they have so many comp requests from sponsors, NFL and VIP Giant fans they can probably fill stadium anyhow which gives two more weeks to sell PSLs, once you sell individual tickets at face in UD all season ticket and PSL sales are over for good. Heck I would do same for Redskins game as no one will buy them at face anyhow. Then after Labor Day unleash UD EZ season tickets at face with no preseason and play-off rights I bet they sell quick with that deal and maybe free parking!
I would think tickets will be here by middle to end of next week. Wonder why it takes them so long to ship tickets. The Yankees get them out way before the home opener/pre-season and so do the Knicks.
Not the Yankees man, the Yankees are the worst of all pro franchises in the world. This year we all got our season tickets a few days before the season started. They drag their feet like nobody's business
My fear is I am going to get the "wrong" seats the first time and have to try and fix it before the Giants game. Might be going to that game after all.
The Knicks sell tickets? Having season tickets to a Jet game will mean so much more now that the games will not be shown locally, its kinda neat actually. And screwing the Networks is a bonus. Next year there will be no football so it might be 2 years before things return to normal for Jet fans. Only big business could screw up a money making machine like the NFL.
Why would you get the wrong tickets, as long as the info on your contract is correct I would assume you would be good to go. The only way I could see there being a problem is if you just changed your seat location after tickets were printed. Yea, believe it or not they sold a shit load of tickets this season. Not a big Knicks fan nor do I have season tickets with them but I have some friends that do.
Just check your contract and your online paid invoice, if it's right on there then there is no need to worry. Plus if anything were to happen then Can just email you the correct the last tix.
After the price changed, I moved from my original seats to new seats. Given that my "account" balance is still not correct, I am not positive that I won't end up with my "old" seats by mistake. The only thing my online invoice shows is paid up parking!!! If that happens, I am sure the Jets and I can easily fix the problem. Ship happens. The only issue would be getting it done in time to sell the Giants tickets. For later games, it won't be a problem at all.
Almost everybody's online account invoice was wrong at one point. The reps said that their systems were correct but the ones on Nyjets dot com took sometime to update. My account has been fixed and now shows a zero balance. I would call your rep this week if your online invoice is still off. Reps said that tickets will be going out this week.
The issue with people selling seats on StubHub and them getting to buyers in time for the game is the #1 reason why I have not pulled the trigger on buying 8/21 Giants/Steelers tickets on StubHub for the girlfriend. I wonder if the Giants will be sending out their tickets the same time as the Jets do. If they are, then they should be to Giants STH's by August 10th, too.
That's awful - especially when you consider the price and the fact that with so many games, most people are either breaking the games up or selling a good portion of them. They should be ashamed of themselves. Wonder if it's gotten worse post-Boss... This is usually the week the tickets arrive. Some years it was last week, but usually its this week. With all the switcheroos they needed an extra week. I don't think it's so bad.
I spoke to a Jets sales rep earlier this morning because I upgraded my seats from corner endzone and she explained to me that my tickets had already shipped. Are you sure about the 2nd week in August?