Sanchez, Cotchery, Keller, TRICH were all at the ESPYS tonight together. They were taking pics and hanging out together and when i was watching the preshow flipping between channels I noticed Revis just walking right by them and they didnt ackowledge each other or anything. I know i might be looking for something thats not there, but those four were hanging out the whole time and Revis was kind of snubbing them it seems.
and you are sure they noticed each other? also there is the option that Revis was walking by in a hurry to the bathroom or to back to his party. Also there is the simple option maybe Revis isnt that great of friends with the offensive core? I mean he is a defensive player, so chances are he is better friends with his defensive teammates. Also this is 99.9% likely to be overanalyzed thanks to this damn thread. (myself included of course)
lol i kno, it was outside of the espys though. he was just casually walking. im just saying if im on a team and we are all the way across the country and my teammates are there, i would say whatup to them. i dont know if he did or did not, but it seemed cold shoulder. all four of them were hanging out the whole time and he was just strutting by himself with chris johnson
I agree, it was just a quick mention while the espys was on. Maybe he said whatup before and decided to ignore them the rest of the night
Honestly it kinda worries me but who the hell knows. I just want the contract situation to get figured out so we can put all this behind us and we can just worry on our next opponent. Even as a fan this stresses me the hell out.
the offensive and defensive guys usually are more tight with the people on their side of the ball. maybe revis doesn't really hang out with those guys so he just wanted them to have their fun. no matter what the reasoning is i don't think this is a big deal.
This "news" is not encouraging. Revis has really dissapointed me this offseason with his attitude.... motherfucker better put up if/when he gets paid.
right on man, i was gonna buy his jersey, then he started being a punkass bitch, so now i'm getting a Jim Leonhard jersey, 5'8'', white, walkon from wisconsin, just keeps his mouth shut and does his job, my kind of player. the anti-revis.
Revis has really let me down this offseason, I have his jersey and everything. He really has to grow up...hopefully we will look back and laugh at this when he wins DPOY.
Absolutely unbelievable how crazy people get over little things like this... somebody on this site sees a glimpse of Revis walking by a few Jets players and people start calling him a selfish prick and saying that he let them down? There are plenty of threads that are basically dedicated to bashing Revis and there don't need to be more.